"How powerful is the coffin of life and death? If you let it fall by itself, it has already sent out such a powerful power. If you use it again when your own strength is strong in the future, I'm afraid its power will rise again! " Ye Xiao raised the coffin of life and death slowly as he spoke. Just as ye Xiao was about to put it into his own sea of knowledge, he suddenly found that there were still some talismans, some strange ones in the sarcophagus. When ye Xiao looked down, he was shocked to find that there were lines of seal characters at the bottom of the talisman, about the size of a thumb!

On the top of it was written: "nine changes in life and death!"

"What the hell is this?" Ye Xiao was surprised for a while, and continued to look at it. When ye Xiao simply looked at three or two lines, his face was full of excitement. The nine changes of life and death, to be exact, was a method of supreme body refining. I'm afraid that the elder didn't refine the sarcophagus at all, so he didn't find the talisman in the sarcophagus! The nine changes of life and death are almost one change and one life death. According to the introduction above, if the nine changes of life and death are practiced, then few people can break his defense. At that time, even if they can break the defense, they can't hurt him!

The more excited Ye Xiaoyue saw, the more excited he became. He unconsciously began to practice in the tomb

"Nine changes of life and death, a change of life and death, fortunately, I still have more than 20000 falling pills, which should be enough to consume!" Ye Xiao murmured to himself, and at the same time began to practice crazily on the side!

Ye Xiao sits cross legged, surrounded by Yin and Yang, and there are bursts of dark light in the outer most part. At the same time, there are bursts of mysterious talisman above the dim light. As ye Xiao breathes and breathes, the surrounding runes begin to fluctuate!

The fluctuation of the surrounding space also becomes extremely unstable at this moment! As ye Xiao's hands fluctuate, and his mind begins to absorb the falling pills left in the sea of knowledge, the light around him still trembles. For a moment, the dark light talisman cover originally shaped as an oval shaped cover on Ye Xiao's body is now broken and turned into stars like stars, and it begins to cover Ye Xiao's body surface. There are more and more star spots. When you touch Ye Xiao's body surface, you can follow it His skin pours into his body!

"The first change has such a high probability of death?" Ye Xiao's heart is speechless, at this time the first change, now there is a 50% failure rate, and after failure, it is death! Of course, according to the description of the talisman, if one's mind is firm, even if he fails, he will not necessarily die, because the failure does not cause some irreparable injury to the body, but will cause spiritual damage to the whole body and mind. In other words, after failure, there will be a very painful feeling! This feeling makes life worse than death, and some people with weak will will will collapse and die!

"However, if the first change is successful, it will be equivalent to the existence of a golden mask. It is said that the golden mask of big brother MuQing was inherited by some great power!" Ye Xiao exclaimed in his heart, but with such power, it was nothing to bear the danger!

After calming down his mind, ye Xiao took the opportunity to practice again. He could observe in his inner vision that after the little light entered the body, he began to wander in his own meridians! Moreover, the speed is faster and faster, and the stars are more and more. Finally, the dim light spots converge and form a long and thin line. Those dark light colored lines begin to fill the main meridians of the whole body. After the main meridians are almost full, they begin to expand, again and again!

"Boom Suddenly, a main meridian burst in the body, followed by a chain reaction in Ye Xiao's body. One burst, and the others began to burst, just like a chain bomb!

Ye Xiao couldn't help crying out because of the huge pain. At the same time, the whole person was sitting cross legged, but now he fell directly on the ground and rolled continuously, making his face even more ferocious!

When ye Xiao was about to faint and almost all the meridians in his body were damaged, the Green Qi strength of his expression began to flow rapidly to the periphery of the meridians and repaired them quickly. The repair speed of the cyan Qi strength seemed to be faster than the damage speed. Therefore, the damaged meridians were repaired between several exposures, And then the light starts to fill in again!

In this way, after more than three hours, ye Xiao was tortured for three hours. At last, the meridians in his body were completely restored. After one of the meridians was burst, the Green Qi strength began to repair quickly!

In this way back and forth constantly toss, damage, repair, and damage, and repair! In this crazy practice, ye Xiao's constitution and meridians began to grow and strengthen!

"Boom Suddenly, a burst of crazy leopard's Qi was released from ye Xiao's body. Meanwhile, the faint light colored lines were completely covered with all the channels in Ye Xiao's whole body.

especially after the last meridian was filled, ye Xiao's whole body seemed to rise to a certain level. At least in that meridian, the faint light colored substance had already formed What's more, those substances did not disappear after ye Xiao filled all the meridians. Instead, they were lying quietly in the meridians, as if they were constantly refining!"This This feeling, should be the first change has been successful? " When ye Xiao looked at his body surface, he even turned into a dark light color, and his whole face had changed, because he could feel that all his meridians were full of extraordinary strength. He felt that his current self, one punch seemed to be able to directly explode a third level master!

And I'm afraid the fourth level master can't even break his own defense!

After ye Xiao finished the first change, ye Xiao put the puppet and the coffin of life and death into the sea of knowledge. He was shocked because at this time, he was surprised to find that there were only a small part of the meteoric pill which originally occupied almost half of the sea of knowledge. However, when he used the meteoric pill before, he did not find that his meteoric pill had changed Less? Now these are almost the same as the 20000 that we got for the first time, and these falling pills are covered with a layer of cyan gas, which is deeper than the color I saw at the beginning!

"This What's going on here? " Ye Xiao had a little reaction, but came, tens of millions of falling pills, unexpectedly only such a little, in the depths of his mind, how could he not know exactly how to disappear?

"Is it the green spirit?" Ye Xiao's face changed a little, because for such a long time, ye Xiao has been able to clearly feel that the Green Qi in her body seems to have begun to grow strong and moisten her body all the time

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