Kearns felt Ye Xiao's fist strength and speed. His face changed slightly. He immediately adjusted his body shape and made a defensive attack. Even he didn't know why he lost confidence in his attack at this moment! If the heart is soft, there is no possibility of victory!

"Boom Ye Xiao's speed is very fast, and the power of his right fist is also very strong. At this moment, even if there is no Zhentian gun, his own combat effectiveness is still there. So when the power of his right fist is released, Kearns is almost instantly blasted by a fist!

He blocked with two arms, but only hesitated for a while, and the whole person was shot out in an instant!

"Cough..." One punch hit Kearns directly on the stone pillar not far away. When he fell to the ground, he coughed slightly. He swallowed the bloodstain that was supposed to be ejected from his body. He wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand. This boy is not a common problem. He uses his arms to block him, leaving room for buffer in front of his chest. But who knows, Rao is like this, too I've hurt my lung!

Lung is the foundation of martial arts practitioners. If the lung is injured, it will be difficult to regulate qi and strength! However, as a second-level master of Qi refining, Kearns naturally has his own methods. Especially, he has a strong fire attribute attack. Even the fire attribute can appear in the body with the Qi strength

Ye Xiao walked towards Kearns step by step, with a sneer in his mouth: "I'm afraid you didn't expect it today? Do you think you're the only one to break through? "

"It's an indisputable fact that Huajin is always Huajin. Today I'll show you what real Qi refining is and what is a real second level master!" Kearns roared, and the air around him seemed to vibrate with his roar!

"Boom This time, it seems to be stronger than before, and the air around him seems to be shaking

"Hum!" Ye Xiao snorted coldly. He lifted his foot and rushed towards him. Lifting his hand was a punch, directly hitting his neck. Ye Xiao was confident that if he got the punch, the boy would not stand up so quickly!

"Whoosh!" Who knows Ye Xiao punches, the other side unexpectedly dodges in an instant, which makes Ye Xiao a little surprised. Does he also have the ability to predict? Ye Xiao is sure that this guy dodged the moment he raised his hand. However, he didn't have such a quick reaction time after he punched out. He quickly took back his fist, so that he could avoid a punch and even seize the opportunity to gain the upper hand

"Do it Bang Ye Xiao hid two palms in a row, and the last one even reached out to meet him. They collided with each other in a hand to hand manner, resulting in a fierce sound!

Ye Xiao stepped back four steps in a row and looked coldly at Kearns in front of him. He didn't use the power of yin and Yang, but the other side didn't use his attribute attack. The second level of Qi refining in front of him was much stronger than he imagined. Although he didn't have the strength of his right fist, he seemed to have the judgment ability similar to his own The chance of hitting him with his right fist will be very small

"But on what basis did he judge his offensive?" Ye Xiao's heart is full of doubts. When he doubts, the whole person has already rushed up, and there are yin and Yang in his hands. Because of the appearance of yin and Yang, the temperature of the surrounding air seems to be divided into two parts, half cold and half hot. At this moment, ye Xiao's body becomes Yin and Yang. When he moves, Zhou The surrounding air seemed to swing with it, and his position seemed to be a vast expanse of white. There was nothing around him but himself. At this moment, ye Xiao could even feel that he was the sky, the earth and the God here

"Boom Suddenly, a powerful fist suddenly appeared in the vast white space. However, it was too slow and slow to swing at itself. If he insisted on describing it, ye Xiao felt that his speed was like a snail or even motionless. If he did not look carefully, he would not find that it was moving

Ye Xiao almost walked over easily, lifted it with one hand, and cut it directly on his wrist. Then he pulled and pulled it. A figure like tortoise speed also appeared in the white flowered world he saw. Ye Xiao ignored it. It seemed that as long as the other party walked into the white space where he was, the speed would become slower and slower

"Hum!" Ye Xiao snorted coldly, left hand moved his body, and then suddenly kicked out his right foot, directly Chuai in his abdomen, "pa!" A sound, the whole person will be like a shell, instant fly out

Finally hit the previous post again, and then fell down

It was at this time that ye Xiao noticed that her surroundings seemed to have returned to the previous scene. The vast expanse of white seemed to have disappeared. What was the matter just now?

Hal, who was watching the excitement, was shocked when he saw what ye Xiao looked like before. He was even more shocked when ye Xiao instantly hit Kearns. He murmured: "was that the Taiji area before?""Tai Chi domain?" One side of the wine Saint slightly a Leng, looking at Hal in front of him, he asked, "you Kahn family even know our Chinese Taiji?"

"I don't know? But I didn't expect that this boy had learned Taiji, and his realm was so high in Taiji? " Hal's face was full of adoration, as if something had happened that he couldn't believe, or suddenly Ye Xiao became his idol

Jiusheng doesn't know Taiji, but he has heard of it and has seen that the highest achievement in the field of Taiji is the immortal Xuyu of Wudang Mountain. Although he is not one of the three supreme masters in China, he is a super master who is as famous as the three supreme masters of China! Does this kid have anything to do with the real yuxu? Otherwise, how could such a change happen suddenly? Taiji area, which is a realm in Taiji that no one else can pry into

In a word, he didn't understand. At the moment that happened, Kearns was very fast, almost touching Ye Xiao. The boy was so coherent that he was kicked out in less than 0.1 second. The whole picture is like Kearns rushing past, then hitting something directly, and then flying backward

"What happened just now?" After ye Xiao wakes up, he thinks about it carefully. He can't think of it now. What kind of thing is it that suddenly appears and disappears? This situation seems to have a great relationship with the two Qi of yin and Yang

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