The sound of moving around makes the jungle that has been eroded by the sea become noisy. Ye Xiao quickly finds a more hidden place to hide. Because the four chimpanzees feel so terrible to him, Rao has already broken through the peak of Huajin. His control of power gives Ye Xiao a more comprehensive understanding, but even this is it Under such circumstances, ye Xiao still dare not be careless

"Roar..." At this time, there was a huge roar from the nest of iron ridged dragon, and then there was a sound of rapid movement. After a while, it was about eight meters long. The iron ridged dragon, nearly one person high, rushed out of the nest and roared at the four black orangutans!

At this time, ye Xiao was the first time to see iron ridged dragon in a real sense. The appearance of iron ridged dragon was similar to that of crocodile on earth. However, its body size was much stronger than that of crocodile, and it was also much larger. With a body length of eight meters and a height of nearly two meters, the deterrent power of iron ridged dragon was not general!

However, the four chimpanzees with scarlet eyes were not afraid at all. On the contrary, they yelled at him more angrily. At the same time, there were more and more chimpanzees, some on the trees and some on the ground, at least 30 at a glance

Ye Xiao, who was hiding in a cave, was shocked to see the scene in front of him. He did not expect that he would encounter such a confrontation between the two races, and that he was a social race, challenging the king

At this time, ye Xiao suddenly saw that there were scarlet blood and some black hair on the four claws of the iron ridged dragon. Could it be said that Ye Xiao suddenly understood why these chimpanzees were so angry. It is likely that this iron ridged dragon attacked their group, and they came to revenge?

"Roar..." Iron ridged dragon roared at the four chimpanzees, then turned around, thumped, and rushed directly into the nest, ignoring

"Roar..." Four chimpanzees gather together and seem to be discussing something. This makes Ye Xiao feel a little weird. Does the intelligence quotient of these four chimpanzees suddenly become so high? In a flash, ye Xiao recalled the film "the rise of the scarlet ball" released in recent years! These guys aren't really good at it, are they?

"Roar..." Four chimpanzees suddenly roared around, and then the four giant bodies rushed directly towards the nest, and the other chimpanzees followed closely behind the four chimpanzees!

"Dong Dong Dong..." The iron ridged dragon who had been in it rushed out again. In fact, it thought these guys would leave with interest, but who knew they were going to rush into their own nest. This made iron ridge dragon a little angry. As a king all along, when his position was challenged, he would fight to kill the weak who dare to resist himself

"Roar!" Iron ridge dragon directly rushed out, roaring, the whole body is like a hill, directly toward one of the chimpanzees in the past

When other chimpanzees with a slightly smaller body size saw the thing rushing out, they all rushed at it in anger, and dozens of chimpanzees joined hands

"Pa Bang... " The two chimpanzees that had just rushed past were swept out by the tail of iron ridged dragon, and hit the big tree not far away, rolling back and forth. The four giant chimpanzees also rushed up at this time. The four chimpanzees separated from each other, landed on the ground on all fours, and quickly ran past

"Roar..." Two giant chimpanzees directly grasped the tail of the iron ridged dragon without loosening it. One of them directly rode on him, and the other confronted him face to face As for other small chimpanzees, they took advantage of this opportunity to go straight up

"Roar..." Originally besieged by more than ten chimpanzees, the iron ridged dragon suddenly roared, and its whole body quickly turned and shook back and forth, especially the ones in front of him, which were directly hit to the ground with one paw Those little chimpanzees are no match for him at all

"Dong Dong Dong..." The chimpanzee riding on him saw that his own tribe had been killed. He immediately became angry, clenched his forelegs, and kept beating its body like crazy. However, because of its thick scales, the beating over and over did not hurt the iron ridged dragon at all!

The reason why it is called iron ridged dragon is that it is covered with scales, which are just like steel The chimpanzee on one side seemed to realize that his beating had no effect at all, so he directly grasped a scale with both hands, roared angrily, and then pulled it out suddenly, along with all the flesh and blood

"Roar..." The scale of the iron ridged dragon was pulled out. The huge pain made it cry out and roll back and forth, trying to throw off the chimpanzees on their own. But these chimpanzees were very clever. After finding this method, other small chimpanzees rushed up, some bit and some tore. In a word, dozens of scales were torn off in a moment, The scarlet bodies are exposed to the air one by one

"Roar..." One of the chimpanzees got a huge wood from nowhere and stabbed it directly along the scarlet body"Roar..." Iron ridge dragon instantly wailed, and his whole body was paralyzed on the ground

"Roar..." One chimpanzee seemed very excited. With the permission of the other four giant chimpanzees, the more than 30 chimpanzees rushed directly to carry the body of the iron ridged dragon

Ye Xiao did not dare to move at all during this period. These things are just too ferocious. I'm afraid that each of these chimpanzees has the strength of Qi refining environment. Although they are not as powerful as human beings, they are numerous, more than 30 of them are in Qi refining environment, and the four of them have reached the second level of Qi refining. If they find out such strength, I'm afraid none of them will It must be able to escape. How could such a powerful animal appear here?

An iron ridged dragon, which even the second-order Super Master of gas refining was afraid of, was killed like this Ye Xiao waited for the group of orangutans to leave, then slowly climbed out of the cave and walked towards the nest Maybe this time I'm really lucky. The eggs of iron ridged dragon should be in it, and I can get them without any effort??

The nest of iron ridged dragon is not very deep, more than 10 meters in appearance, and there is nothing like the rumor that dragons love bright things. There is only one iron ridged dragon egg in the nest, and half of the golden orangutan, and one orangutan. Is it even golden? So the black hair on the paw before that thing doesn't belong to this gorilla?

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