The man with a cloak standing on the opposite side whispered, then held the spear in his hand and chuckled: "boy, you are very capable. No wonder you dare to fight against us, but..." The man with the cloak said that, the whole body quickly attacked, especially the black gun which was as black as ink, waved the thorn, mixed with bursts of fierce sound in the air, which made Ye Xiao's heart tremble!

"Drink Ye Xiao murmured, directly pulled out the silver gun behind her, and went to resist it!

"Clang!" When the two guns fight, there are bursts of metal sounds. However, ye Xiao is not strong enough. After fighting with each other, he retreats again and again. At this time, the other side sees Ye Xiao's strength!

"You only have golden elixir?" The Cape man's face changed dramatically, and then he said, "such a genius, if not eliminated, I'm afraid that in the future it will be the robbery of our demon gate." The cloaked man knows very well that although the magic gate is powerful and the people in the demon gate can walk in the whole fairyland, those monks still hate them. Now it's because they have a strong magic gate, so those monks do not completely ban the magic gate!

But once the monks are on the rise, the real strong, the real genius is just, then their magic door is likely to be crushed, even quickly defeated, and even perished!

Therefore, among them, there is such an order. All the talents who practice Taoism must be executed if they have the chance. The man in the cloak thinks that this is the opportunity. Many talents have been born among them. However, he has never seen any one who can reach a draw with him in the golden elixir. Although he has a little advantage, he can't be short Beat the opponent in time!

Such a person against heaven, if not removed as soon as possible, he really can't imagine, I am afraid that after the year of Nuo Gan, he will be a nameless person again!

As for the legend that the founder of the array is nameless, the demons naturally have it. Although only those old people may have seen the nameless accident, the rest of them have never seen it!

"Hum!" Ye Xiao snorted coldly. As long as he used his strength to fight, his array could not cover his own realm. But what's the matter? He wants to kill himself, that's impossible!

When the Taiji area is used in an instant, everything around him seems to be under control. Ye Xiao can see the other party's every move. Ye Xiao can sense that the real threat of the other party is the pressure of Qi. His fighting power is not as good as the great elder of wanjianzong!

"Today, I will kill you!" When the cloaked man is talking, his originally hidden strength seems to start to release. When ye Xiao feels the terrible breath, ye Xiao really realizes that the other side's realm is not the later stage of the out of body stage, but the peak of the later stage of the out of body period!

At this time, the danger of the other side is far more than the great elder of wanjianzong! Ye Xiao's eyes are awe inspiring. He knows that there are more than ten men with cloaks in the auction hall. Ye Xiao doesn't know how strong those men are. But ye Xiao is sure that they can be together, so the difference in strength should not be much!

Thinking of this, ye Xiao offered his sword blade without saying a word and was ready to escape! However, the other party seemed to have guessed that ye Xiao would escape. Almost at the moment when ye Xiao sacrificed his sword blade, he was surrounded by other men with cloaks. More than a dozen experts in the out of body stage surrounded a boy in the golden elixir period. I'm afraid this kind of thing has never happened in the history of earthly fairyland!

Such a scene naturally caused a lot of people to watch. After the auction, those people all stood aside and began to watch! However, the willow leaf standing in the inn stroked his beard and murmured: "the boy's fighting power seems to be quite high. We will finally have a man against the heaven. When the time comes, give this boy to the master of Huayu, and send him to the ten thousand immortals meeting three years later. Maybe he can get a good place!"

While watching the willow leaves, ye Xiao here has already hit all his energy, and at the same time secretly communicates with Xiaotian: "wait a minute, if we suddenly exert our full strength, we should work together to break through their defense, right?"

"There are two strong forces over there. They seem to have almost the same combat effectiveness as the man in front of us. If we suddenly attack, I'm afraid we will be quickly repulsed by them." Xiaotian also said in a low voice!

"What a jerk. Those two out of body guys haven't been fully refined. Otherwise, they will be able to exert infinite phagocytosis, and it will be much easier for us to escape!" Although Xiaotian is not afraid of a peak at the late stage of the out of body stage, he has at least three of them, and almost all of the remaining people are in the out of body period. Even if he has unlimited phagocytosis, he may not be able to withdraw safely!

"If the old man could stand up for us, it would be much easier to do!" One side of the small day slowly said: "but these people can be magic door, that old man even is a seven grade array mage, can offend the magic door..."

"Stinky boy, we are also reasonable. Now as long as you hand over the short blade before, we will save your life! How about it? "

"Hand it in quickly, we are the devil gate's word!"

Ye Xiao's heart is bursts of sneer, these people are just excuses, if you really give them things, I'm afraid they will not even consider killing themselves directly!Because these people do not know that they can put things into the sea of knowledge, and they think that they are put in the space ring, and as long as the space ring is crushed, the things inside will never be taken out! So the reason why they don't use strong directly is here!

"The longer the time is, the worse it will be for us. We'd better try to get rid of it first." When ye Xiao and Xiao Tianzheng were discussing, one of the leading men with a cloak directly waved a long gun and stabbed at Ye Xiao!

It seems that when you feel the general pale, you will not let the air collapse! Other people on one side also began to rush towards Ye Xiao. More than a dozen experts in the out of body stage are dealing with a kid in the golden elixir period. It's really hard to see such a thing

"Roar!" At this time, Xiao Tian suddenly roared, and his whole body became huge. However, his speed did not weaken at all. He said to Ye Xiao, "jump on my back!"

Ye Xiao no longer hesitated. He waved his spear. In an instant, he jumped from the blade of the sword and then rode on Xiaotian's back. At this time, Xiaotian directly rushed to one of the weakest cloaks!

What it wants to do is to cooperate with Ye Xiao, instantly kill one of the weakest, and then escape from it!

But it's a pity that among these people, there are at least three strong people who are at the peak of the later stage of OBE. So, at the moment when Xiaotian rushes past, an expert stands in front of Ye Xiao and stabs the black spear in his hand directly at Ye Xiao!

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