The pure white tiger seems to be aware of Ye Xiao's action and what purpose he is for. After that, he jumps directly in front of Ye Xiao and blocks him behind him. It seems that he is telling Ye Xiao that let me protect you. You can't!

Being despised by a tiger makes Ye Xiao feel that he has failed a little. However, the pure white tiger, which looks extremely humanized, is more pitiful. Just as ye Xiao is about to drive him behind him, the pure white tiger suddenly raises his head and roars: "roar..."

I'm afraid that's what we're talking about now? Because of the sudden sound, ye Xiao was shocked. Outside the hall, the black tigers who were going to rush in heard the roar of the pure white tiger. They all seemed to understand. They started to retreat one by one, and the pure white tiger stepped up step by step. In those smart eyes, they couldn't see what was cute about it. What they thought was majesty!

"It's the voice of the sky splitting tiger!" One side of the Yi uncle suddenly stopped and said!

"What's more, the voice seems to have been tamed. Now the Tianshen tiger in the whole fairyland has long been extinct, and one hand with the Tianshen tiger can be counted. We came here to find out that there are cubs of the Tianshen tiger, but now..." One side of the Yi uncle a little angry!

"Go and have a look at the Youming Phoenix first. If you can get the Youming Phoenix, it's not bad!" The woman on one side sighed and then said, "once the sky crack tiger recognizes the Lord, it's impossible to replace it by force, but I don't know which guy who stepped on the dog's luck got it!"

Ye Xiao watched the pure white tiger jump out of the hall in an instant, and rushed up. At the same time, he said, "be careful..."

Although he was in a hurry to cry out, ye Xiao knew that he couldn't understand people's words at all, but when ye Xiao's voice dropped, the little guy turned his head and twisted his butt at him Yes, he twisted his snow-white butt with a long tail

Ye Xiao swears that such a funny scene makes Ye Xiao want to rush over and slap the little guy

"Roar!" At this time, the guy roared, and then ye Xiao saw a giant black tiger, which was very tall and about 1.5 meters tall, slowly came out, and then walked step by step towards the pure white tiger

Ye Xiao was worried, because the guy would be taller than the pure white tiger just by looking at his body shape. He waved the silver gun in his hand and rushed up directly. He didn't want to hurt the pure white tiger

"If human beings don't want to die, you can come and try..."

All of a sudden, at the moment when ye Xiao rushed up, the huge black tiger suddenly spoke, and the voice was a little ironic or disdainful. The whole lung of Ye Xiao was almost blown up by this sentence, and he was also an expert at least, OK? No It What he just said was human? God, a small white tiger has become a fine, but now there is a black tiger speaking human words?

When ye Xiao was shocked, depressed and angry, the pure white tiger became angry and jumped directly in front of the black tiger. It was almost like waving its teeth and claws. However, ye Xiao was worried that he would be swallowed by the huge black tiger

But who knows that the black tiger looked up at Ye Xiao, and then looked at the pure white tiger. He didn't seem angry, but said with a little doubt: "do you really choose him? An ordinary person can't be in an ordinary human being? "

When hearing this sentence, the pure white tiger was completely anxious, or in protest, and rushed directly to the black tiger's neck, as if ready to bite it off!

"Well, if you like it, it's OK. I won't say I don't object, isn't it? " One side of the black tiger quickly hide in the past, not let the white tiger bite, and then step by step toward Ye Xiao, that pair of tiger eyes glared at Ye Xiao, after a half ring, said: "human, you'd better treat this Tiansheng tiger, otherwise, the whole tiger family will not forgive you! Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, we will pursue you at all costs

Ye Xiao is a little bit blinded, sky crack tiger? What is that? Is that great? But the attitude of the black tiger to the pure white tiger should be obvious. The identity of the white tiger should be very noble, right?

"However, it's not common for human beings to recognize the Lord. So I hope you can keep a low profile. On this mother planet, at present, with your strength, I'm afraid you can't protect it. If it is forced to be stripped off by others and then turned into a tiger slave, then your sin will be great!" The black tiger glared at Ye Xiao and spoke again!

And ye Xiao on one side nodded repeatedly. NIMA's, what's the mother star and the tiger slave's? Although Ye Xiao doesn't know exactly what's going on, at present, the only thing that can be confirmed is that the little guy in front of him is called the sky split tiger, and he has to rely on himself?

"Human beings, go out from the mouth of the tiger, then walk all the way to the left, meet the first cross, then turn right, and then go to the end, which is the location of the Youming cave. Since you have been approved by the heaven split tiger, then Youming Phoenix should also be yours. These two are exotic animals that have been on the verge of extinction, and their blood contains more powerful divine animal blood!" After the black tiger finished, he roared at the group of black tigers behind him, and then the other black tigers began to retreat slowly, step by step toward the two sides of the road before Finally it starts to decompose, wriggle, blend into the groundAt this time, the pure white tiger, that is, the sky crack tiger, slowly came over, and looked at him with pride on his face. Ye Xiao could feel that this guy was proud and showing off

Yeah, it's about showing off, nemei. Are you saying you beat it back? Ye Xiao suddenly has a headache. This little guy is really a genius! "Well, well, let's get out of here. What about your treasures?"

Ye Xiao looks at the little white tiger, wondering if he can understand what he is saying!

But after ye Xiao's voice dropped, the pure white tiger jumped up and seemed to be excited. Then the tiger's eyes began to move around. Suddenly, it seemed to think of something, and rushed in. When ye Xiao wanted to follow in, it directly blocked Ye Xiao out of the golden gate and looked at him with vigilance

Ye Xiao is almost crying. Is this little guy afraid of taking all his things?

Are you that kind of person? Ye Xiao's grievances

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