"If all three of them do it, you can do as you say, but if they play cat and mouse games, then I can't get it!"

While communicating with xiaotianyinian, ye Xiao stares at the fake monk standing in the middle. The fake monk is wearing a monk's robe. Rao is standing there motionless, but the pressure released is enough to make ye Xiao feel headache! Of course, meeting him now is not as fragile as before when he did not refine the coffin of life and death. After refining the coffin of life and death, ye Xiao has not only improved his mental strength, but also improved the nine changes of life and death, which has become the first change. Now, ye Xiao is not afraid of him. At least now, ye Xiao is sure to run for his life in his hands, and it can't be said that if he hits him with one of his coffins, maybe he will Can kill him!

"Hand in the things and I'll let them go. I'll keep my word!" This time, it was the fake monk who opened his eyelids and looked at it like this. At the same time, the powerful and terrifying force was like a wave, and the sea water poured down half of it, directly pressing on Ye Xiao!

In the eyes of the fake monk, more than ten days ago, he was able to suppress him without any backhand. So he can still do it today. The reason why the fake monk did this in person was not afraid of Ye Xiao's accident, but his little white tiger!

Ye Xiao quickly moves the Yin and Yang Qi in his body, and at the same time, the Green Qi force is also moving around Ye Xiao's whole body meridians, gradually counteracting the terrible Qi force

"Do you think you can make me surrender with this breath? I think you've been practicing your strength for so many years in the excrement Ye Xiao looks at the fake monk, which is not a real thing! How loud and noble are the three supreme masters? However, such a title was occupied by the shameless man in front of him. How can ye Xiao not be angry in his heart?

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, the fake monk suddenly snorted coldly, and then opened his mouth and said, "I'll resist that little tiger. Who are you going to kill this boy for me?" The fake monk is really reserved by himself. He doesn't want to make a move for each little bit, so he looks at other people in front of him and asks!

In his opinion, ye Xiao is just a boy of the third level of Qi refining, while Mi Shiyong, who is a long-known Super Master of Qi refining level 5, is more than enough to deal with a Ye Xiao! Not to mention one side, it is almost half a foot into the sixth step of Zhang Kun!

"Let me do it!" Rice time Yong this time slowly stood out, two people are more than he has the status, strength, then the matter of this thug naturally by their own to do!

Ye Xiao and Xiao Tian are both secretly happy, because they guessed right. The fake monk in front of him disdains to do anything. In this way, he gives himself more breathing time. You know, ye Xiao is ready to fight Zhang Kun and Mi Shiyong! Although there is no hope of winning, but with the coffin of life and death, he should be able to withstand them. Most importantly, he has a more playing card, that is, a six level puppet!

And ye Xiao's biggest dependence today is on three things: the coffin of life and death, the six stage puppet, and the inevitable combination of yin and Yang! Yin and yang can not be used if the crisis of life and death is not reached!

Mishiyong stepped forward step by step, and then gently lifted his right hand, which was originally suspended on his head of the earth shaking seal then slowly moved up, and at the same time grinned at Ye Xiao: "we really don't want to kill you, and all you have to do is just hand over the treasure you got in the tomb! Do you think you can defeat me? "

"Ha ha, you are not that old bald donkey. Am I afraid?" Ye Xiao sneered: "do you still think that today's me, will be a few months ago in the Yunshan rice home that ye Xiao?"

"Hum! Who won't? But it's your honor to have me kill you today The rice time is always cold hum, and then it is the size of a tombstone. At this time, it even starts to vibrate, with strong volatility, and even the surrounding space becomes a little unstable!

"Boy, I'll show you what the real seal of heaven is today! Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that this side of Qiaoshan has been covered up by some kind of array by the fake monk. In other words, the outside world has no idea what happened in this, so Tut Tut, you don't think about who will save you! " Rice is always on the side of the cold said! At the same time, one foot forward, although it is such a small step, but in the next moment, he has come to Ye Xiao's body!

And the small sky standing beside Ye Xiao is directly towards that meter when Yong pours in the past!

"Don't go, Xiao Tian..." Ye Xiao quickly stopped, "it was not said before, don't you do it? If you do, what will they do together? "

After hearing Ye Xiao's idea, Xiao Tian shakes his head and turns around and squats on one side. However, his tiger eyes are staring at the fake monk standing in the distance and Zhang Kun!

"Boy, we don't have much time, so let's show you the power of the earth shaking seal today." Rice time Yong finish saying, one hand a wave, and then low drink a way: "go!"

I saw the tombstone size of the earthquake seal directly toward the top of Ye Xiao's head in the past!In the moment of his hands, the surrounding space seems to be solidified! But ye Xiao is not ye Xiao a few months ago, but now he has a three-level state! So it is to predict his trajectory in advance, at the moment of his opening, he has jumped out!

So in that zhentianyin lock target, hit down, ye Xiao has jumped out of place!


The earth shaking seal fell in an instant, setting off countless sand and dust on the whole ground. The whole mountain seemed to shake and shake because of the sudden change. The original intact ground sank deeply because of that one, and at the same time, countless cracks were opened around it!

"Hum!" Mi Shi Yong sees Ye Xiao hiding in the past, and suddenly gets angry. It seems that this is a great shame for him. With a trace of anger in his mouth, he commands the sky shaking seal to rise in the sky again, lock in the target of Ye Xiao, and then throw it at him! This Zhentian seal is a weapon that even the level master has a headache. How can this boy avoid it so easily? It must be luck. It must be that there was no lock on the target before!

This time, when he was in control, a huge force of Qi began to gush around the sky shaking seal. At this moment, ye Xiao clearly felt the vibration of the surrounding space. He had no doubt that if such strength was stronger, I'm afraid it could tear the whole space apart!

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