"It was arranged by Zuo Yu, the old man. That old man has a great reputation!" Xiaotian said indignantly: "when do you learn the old man's moves, I'm afraid you will be famous all over the world. How can you say that you are also the array genius praised by the old man? So when you see Bai Jun next time, you should teach the boy a lesson. How to say that he is also the descendant of the formation's ancestor. If you can't defeat an ordinary person, you should lose You've lost your hair

“……” Ye Xiao didn't reply. He suddenly found that Xiaotian was more and more similar to wells? So much nonsense? You love to provoke?

For his cheap master, ye Xiao is now in awe. He can study the array by himself. If he studies the array to the present level, we can imagine how high his understanding of the array is!

Maybe it's just like Xiaotian said that if he can learn his moves, he will be famous in this world!

As soon as the white light flashed, ye Xiao seemed to hear the bodyguard who was opening the transmission array to say, "these evil pens, now that the whole boundary of ghost respect and the boundary of the mountain have reached the edge of the war, they dare to run to the mountain boundary. Isn't it looking for abuse?"

Ye Xiao didn't understand the chill of this sentence. He was just a little confused. Why did he come to Yuejie to seek abuse?

Almost a few breaths, ye Xiao's eyes are bright, the surrounding environment is rapidly changing, and finally stay in a relatively desolate town, outside the transmission array, there are two young baby attendants and guardians!

"Come out, no one pays five crystal coins, otherwise, stay inside and wait to be sent back! "

two yuan infantile attendants outside the transmission array yelled at the crowd inside, without any politeness. In the transmission array, there are naturally people with hot temper, and a small number of them are out of the body period. These people are masters in any way. The most important thing is that the crystal coin is paid only before the ride, and it will not be collected later Now even want to collect, the most important thing is, even to collect five crystal coins!

In other words, five medium grade crystal coins are nothing to those yuan infant masters, but they are also equivalent to 50 lower grade crystal stones, just like a white-collar riding a bus, originally one yuan, but suddenly asked her to invest 50 yuan. Can he be willing?

"At this time, don't yell at me if you don't want to come down to the city, then you don't want to get out of the city!" The attendants of yuanyingqi didn't know how to keep a low profile. They just yelled at those masters. Some people who wanted to enter the mangsheng hall could only bow their heads and pay. Some of the masters in the out of body period were not satisfied with it. One of them stood up directly and grabbed the servant of yuanyingqi and said coldly, "repeat what you just said!"

"I warn you, don't mess around. This is not your stone city! That Yuan infant period's attendant does not seem to have the slightest fear, on the contrary, there is a kind of fearless feeling!

You know, the city lords of Qi city are all super masters in the early stage of distraction, and there are countless out of body periods. Now there is such a big contradiction between the GUI Zun realm and their Yue realm. How can they be nice to the people in the GUI Zun realm?

"What if I don't pay?" Although the master of the out of body period didn't start with the servant of the yuan infant period, he still said the hardest!

"Boom At this time, the master who was out of the body period was suddenly blown away without any sign. Almost instantly, a figure rushed over and stepped on his body. At this time, people could see clearly that the man in front of him was Qi Bin, one of the four major generals in Qicheng!

"If you don't pay, that's the end. If some of you don't want to pay, go back directly, or just like him!" Qi Bin snorted coldly, turned and left the spot. Ye Xiao, standing in the crowd, frowned slightly and murmured: "this boy has some skills!"

"Not enough for me to swallow!" Xiaotian didn't even lift his eyes. For today's Xiaotian, I'm afraid only those masters who are at the peak in the late stage of out of body and even in the distracted period can fight with one of them, while others are not enough for others to swallow up!

"The Qi city seems to be much stronger than the stone city, just now that person has the strength of the mid-term out of the body!" Ye Xiao looks at the Qi Bin who has left, and then goes out with the crowd step by step. At the same time, he has prepared the middle grade crystal coins. For him, it is not worth fighting with them for these five crystal coins!

As for other people, before and after the incident, they all became obedient. No one is resisting. They just silently lowered their heads and took out their crystal coins

After leaving the transmission array, ye Xiao did not go directly to the city of Qi, but stayed in a forest area around the city, because now all he has to do is to study the sword blade well!

When he was in Shicheng before, ye Xiao had already explored with his mind, but what puzzled him was that the blade engraved with killing had no reaction!

"Hum!" After ye Xiao took the sword blade out of the sea of knowledge, the sword blade made a roar. At the same time, the body of the sword gave out a slight soft light, but in the soft light, there was a strong killing intention!"How strong is the intention of killing?" Ye Xiao is shocked in his heart, and Xiaotian jumps down from ye Xiao's shoulder, looks at the sword blade lying on the ground quietly, and says, "do you try to infiltrate Yin and Yang?"

Ye Xiao took a look at the blade of the sword, then put out his hands, and a stream of black and white gas slowly came out along his hands. When the black and white gas was about to touch the blade, there was a hissing sound between the two sides, just like a red iron stove suddenly poured with cold water!

"There seems to be a will against my exploration. It seems to have spirituality?" Ye Xiao is surprised in the heart and says to the small day on his side!

"Spirituality?" Xiaotian was stunned and then said with a smile: "I'm afraid it's not spirituality, but the innate inhibition of the spirit treasure to the outside world. If it's really spiritual, then only after you refine it can you feel the Tao, such as the coffin of life and death. Although it's very strong, don't you feel his spirituality?"

"You try to infiltrate it with mental strength, and then refine it. If you can refine this thing, maybe you can understand the real meaning of the word" killing! "

"Yes Ye Xiao nodded, then took back the Qi of yin and Yang, and slowly infiltrated his spiritual strength. To his surprise, the blade was not as difficult to refine as he had imagined. It took him less than an hour to refine it thoroughly. After refining, ye Xiao got a message about the blade!

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