"I said," what do you have in your gourd? When you were in the Qiaoshan tomb, you didn't understand it Ye Xiao thought of some things that Xiaotian had put in it. He was really curious!

"Do you really want to know?"

"Eun!" Ye Xiao nodded again and again, who could not be curious?

"I won't tell you!" Xiao Tian laughs happily, and then goes with the jade gourd. In fact, the jade gourd is symbiotic with himself. As for the treasures in the jade gourd, they have been divided and absorbed by him. Otherwise, how could he have been promoted so fast?

After walking for about ten minutes, Xiaotian suddenly said, "there is movement ahead!"

"I also noticed that it seemed that two teams were fighting!" Ye Xiaohe and Xiaotian slowly approach, when they see those fighting people clearly, they murmur: "it's the group of fire family before, and another group of people with similar strength!"

"Look up there!" Xiaotian suddenly looked up and looked up. Over their heads, there was a strange tree trunk separated from the common branches. On the trunk, there was an ice blue, fist sized fruit!

"That thing should be Xuanyin fruit?" Ye Xiao took a look at the fruit, which exudes a very Yin flavor, and he was surprised in his heart. He must get it. With Xuanyin fruit and xuanyang fruit, he may really break through the realm that has never been broken in the past six months!

"Wait a minute, I'll wear a mask!" Ye Xiao said, and out of thin air, he made a colorful mask, then put it on his face and murmured: "if these guys see that I took xuanyinguo, if they disclose the news, it will not be fun. At that time, it is not good to be chased by a group of people, so it is better to keep a low profile!" Ye Xiao doesn't dare to be careless. It's only fifty or sixty kilometers away from Los Angeles. Once they get their news from Los Angeles and those people chase after them, they'll be busy enough!

"I'm waiting for you in front of me!" Xiaotian said, and then turned into a white light, first ran to the front, and ye Xiao looked at the two teams of people are inseparable, directly jumped up, the sword flying, soon came to the top of the tree, one hand quickly grasped the Xuanyin fruit, and suddenly a very cold spirit rushed up along his right arm!

Fortunately, his right arm was transformed by the original extreme Yin holy Gu. At the same time, he formed a violent Qi in his right arm. When the extremely Yin Qi attacked, he was just absorbed by the pure Yin Qi in Ye Xiao's body!

There is no harm to noumenon at all!

"Who is that?"

"Who the hell is he?" When the two sides were fighting hard, they suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something moving above them. However, when they looked up, they were surprised to find that someone dared to take the Xuanyin fruit off with bare hands. Most importantly, the Xuanyin fruit should be the fight between them and the Yi family. How could a third party suddenly appear?

"You son of a bitch, you'd better leave the things for me, otherwise, our E-House will not let you go!"

"We can't do it either!"

At the same time, the two sides of the staff is the rapid flying sword, all around Ye Xiao! And the old man of the fire family said: "our fire family's backup is on the road at the moment. If you dare not enter and leave things behind, then you will die for nothing."

"Little brother, as long as you give things to our Yi family, then we promise to kill all the three bastards who threaten you!"

Ye Xiao looked at the people around him coldly, and then changed his voice a little. At the same time, he put a strong extremely Yin spirit into his voice: "hum, I have been waiting here for several years. Today, Xuanyin fruit is mature. I've picked it from myself. Do you still want to work with me?" When ye Xiao was talking, the cold and overcast atmosphere frightened the other people. He didn't even dare to let out the atmosphere!

The old man of the fire family murmured in his heart that this Xuanyin fruit is ripe once a year, but it is not clear that it will appear on that tree next time. How can he say that he has been waiting for several years? Of course, he did not dare to ask directly. He had already judged from the breath that the man in front of him was extremely powerful. He did not dare to mess around!

"This elder, don't you want to leave your name? We can also go back and miss the master's report, this Xuanyin fruit... " The people of Yi family suddenly said!

Ye Xiao looked at both sides of the crowd, thought about it, and said coldly, "this place is called..." Ye Xiao thought about it for a while, and suddenly found out what he should claim to be a difficult thing. Suddenly, his spirit flashed, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "my Taoist name is unknown. If you dare to commit it again, you can't blame me for being merciless!"

The whole individual flies out of the air quickly, leaving a group of people behind. Look at me and I look at you. For a while, I don't know what to say because they commit again? What did they do?

"Nameless, who is it? Why haven't you heard of it? "

"God..." A middle-aged man in the Yi family suddenly shocked and said, "can't it be him? He is said to be nameless, but he has disappeared for hundreds of years... "

"You mean the unknown left feather, who is known as the ancestor of array? How can it be? It's a legendary character. How can he fly with the sword? That's a top master who can blend into the void with any move! ""Who is this nameless? There seems to be no such person in stone city or Los Angeles City! "

"Forget it, go back to your home and report it to your family." The old man of the fire family shook his head slightly, and then took the young man and the injured middle-aged man to leave slowly. At this time, the young man said slightly: "how do I feel that the elder just now, seems to have seen it somewhere?"

In the dark, ye Xiao curled her lips and sneered: "I've seen you before. I wanted to kill you before."

"How about it? You got it? " Xiao Tian lies on Ye Xiao's shoulder and asks!

"Of course! I'm not going to swallow them directly, are they Ye Xiao looks at the Xuan Yin fruit that sends out extremely Yin Qi in his hand and says slowly!

"Xuanyin fruit and xuanyang fruit, the two most Yin to Yang things, naturally need to be at midnight, after the Yin and Yang in your body are completely leveled before you can swallow them at the same time. While swallowing, you must keep the balance between the two sides. Never lose the balance, otherwise it will be very troublesome!" Xiao Tian said to Ye Xiao at one side!

"Till evening?" Ye Xiaoyi Leng, and then looked at the sky, indifferent to say: "well, anyway, the day is almost dark!" After saying that, he took dozens of medium grade crystal stones from his arms, and then set up an exorcism array and a enchanting array around him. These two low-level arrays, if you let other colleagues see them, if you use the rubbish array of the medium quality spirit stone cloth, you will surely jump up and curse, because these two arrays are very simple entry-level, and can be put out with spirit stone!

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