A year ago

"Remember, you must not let others see your face!" At the same time, he took out a mask directly from his arms and handed it to Ye Xiao. He said, "take this, you go to find Shangguan Fei first, and I will give him this green jade pendant now!"

"What do you do?" One side of Ye Xiao's heart is a little puzzled, why let oneself wear a mask? And the mask seems a little familiar!

"I have my own way. I don't have much energy. If it's wasted, I'm afraid we can't go back!" After ye Xiaoyao finished, he flew directly to the distance. After looking around, ye Xiao suddenly thought of the prince who died in order to save himself At that time, Linglong said that she might have a chance to save her father's life in the future. Isn't that right now? Wang Ye died because of himself. Now I just need to find the Lord and find a way to let him survive in the hands of qingyangzi? Although we can't change some things, no matter whether it's Wang Ye or Linglong, he can't let his chance slip away. The Lord must save it!

Ye Xiaoyao soon came to Jinghai City, and then changed herself. Originally she was a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, but now she has become the image of a charming young woman in her thirties. Then she murmured, "in this way, I don't recognize myself, do you?" Said then toward the leaf Xiao is likely to sit on the bus to go!

"It's too crowded for you to take a taxi. What are you talking about here?"

On the bus, ye Xiaoyao has heard Ye Xiao's voice, so she smiles calmly, and then slowly approaches him. At the same time, her mind moves. She directly controls the driver to a sudden brake, and ye Xiaoyao intentionally leans directly against Ye Xiao

"Sorry, little brother!" Ye Xiaoyao slowly stood up and looked at Ye Xiao apologetically. When ye Xiaoyao saw Ye Xiao's peach blossom look, his heart became happy. This boy is really interesting!

Especially that also slightly peeks at his chest boy, helpless shake his head, it seems that ye Xiao this guy is also a normal man! After several teasing, ye Xiaoyao took Ye Xiao out of the car, then looked at him and said with a smile: "this is for you. I think ye Xiaoxiao brother, we will meet again soon. Oh, I hope you won't be too surprised then." With that, ye Xiaoyao took out the blue jade pendant from his arms and handed it to Ye Xiao. Then he turned around and walked away slowly in Ye Xiao's shocked eyes

"Yes?" Ye Xiaoyao, who just left, suddenly felt a strong wave of Qi, which seemed to be familiar with. After thinking of this, ye Xiaoyao rushed directly to the direction of the previous gas fluctuation!

"Damn it, how can it be late? Isn't that boy just coming to Jinghai city recently? " Shangguan Fei wears a mask of grimace, and his face is full of anger. Because he has no idea when the soul of the main world ye Xiao will enter into the parallel world ye Xiao's body, so he can't do it too early. If he does it too early, what he killed is just a small role in the small parallel world, and ye Xiao himself will not be affected at all! So he had to wait slowly. Recently, he thought that ye Xiao's soul should have arrived in this world. However, in the past, he found that ye Xiao had a green jade pendant in his hand

How does this make him not angry? After 20 years of preparation, how could he not be angry when such a situation suddenly appeared? "Yes?" Suddenly, a strong breath came from behind him, and then his face suddenly changed: "Why are you here?" Shangguan Fei clearly remembers that this woman is the spirit of the world that he saw before crossing. How could he follow him?

"What do you say?" Ye Xiaoyao said and directly rushed up to fight with him. At the same time, he said with a sneer: "I know I can't kill you for the time being. You have the nether ring in your hand, but what does it matter?"

"What?" Shangguan fly a Leng, coldly looking at the Ye Xiaoyao in front of him: "how do you know that I have the nether ring?"

And when ye Xiaoyao and Shangguan fly started to fight, ye Xiao here also felt the fluctuation of the hands, and then the whole person instantly rushed to the direction of the Qi force fluctuation!

"It's over if I don't accompany you!" Shangguanfei suddenly found that the other side didn't want to kill himself. It seemed that he was deliberately wasting his mind. It was not good for him to go on like this!

"Damn it!" Ye Xiaoyao didn't catch up with him, but scolded secretly. At this time, ye Xiao also rushed to come. When he saw Ye Xiao with a colorful mask, he opened his mouth and said, "the jade pendant has been given to you. Now you hurry back. In order to get rid of Shangguan in the future, you must save energy and let Wang Xiaohu bear less pressure. So I will not go back and wait for you to return After I go there, I will go to the top of Huashan Mountain to find me. After I have dealt with these things, I will shut up on the top of Huashan Mountain until you come! "

"But..." Ye Xiao is slightly stunned. What ye Xiaoyao means is that she stays here for a year, and after she goes back, she can go directly to Huashan to look for her. Although it is nothing to herself, it is almost only a few minutes, but for ye Xiaoyao, it has to wait for a whole year!

"It's nothing, but I'm here, and I can stop some small movements of Shangguan flying. It's good and no harm! You'd better go and stop wasting your time Ye Xiaoyao urged the way in one side, and ye Xiao looked at her and thought about it, and nodded directly! Then the whole figure disappeared in placeWhen ye Xiao was going to jump into time and space, he suddenly remembered that his father appeared in the family election held by the rice family in Yunshan. Now he jumps over directly and has a look in the dark to see who his rescuer is!

However, there are only three jumps in this time. From now on, it should be more than ten days before the Lord will enter Chang'an, so I will wait here for more than ten days

Half a month later, the Qinling Mountains

Ye Xiao's speed is getting faster and faster

"Who is he? How could this momentum be so strong... " At the foot of Qinling Mountain, Wang Ye looks shocked at Ye Xiao!

At this time, ye Xiao has also come to the king's side. Ye Xiao has already thought about it. Now he shows a trace of super strength. Then he warns him not to enter Chang'an, and finally gives him a falling pill. In this way, he should be able to save his life!

"You can't step into Chang'an, or you will be killed!"

After half a ring, the prince suddenly said, "are you ye Xiao?"

Ye Xiao slightly a Leng, this guy how to know his own? Ye Xiao shook his head: "I'm not ye Xiao!" Then ye Xiao took out an upper step meteorite pill from his arms, which was white, and handed it directly to him and said, "if you enter Chang'an, if you encounter a life and death crisis, take it and you can save your life!"

The prince took the pill from ye Xiao's hand, and then asked in doubt, "are you really not ye Xiao?"

"Don't challenge my patience!" Ye Xiao snorted coldly, then turned and walked towards the distance directly!

In fact, in Ye Xiao's opinion, he not only warned Wang ye not to enter Chang'an, but also gave him meteor elixir, which was the highest level. There was no failure rate and death rate of meteorite pill at all! As long as he takes it at the time of life and death crisis, he can directly break through and even reach the realm of gas refining. At that time, qingyangzi would not be his opponent at all!

But what ye Xiao didn't expect was that it was because he gave him the falling pill, but the king didn't swallow it in time. At the last moment, he swallowed the falling pill. Although he hurt qingyangzi seriously with his medicine, he also died directly

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