Mi Shiyong has seen that ye Xiao seems to be the more powerful coffin of life and death, and he also knows that if he can smash his own earthshaking seal in an instant, how can it be a mortal? How can you rely on your own strength to resist? So he created a false impression that ye Xiao thought he would fight with force!

His real purpose was to drag the coffin with the palm print, and then he quickly rushed to Ye Xiao and killed him

Ye Xiao's eyes were stunned. He didn't expect that the guy in front of him was so strong that his goal was actually himself? And now there is no time to recall the coffin!

The Tai Chi domain appears again, and ye Xiao also quickly captures the attack direction of MI Shiyong. Even his meaning and strength are accurate! Beating around, ye Xiao was careless. When he was about to arrive at Ye Xiao's side, nashiyong quickly sent out several palms. Then the whole person moved behind Ye Xiao. With luck and vigor, he directly patted Ye Xiao's back!

But when ye Xiao blocked all the previous fingerprints and was ready to turn around to answer his palms, it was already late

"Boom At that moment, ye Xiao was about to turn around, so it was the heart of his back, but he became the left shoulder!

Because of the strong dark nature of Qi, ye Xiao's whole person was whipped away, and the sarcophagus also because of Ye Xiao's backward flying, there was no gas control, so it fell to the ground with a bang, smashing the whole ground into a huge pit!

"Yes?" Seeing that ye Xiao, who was beaten by his own hand, didn't receive any influence on his skill, he jumped up again, and then Yong's face began to be dignified. The power of that hand just now can't be underestimated. But with such a palm, you can't even kill him, even if you don't kill him? How could that be possible?

Ye Xiao stood up slowly and looked at Mi Shiyong coldly. If he hadn't become a life and death change just now, I'm afraid that chapter would be able to make himself dizzy and even become a disabled person!

However, ye Xiao at this time has also noticed that his defense ability of life and death change seems to be much stronger than the golden mask. Now, I'm afraid those guns and ammunition can't be pierced at all!

"Whoosh!" Under the fluctuation of Ye Xiao's idea, the coffin of life and death is chasing after the rice forever in an instant!

"Hum!" Mi Shi Yong's face congealed, then looked at Ye Xiao coldly and said, "I don't believe that the Qi strength in your body can continue to support!" At this time, MI Shiyong was very clever. He had already realized that the sarcophagus was not an ordinary thing. He could not fight with the flesh at all. But he also knew that the energy consumed by the operation of such a treasure was quite terrible!

Mi Shiyong is right. If ye Xiao didn't keep replenishing his Green Qi, I'm afraid his Qi would have been exhausted by this time. Now, even if he keeps recovering with his Green Qi, it can't resist the consumption speed. According to Ye Xiao's own calculation, according to such consumption, I'm afraid it will be more than ten minutes before he can hold on to it!

"Whew!" In the jungle, mishyon once again hid in the past! Every time the coffin of life and death is used, it takes a huge amount of Qi. Therefore, when he has not hit once in a row for three or four times, ye Xiao is also annoyed and puts the coffin of life and death away directly! Because if you go on like this, I'm afraid you will be killed!

When ye Xiao collected the coffin of life and death, the whole figure flashed in an instant, and the black light around him was filled with light! "Bang!"

A clear sound sounded, saw around a dozen cypress uprooted, directly to Ye Xiao, and that cypress is wrapped in the black light!

"Hum!" Ye Xiao snorted, then pulled out the long gun from behind: "gunshot, nameless!"

When the sound falls, the silver gun in Ye Xiao's hand jumps instantly, and then a series of black and white Qi surround the silver gun. Ye Xiao pushes the Yin and Yang Qi in his body to the strongest level. At this time, the powerful silver gun produces bursts of buzzing sound because of its powerful gas force!

"Die!" Ye Xiao leaped up in an instant and grasped the silver gun which was still beating in the air. Then he waved his hands and listened to "boom!" At the moment of wielding the gun, a crescent shaped gas attack was launched!

"Boom!" The powerful attack smashed the dozens of cypress trees in an instant, then swept across the ground with the surrounding waves like flying sand and rocks, and directly hit the distant mithiyong!

Gunshot "nameless" is the second form of creation, and the same move "nameless" was obtained in the virtual ruins Tower!

For a moment, it seems that the whole day and earth are indifferent to it!

Mi Shiyong's face sank and his hands kept printing all over his body. Then he saw a palm print quickly forming in front of him. This move is still the Hunyuan shaking palm before. But if you look carefully, you will find that the power of this palm is much stronger than before!

The palm print seems to have formed substantiality directly at that moment, and the whole body is black

"Broken!" The powerful black palm print instantly collides with the crescent shaped black and white gas force!"Boom..."

Two different attributes of the air force collide, the powerful impact of Bolton toward the four sides of the impact, the two figures all backward and go! Nami Shiyong only retreated a few steps and then stopped, while ye Xiao kept stepping back for dozens of steps. Finally, he stabbed his spear directly on the ground and made a crack on the ground. Then he stopped his body!

The aftereffect of the shock wave was so strong that ye Xiao almost couldn't help turning over!

"This guy can even use my strongest Hunyuan shaking palm?" The fluctuation of rice time Yong's face is more and more big, it seems that such a thing can't happen at present!

"Stinky boy, I'll see how strong you are! How many times can you block such an attack The killing intention in MI Shi Yong's eyes surges, and the sound is violent. At the same time, the void grabs again, and a black long gun appears in his hand! Originally, he just wanted to play and killed the boy when he had enough. However, he never thought that this guy was so strong that he could resist his attacks. The most important thing was the mysterious sarcophagus. He could guarantee that if he was accidentally attacked, he would be killed by that coffin!

"Boom The powerful gas burst sound burst out from MI Shiyong. The black spear in his hand, which was solidified by the force of Qi, went with his attack on Ye Xiao!

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