In fact, ye Xiao's fame is still very high in Huayu. He can destroy the whole wanjianzong by himself, and at the same time resist the identity of Chengtian, the director of Yuejie, and master of Sipin array. With these premises, ye Xiao's reputation is naturally very great!

But when ye Xiao entered the city Lord's house and had not yet reached the welcome hall, Liu Ye came by himself and looked at Ye Xiao with a smile on his face and said, "master ye, how can you come to Huacheng today? Some time ago, I heard that you left the fairyland? "

"Ha ha, some time ago, there was a private matter, no big deal. But now, there is really something I want to trouble you about!" Ye Xiao laughs, and the willow leaves on one side lead the way to the welcome hall. Ye Xiao says that he is here at this time while walking!

"Did Master Liu ever hear of Jieshi?" Ye Xiao asked tentatively in one side!

"Boundary stone?" Willow leaf slightly a Leng, immediately slightly surprised way: "want boundary stone to do what?" Liu Ye has to be surprised. I'm afraid that most people have never heard of Jieshi, and there are not many people who have heard of Jieshi. So Liu Ye suddenly hears Ye Xiao asking about Jieshi. Naturally, he is very puzzled!

"Set up Ye Xiao didn't hide it, because there were only a few boundary stones. They were all array masters. What's more, they were seven grade array masters. Naturally, their strength was clear!

"Do you really want to set up Willow leaves a little stunned, then said: "the role of boundary stone is to separate the two realms. In the array, it can only play the role of illusory, so that the enemy trapped in the array can't tell the illusory from the reality. Can't you set up a psychedelic array?"

Ye Xiao shook his head slightly after hearing this: "illusory array, expensive lies in the reality, want that useless, what I set up is Yin and Yang reversal array!"

"What?" Liu Ye's face changed dramatically. He looked at Ye Xiao in front of him. After half a sound, he said slowly, "do you want to set up a reverse array of yin and Yang? Change Yin and Yang, reverse time? "

Liu Ye had to shock Ye Xiao's plan, because the yin-yang reversal array is famous. The whole earth fairyland, I'm afraid, is only one in Fujian city. Even if there is one, there is not so strong energy to support it. Because the yin-yang inversion array, three nine grade array masters can complete the array arrangement, but the crystal stone he needs is almost It is inexhaustible. Millions of crystal stones will be consumed in one day. I'm afraid only those real super families in Fujian can afford to use them under certain important circumstances. Otherwise, who will use this?

Of course, what Liu Ye doesn't know is that ye Xiao's yin-yang inverted array has been transformed by Zuo Yu. The demand for crystal stones is not so exaggerated. Of course, it is not so exaggerated. It can not consume millions of high-quality crystal stones, but it consumes hundreds of thousands of high-quality crystal stones every day, which is not exaggerated at all!

"What?" Ye Xiao looked at the shocked willow leaves and asked, "what's the problem?"

"No!" Willow leaf shook his head, and then said, "it's just shocking. This yin-yang reversal array is not something that a master of array can accomplish. It's absolutely convinced to burn the talisman."

"Ha ha, you don't have to worry about them. Now I just want to know where there are boundary stones? I want a boundary stone. It doesn't need to be big. It's as big as a fist! " Ye Xiao, with a smile, asked in one side!

"I'm afraid there's no flower field!" Liu Ye shook her head slightly: "I'm afraid the boundary stone is only available in Fujian city. Of course, it's not for sale. But I just have a boundary stone on my body. If you want, I can send it to you!" Liu Ye looks at Ye Xiao and says earnestly!

"Oh?" At first, ye Xiao was still worried, because if only Fujian had some words, it would be impossible to get them in a short time. But now, after hearing Liu Ye's words, he was a little shocked. But after thinking about it, ye Xiao understood it, and then said with a smile, "Master Liu, do you want to enter the array?"

"Ha ha!" Liu Ye smiles awkwardly. The meaning is obvious. He really wants to enter the yin-yang reversal array. The most important thing is that ye Xiao's super spirit gathering array is much stronger than what he has arranged. If he enters the inverted yin-yang array, he can't say that he can break through the present state! So he's not in general interested in this matter!

"Of course, Lord Ye, for the consumption of the array, I will take out 30 million high-grade crystal stones. Brother ye should know that even I can't get that much of the best crystal stones, so these 30 million top-grade crystal stones are basically all my belongings!"

30 million top grade crystal? Ye Xiao is surprised. All the array masters are local tyrants. You should know that 30 million high-grade crystal stones are the assets of a strong man in the ordinary period. Now the willow leaves can easily put out 30 million yuan, which is enough to show that the other party has abundant funds. As for his entire property, ye Xiao directly ignored it, because ye Xiao didn't believe it at all, The most important thing for an array master is crystal coins. Now he takes out 30 million yuan and says it's all his property. Besides, he doesn't even mean a little pain in the flesh. Will ye Xiao believe it?

However, if ye Xiao doesn't agree, he will be a fool! Yin Yang reversal array will increase the energy consumption speed according to the number of people inside!But now that people have given so much to him, how can ye Xiao disagree?

"Of course it's OK!" Ye Xiao grinned. In fact, he didn't expect it to be so smooth. He got the boundary stone on the side of LiuYe. Now, with the boundary stone, everything will be easy to do!

Willow leaves follow Ye Xiao to the back hall of Xingyao mountain. After looking at Ye Xiao's array, Liu Ye is shocked and exclaims: "it can be so. God, it's too exaggerated. In this way, isn't this array completed by you alone?"

Liu Ye suddenly felt that he had lived most of his life. He was not as good as this boy in front of him!

"Of course Ye Xiao grinned, then looked at the willow leaves in front of her and said, "if master Liu really wants to enter, I'll hire Master Liu today to be the guest elder of Xingyao sect. What do you think? As long as master Liu agrees, then as long as the formation is opened, Master Liu can enter! " Ye Xiao has a lot of abacus in his heart. Now he is ready to confront Wu Zong directly. He is likely to offend Ren Chengtian completely. So before that, he still tied up a few experts to himself. If something goes wrong, at least other people will help to bear it!

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