"Boom It seemed that the fourth level master of gas refining was suddenly hit by something and flew backward. Finally, when he hit the wall more than ten meters away, he was forced to stop!

After passing through the stone gate, the dim light disappeared, and ye Xiao's eyes were black and bright. When ye Xiao saw some of the scenery in front of him, the whole person was immediately stunned, because what he saw in front of him was not as dark and dark as originally imagined. On the contrary, it was like a underground palace, luxurious and beautiful, almost like a palace In the center of the hall is a three meter long altar of crystal color. On the altar are three crystal plates, on which lie three fire red pills the size of table tennis balls!

Ye Xiaodu was surprised by the unknown strength of this pill. The most important thing is that the pill is much bigger than meteor pill, and the momentum is also strong!

"What the hell is it?" Ye Xiao is puzzled for a while, but since he has come in, he naturally wants to go and have a look! But when ye Xiao just took a step forward, he heard a burst of cold girls: "it's better not to go there. This is not the place where your mother planet people can come!"

Ye Xiao's face changed, or Ye Xiao's whole body was stunned and didn't know what to say for a long time, because the woman in front of her veil unexpectedly Even her feet left the ground, slightly suspended in the air, and the breath from her body seemed to be stronger than the cangyuqing she had seen? Who the hell is she? How strong is it?

"Ao ho ~ ~" just when ye Xiao was shocked, a roar of tiger came from the direction of the stone gate. Before ye Xiao could react, the white light flashed by. Ye Xiaotian, a little white tiger, stood directly in front of Ye Xiao and grinned at the woman standing in the air. It seemed to say that if you dare to threaten my master, I will kill you!

The woman is slightly a Leng, immediately ha ha smile way: "really did not expect, this little fellow unexpectedly also came in?"

The woman's voice is not big, but ye Xiao's heart is slightly shocked, because ye Xiao can see that there is no doubt and fear in her quiet eyes. On the contrary, in her beautiful and lovely eyes, ye Xiao only sees and doesn't care She did not put Ye Xiaotian in front of her eyes at all!

"Since there is this little tiger to help you, then I will not embarrass you, but I warn you, even if you have this little tiger to help you, don't think you dare to mess around. This is different from the outside, more different from the mouth of the tiger and so on. This is the nether cave, which should be the most dangerous place of the mother star!" The woman's slender jade hand slightly waved around, as if to distinguish something there, and at the same time, she said to Ye Xiao!

And ye Xiao on one side did not know how to talk to her for a while, because when her voice fell, ye Xiao obviously felt that this woman should know and should be familiar with! But in front of her, she has been able to stand in the void. How strong the strength is needed? Ye Xiao doesn't know, but he knows the mysterious woman in front of him. I'm afraid that killing herself should be a matter of minutes if he wants to!

The woman turned slightly, and at the same time, her voice, like a silver bell, came out: "boy, since you can come in, it's fate, so these three Peiyuan pills are also part of you!" When the woman's voice dropped, the slender jade hand gently reached out. In a moment, the fiery red pill fell between her white tender fingers, and then one of them was directly thrown towards Ye Xiao

Ye Xiao is slightly stunned, and quickly reaches out to catch the pill the size of a ping-pong ball. It is actually called Peiyuan Dan? What is this for? But it sounds very powerful! Should be much better than meteor?

"Everyone can only take it once, and the second time will have no effect. Your mother planet only has some rumors about meteor pill, but it is not only the real effect of meteorite pill. In fact, meteorite pill is only a common currency in circulation in the earthly fairyland, and it is the most worthless currency, because it can only give us a little energy, such as If you are stronger, you will have no effect at all. However, the effect of this Peiyuan pill is much stronger than that of the falling pill. It can wash tendons and cut marrow, and lay your foundation firmly. Although it can't improve your strength in an instant, you will not become impetuous and empty because of the unstable foundation in the future, which will affect your cultivation! "

"I'm afraid it will take nearly ten thousand falling pills to get such a pill!"

After hearing the woman's words, ye Xiao was stunned at the spot. He didn't think that the Peiyuan pill in front of him would be so strong. The most important thing was that the falling pill was just the most common currency in the fairyland? Just a little bit of energy for him to come?

Ye Xiao suddenly felt that he knew too little about these worlds

At this time, the place where the altar was originally held suddenly sent out bursts of faint light, and then it has been like a Phoenix, about the size of a peacock. The whole dark dark color appeared slowly. At the moment of its appearance, the surrounding air seemed to become extremely unstable. The hum of concussion made Ye Xiao and Xiaotian feel uneasy, especially Xiaotian Double tiger eyes curiously looked at the ghost phoenix flying in the air and roared from time to time"Is this the ghost Phoenix?" The woman's eyes flashed, and then slowly the deep arm, toward the Youming Phoenix caught in the past!

But the ghost Phoenix didn't seem to have any intention of avoiding. It was so clever to stir up its wings. However, the sky on the ground was just curious, but at this time, it directly roared at the Youming Phoenix!

That pair of tiger eyes is more angry staring at the nether Phoenix Ye Xiao on one side hastily pulls Xiaotian back. Is this guy really not killing? It's obviously not easy to mess with something similar to Phoenix, let alone a more powerful woman nearby. If she gets angry later, I'm afraid I can't bear it

Just when the woman was about to touch the ghost Phoenix with one hand, suddenly a bright light flashed, and a light like a soul came out of the ghost Phoenix. It was as fast as lightning and ran directly towards the woman

"Ha ha, finally Finally, eight hundred years later, I don't have to guard here. I'm going to see the sun again! " The sound was extremely concussion, and ye Xiao in the distance could clearly feel that the sound seemed to be emanating from something like a soul

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