Xiaotian sees Ye Xiao turn around and leave. She doesn't have any hesitation. She jumps behind Ye Xiao and prepares to leave in a hurry. But the mysterious woman on the side suddenly feels something wrong, because her feeling is a little strange. It seems that she has a strong desire for something? What the hell is going on here? "Wait a minute..."

I don't know why, when she saw Ye Xiao leave in a hurry, she felt a little reluctant to give up. At the same time, the whole figure came to Ye Xiao's body in a moment. Ye Xiao was stunned and then grinned: "well, now there's nothing for me. It's better for you to send me a Peiyuan pill, so I'm going to leave!"

Say and walk in another direction, this time do not walk more wait for when? Beauty is beauty, but I have to have my life to enjoy it. What's more, I'm sorry for Suqin's girl, but I'm sorry for enchanting I'm sorry so much Well, why do you think so much about it? Do you have many women of your own?

But just as ye Xiao was thinking wildly, the woman had already rushed to Ye Xiao's body again, and Xiaotian on the other side found that the woman did not have any malice, so she did not move forward at all. Instead, she walked towards the ghost Phoenix in the distance

But ye Xiao was crying. When the woman rushed to Ye Xiao's side, she had no previous Qingming. The pair of jade arms as soft as silk were directly tied around Ye Xiao's neck. It seemed that if the boneless body was so straight and leisurely, ye Xiao's light fragrance made her suddenly

"This..." Ye Xiao raised her hands slightly and recited amitabha in her heart. She couldn't touch her. However, the effect did not last for three seconds. She was directly controlled by the evil fire of three inches below her abdomen. Looking at the beautiful person and her silky skin, ye Xiao's remaining sense was gone, her eyes were flushed, and she stretched out her arms Hold the jade body tightly in my arms

"Um ~ ~" Ye Xiao took a breath, and then began to make love on his white face. At this moment, a soft voice rang out: "Stinky boy, you Don't, don't touch me... "

This kind of voice has no effect at all. On the contrary, it is more like that the other party is teasing himself. Therefore, ye Xiao, who was still acting on instinct, was like a madman in a moment. His hands were directly separated from the silk like clothes and climbed the two peaks that countless men dream of

"Ying ~" the woman seemed to be a groan from her tender throat. Then she looked at Ye Xiao weakly and said, "if you dare to touch me, I will kill you!"

Please, it's you Oh Before ye Xiao's words were finished, he was directly kissed by the jade man in his arms. The two immediately began to entangle each other. Although they were not well dressed at the moment, there were no outsiders around, except for the Youming Phoenix and the sky split tiger. However, the Youming Phoenix had already fallen slowly, and the tianshehu on one side was like a grown-up, directly double his two tigers The claw covers the eyes of Youming Phoenix, but its tiger eyes are dazzled at the two blurred figures, where they are constantly swinging

The scene lasted about ten minutes. After ye Xiao's last sigh and the woman's last exhortation, they almost instantly separated. At the same time, ye Xiao quickly put on the Zhongshan suit, and then cried out: "let's go, Xiao Tian..."

Ye Xiao looks anxious and obedient. Why didn't you hold back just now? This is over, I want to be responsible for others, but I want to give myself a chance? It's better to run away first

When ye Xiao talks, the whole body has already quickly run towards the stone gate before. He has his own map. Should he be able to go out? Ye Xiao thinks like this in his heart. While ye Xiao moves, Xiaotian quickly follows him. Although he is still a little white tiger, he seems to know some things. He doesn't know what to draw in front of the Youming Phoenix, and then he quickly rushes towards Ye Xiao

"Damn it! Stop The woman waved her hands, and at the same time, two quiet lights appeared. But just as the woman was ready to shoot toward Ye Xiao, Youming Feng suddenly flew in front of him, and then kept flapping her wings, sending out bursts of strange light!

"This is..." The woman slightly a Leng, and then said: "recognize the Lord contract?"

"But he..." The woman's eyes were covered with anger. She wanted to kill the boy. It was really hateful. He took away her first time. The most important thing is that she didn't know when she was in the move!

Looking at the ghost Phoenix in front of me, I just shake my head. I can't pull it out so quickly, so I still take this ghost Phoenix and say it again!

In fact, it was Xiaotian who communicated with youmingfeng before, and then agreed to let youmingfeng recognize her as her sister, but the price was to let her recognize the woman as the main part, and then try to stop her first

"Damn it, why can't you get out?" Ye Xiao is puzzled. At this moment, Xiaotian pulls Ye Xiao from behind with his teeth. When ye Xiao turns around, he finds that the condition for opening the stone gate is to take the Youming Phoenix in. However, in the moment after youmingfeng takes over, he should be able to rush out before she calls?Ye Xiao thought in his mind, but at this time, the stone gate suddenly radiated light. It was at this time that the woman behind her began to rise in the air, and at the same time, Jiao said: "Stinky boy, I will not stop killing you in accordance with the ancient rhyme!"

"My dear, how angry is this? Don't blame yourself Ye Xiao quickly jumped up in depth and jumped out of the cave. At the moment of Ye Xiao's leaving, he made a roar in situ!

"This hateful boy The woman scolded, and the whole figure flew out of the stone gate in an instant!

At the moment when ye Xiaofei went out, people were all around him, but ye Xiao didn't have any intention of fighting with them at all. Because behind him, he followed a powerful beauty. If she caught her, he would be dead!

"Where are you going, boy?" At the moment when ye Xiao turns and runs away, there is a huge roar around him. When the voice rings, Xiaotian makes a deep whine and protects Ye Xiao behind him!

"How could it be him? Zhang Kun of the Arbitration Commission, and Mi Shiyong of the MI family? How did the two of them come? " Ye Xiao's face turned like a pig's liver

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