Now we know that the coffin of life and death is likely to have ideas. Once there are ideas, it means that he is likely to have intelligence and produce tools!

"Yes, master!" At the moment, Zhenguo Yang respectfully said to Ye Xiao: "I hope the master doesn't mind what I did before. From now on, my Zhenguo Yang won't refuse to go up the mountain and go down to the sea of fire for the master!"

"Ha ha!" Ye Xiao laughs. Suddenly, he has an idea. Looking at the Zhenguo Yang in front of him, he says, "why does Zhou Ziwei have this breath of yuanfo?"

"Yuan Buddha?" Zhenguo Yang slightly a Leng, immediately seemed to understand what general way: "the director said is Buddha?"? The master of wanjianzong got a scripture a few years ago, and it was because of the non Scripture that he stabilized his present state. Similarly, after that, he had a strange breath! And that Sutra can often conjure up the image of Buddha, that is, a Buddha with a horn. It looks very strange

"Oh?" Ye Xiao slightly a Leng, then said: "how strong is his strength?"

"At the beginning of separation, I am not very clear about the details, because he doesn't let us read the Sutra at all!" Zhenguo Yang said respectfully in one side: "that or I will do undercover, help the master to investigate some?"

"No more!" Ye Xiao shook his head and said, "if you go back now, that old thing will be doubted, so why bother yourself?"

"Now, if you don't have a foothold, you have to do something better if you don't have a strong position." Ye Xiao said!

"Does the master want to set up a mountain?" Zhenguo Yang thought about it and said, "it's said that there are not many ancestral gates in Huacheng, but most of them are descendants of aristocratic families. If the owner wants to open a mountain and establish a clan, maybe Huacheng is a good place. Of course, there can only be branch schools in the flower city. The mountain gate must find a place full of vitality, otherwise it will have a great impact on practice."

Ye Xiao's eyes suddenly brightened, because Zhenguo Yangna was a real family member and a great elder of wanjianzong. With this boy's help, it should not be very difficult to create a mountain gate!

"You don't have to worry about the mountain gate. Although I can't guarantee that the spirit of the mountain gate is higher than those of the big families in Fujian city, it is definitely within the mountain boundary, and it is one of the best." Ye Xiao grinned and said with a smile! In his mind, however, there is a genuine Encyclopedia of array. Others have it, he has it and others don't have it!

Now, for the number of array, other people Ye Xiao is not clear, but within the same age, I'm afraid only Bai Junna has no word Tianshu boy, can be better than himself, other people, almost can not pay attention to!

"Oh?" Zhenguo Yang was stunned, and then respectfully said: "in this case, the small original assistant master, the most important thing is that he needs his own fame and prestige, so the master should have a certain reputation not only in the Yuejie, but also near the flower city and even in the whole flower field."

"For a while, he slaughtered all the experts in the twelve out of body period, and his blood was shining to the sky, seriously injuring Zhou Ziwei. Is this really a calculation?" Ye Xiao said with a smile: "fame will go out soon."

At this time, ye Xiao was shocked and had a startling idea!

"There is a nameless barren mountain to the north of Huacheng!" Ye Xiao pointed to the north in the sarcophagus and said!

"Master, don't you want to build the gate on the barren mountain? God, the aura there is so thin that even the desert is not as good as it is! " Zhenguo Yang is in a hurry. Now he really thinks about ye Xiao, so he doesn't want everything destroyed. According to Ye Xiao, reputation is enough, but folding doors can't be randomly selected!

"Ha ha!" Ye Xiao raised his head to the sky and roared: "there are still three months left when the mangsheng hall will be opened. Then I will use one month to build the mountain gate and recruit only one hundred disciples! After two months of training, they will have the strength of the later period of the young baby! "

Zhenguo Yang suddenly felt that ye Xiao was a little too boastful. Let alone whether there would be anyone on the barren mountain, even if someone would go, how could he reach the later stage of Yuanying in two months? It's impossible even if you take drugs every day!

But he couldn't say it directly, so he was depressed!

Ye Xiao said with a smile, "don't worry, you will understand it in a month."

The nameless barren mountain to the north of Huacheng is only more than 300 Li Long and 3000 meters high. It is called barren mountain. It is not that the whole mountain is barren without any vegetation, but that the momentum on the mountain fluctuates, even there is no dense desert!

Ye Xiao chose the mountain gate here for convenience, but he didn't care who he was? Master array is also the descendant of the ancestor of array. As long as he sets up an anti sky array around the barren mountain, the Qi strength of thousands of miles around will be gathered in less than three days, and his strength concentration here will naturally surpass those famous mountain families in the mountain world!

"Super spirit gathering array, it was changed by Zuo Yu himself. Are you sure you don't want him to help you?" Xiao Tian asked in one side! This super spirit gathering array is a huge project. The array consumes more than 80 million medium grade crystal coins, which is equivalent to a small crystal mine!"No, I can do it myself. The most important thing is to control the mental power. Now my strongest thing is mental power. If I can't do this well, I still have to study the array with face?" Ye Xiao shook his head and said slowly. In fact, what he said was right. The reason why he was able to set up the eight grade blocking array was also here. His spiritual power was extremely strong. In short, it was countless times stronger than that willow leaf. The most important thing of the array mage was his spiritual power!

Theoretically speaking, as long as ye Xiao understands and has enough Qi and strength, it should not be difficult to set up a life and death array. But the problem is, I'm afraid Ye Xiao has not finished depicting the array, and his Qi strength will be exhausted!

"The super spirit gathering array should be seven grades according to the rank, but few people know about this array, because it is made by the master himself, and other people can't make it even if they want to do it!" Ye Xiao said and began to depict carefully. When ye Xiao set up the array, Xiaotian and zhenguoyang were patrolling around the barren mountains. During the whole time, we should never let other people know!

The super spirit gathering array doesn't mean that the whole mountain range is completely covered. Ye Xiao only sets up an array of only 100 kilometers, and then the most peripheral one prepares to set up a derivative array of life and death array, yin and Yang life and death array! This kind of array has a very high requirement for the Qi of yin and Yang. Ye Xiao didn't set up a big array for protecting the clan of other sects. Instead, he specially set up a killing array. Ye Xiao decided that if he was not a member of his sect, once he entered the Yin Yang life and death array, he would die as long as he was not a super strong one in the fitness period!

As for the strong in the fitness period, although they can't be killed, they can be trapped in it, and this is the terror of the array! Of course, the layout requirements of Yin Yang life and death array are higher and stronger!

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