After simply finishing all this, the masked man turned slightly, and as he left, ye Xiao suddenly called out, "are you..."

When ye Xiao's voice was still declining, the man with the colorful face and mask turned his head and looked at Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao saw some kind of loss from his eyes, as well as unwilling or sad! Anyway, that look is strange

Just why is he sad? Why lost? Is it really because he did not achieve what he imagined, let him rescue himself? Lost?

In Ye Xiao's doubt, the man with the colorful face mask disappears from his eyes in an instant The next second appears directly hundreds of meters away And ye Xiao, like a madman, kept shouting: "father Dad... "

But for a long time, there was no reply

Ye Xiao can't keep up with the speed of the man with the mask. In a few blinks of an eye, the man has disappeared

Ye Xiao kneels on his knees with no eyes. It seems that at the moment after the man left, he has taken away all his energy and spirit. Why is that look in his eyes? "Poof..." Qi and blood surged up. In an instant, a mouthful of blood gushed out, and his eyes began to become dim and dim. A second before he closed his eyes, he seemed to see Hal and the Mu family brothers

Three days later, in Qilian Mountain, Mujia

Ye Xiao opened his eyes slightly and looked at the strange environment around him. The whole person wanted to turn over, but he was shocked to find that he couldn't move at all, or that he couldn't turn normally because of his body injury!

"How could you hurt so much this time? How long has it been in a coma? Did not recover? " Ye Xiao's heart is dark startled, at the same time began to look around the environment!

At this time, the door thought of bursts of sound, and soon, ye Xiao saw a fat man slowly came in, and there was a tall man beside the fat man, and at the same time, wells

"Master, you finally wake up..." Wells was laughing and yelling. He seemed very happy. When ye Xiao saw wells alive and kicking around, he felt relieved. At least this guy was OK!

"Well? No, this guy... " Ye Xiao stared at Wells in front of her eyes. She couldn't believe her eyes: "you boy, you have refined Qi for two times?"

"Hey, hey Wells scratched his head and opened his mouth and said, "after the recovery of the injury, I don't know why."

Ye Xiao has a kind of impulse to spit up blood. They have been promoted to a higher level in three days!

"Big brother, second brother, how long have I been in a coma?" Ye Xiao didn't pay attention to the wells, but turned his eyes to Mu brothers!

"At that time, after you were in a coma, the people of the MI family refused to give up. Although they had received extremely serious injuries, MI Guang and their third level masters did not do any harm. When they rushed to kill you, the elder brother and the others came in time. However, the Qin family and the MI family saw that all the Mu family members arrived, plus the experts of the Kahn family, they did not dare to respond Yes, they were scared to retreat, and the rice family begged for mercy Because of the arbitration committee, we could not do anything at that time. The families of the big families prohibited the war of extermination, so... " Mu Zhuang explains awkwardly in the side!

"Big brother originally went back to call people, but the shortcut was destroyed by Miguang, which delayed the whole hour!"

After hearing this, ye Xiao nodded and then asked, "have you seen him yet? Or did he leave any information? " Ye Xiao thought of the man with the mask of colorful face. He must be, must be, his father!

"No!" MuQing said at this time: "it seems that we and he are not people of the same level and one world at all. But the only thing that can be confirmed is that when we took you away from Yunshan mountain, a strong wave of Qi suddenly occurred in the place more than 30 kilometers south of Yunshan mountain. That kind of fluctuation is not like the battle of ordinary people, and according to our people's tone Cha, the battle at that time seemed to be the man with the colorful face and the man with the mask of grimace. There seemed to be some kind of contradiction between the company and the man. Finally, they fought, and the scene was quite fierce... "

"What about the result? Who wins and who loses? " Ye Xiao's heart a tight, unexpectedly with the face of the man fight together, that guy unexpectedly also nearby? Does it have anything to do with him that the arbitration will hold a general election in advance?

"I don't know. What we know is only based on some traces left on the scene at that time. When we went there, there was no one there! However, judging from the scene, it seems that the strength of the two men is not the same, but because we saw this, we suspected that it was the ghost faced man who was hurt or escaped... " Mu Qing said and took out a dark half mask from one side

After ye Xiao saw it, his face changed slightly: "is this the mask that the ghost face man wears?"

"Yes, it seems that the mask is also special. At least I can't destroy it. According to the broken lines on it, the guy should be injured!" Mu Qing explained on one side!

Ye Xiao stretched out his hand to take over the mask, but as soon as he moved, his whole body was aching and he was biting his teeth!Uncle Wang, I'm afraid it will take you a month to recover! So you can take care of yourself here Wells took the mask from MuQing's hand and handed it to Ye Xiao!

"Uncle Wang? A month? " Ye Xiao rolled his eyes. The boy learned very fast. Uncle Wang should be uncle tiger. But how could he stay in bed for a month, such a long time? After injury in the past, I should not need such a long rest?

"Yes, Mr. Wang said that it would take a week for you to get out of bed, but not for a month. He also said that when you can get out of bed, you should go back to Jinghai. He has something to tell you!" Mu Zhuang on one side explained!

After hearing this, ye Xiao nodded slowly. I'm afraid that he needs such a long rest, not because he was seriously injured, but because he overdraw the Yin and Yang Qi in his body, leaving behind some sequelae, so that he needs such a long rest?

"Master, my father said that after you are well injured, you must go to the Kahn family in Europe, because he said that if you want to go to the Holy See, you must meet him first, because the Vatican is not as simple as you think, especially the Vatican headquarters!" Wells said with a smile!

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