Murong manor is located in a deep mountain, and it is also very broad. It is located in the west of Huashan Mountain and east of Cuihua Mountain. Ordinary people can't find such a place at all. At this moment, ye Xiao is jumping off the Humvee and looking around to explore the surrounding situation!

Murong Mingyan on one side of the mountain is not very down-to-earth all the time, because in his opinion, what's the difference between Ye Xiao's coming here and sheep's entering the tiger's den? At this time, Murong Mingyan's face changed when she saw the two leaders. She thought that Murong Yu might have known that Murong Mingshu might have been abandoned. She also thought Murong Yu would be furious. But she never thought that Murong Yu would act seriously and recruit all the law enforcement teams of Murong family Will ye Xiao be killed locally?

Is he really not afraid to commit suicide? If he died here, murongyu would have no way to explain to the Qin family. Moreover, if the Qin family got angry, I'm afraid the whole Murong family would not be protected But why did he do it?

"Miss Murong, please take your friend and leave here. Let's kill the enemy. Master Murong has been killed. It's a bitter feud!" The leader is a bald head, but the head of this bald man is tattooed with a fierce tiger all the time, which looks majestic. Even when talking, the tiger on his head seems to want to jump down with open teeth and claws!

Murong Mingyan and ye Xiao were stunned when they heard the bald words in front of them, while yibao'er on the side said in surprise: "what? Murong bastard dead? It seems that heaven has long eyes

Ye Xiao is a dull face. He is very aware of the propriety of his own hand. Although there are several broken bones in his whole body, it will not be fatal. Let alone that he is still a dark power expert. If the other party does not frame himself, it is that someone is behind his back and pin this matter on his head

Ye Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly. At this time, I'm afraid that even saying anything doesn't work: "let Murong Yu come out to talk!" Ye Xiao is too lazy to follow this group of people. Since the matter has come to this point, there is no need to go back!

"Meet our master? Ha ha, then you must have that life The bald man snorted coldly, and gave the order to his subordinates. At the same time, he said, "don't hurt the young lady. The boy will be killed at all!"


"Ye Xiao, be careful. These people are the private law enforcement team of the old man murongyu. They are all very powerful..." Murong Mingyan's words have not finished, but was shocked by the scene in front of her. When the group of people rushed past, ye Xiao just pulled out the long gun from behind, and then squatted to the ground suddenly, "boom!" At the sound of the sound, the cement floor, instantly was poked out a hole, and the ground is surrounded by waves of turtle cracks!

The whole ground seemed to shake slightly. Those who had rushed past were frightened by such a scene, and even dare not to rush forward. They surrounded Ye Xiao and looked at him in horror. The ground was not ordinary concrete floor, let alone them. Even those elder guests could not easily poke a hole in the ground with a silver gun In front of me, this boy can do it. How strong is he?

The bald man's face changed slightly, and the big knife in his hand flew directly at Ye Xiao. He was also an expert in Murong's family and possessed the strength of the later stage of his transformation. Although he had known in advance that ye Xiao had killed one of the four elder guests in an instant, he did not turn back at the moment. Of course, the most important reason why he dared to rush forward was because of him Behind me, there are stronger!

When others saw the bald man rushing up, they seemed no longer afraid. Waving their swords, they rushed toward Ye Xiao. At this time, about 1000 meters away from the scene of the incident, a sniper was nestling on a mound, covered by some dry weeds, and his lens was aimed at Ye Xiao

Ye Xiao, who was aimed at, seems to be indifferent at all. It seems that he has not noticed that he has been targeted by a Sniper at all. The bald man rushes closer and closer, while ye Xiao, standing in the same place with a silver gun, is still motionless, just looking at the bald man jokingly



The sniper shot in an instant. After the shot, the bald man didn't seem to react. When the bullet almost flew to his side, he was able to react, but he had eaten it. When he realized that there was a sniper ambushing here, his whole head had already burst out, and his brain was splashing around

"Wow..." The bald man is suddenly shot with a sniper gun, which is almost equivalent to provocation, naked provocation. You should know that after the strength reaches the dark strength, he will be aware of some crisis in the dark, and when he reaches the strength, he can sense some unknown danger in advance. But now, the bald man, who has been in the later stage of strength reduction, is instantly hit in the head by a shot, and then he originally rushed out His body even ran two steps, and then fell down

In such a scene, all the people present, including Murong Mingyan and Yilin, were shocked. They thought that it might be ye Xiao who defeated these people, but they never expected that it would be a sniper On the contrary, ye Xiao seems to have known the result for a long time. He looks shocked and looks at all the things in front of him, and his mouth shows a slight smile: "it's really getting better and better. In the later stage of Huajin's attack, you can easily kill him. Tut Tut..."In the eyes of these warriors, thermal weapons are powerful, but they are not advocated because their own strength is the most important thing. Indeed, a group of people holding submachine guns can kill an expert at the peak of Huajin or even the master of Qi refining state. However, there are many deaths and injuries in their eyes, and the fatal injury of thermal weapons is the sound. No matter what kind of muffler they wear, they will not be promoted The voice can't hide from some super experts, so the thermal weapons, in general, can't defeat the warriors in terms of fighting alone

But now, ye Xiao is a little relieved, because he didn't expect that, less than a month later, her shooting skills were so superb

A thousand meters away, it seems that the sniper crawling on the ground doesn't seem to stop. After firing a shot, he starts to look for other targets. He doesn't seem to worry about exposing his position

"Are you ready to rush up and die?" Ye Xiao looks at them playfully. In fact, ye Xiao is not a demon who kills innocent people indiscriminately. In fact, he is still very peace loving. To these people, ye Xiao really does not want to fight!

"Go ahead and let Murong Yu come out. It's time to make a decision. Whether to marry or not depends entirely on my aunt's wishes. Let alone Murong's family, even his Qin family, so do I!" Ye Xiao looked at the crowd coldly and cried out!

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