"Bang..." The golden haired man pulled the trigger. The golden bullet ejected from the black muzzle of the gun and flew forward in a constant trajectory, not towards a certain position in the driver's seat, but towards the wheel of the car, and it was the front wheel

In his words, the highest level of killing is to kill the other party and let the other party not know that he was murdered, but died of an accident

Yes, it was an accident. Although there was gunfire, after passing through the muffler, ye Xiao, who was on the Audi car, couldn't hear it at all, but even if he heard it, he couldn't make any response

Although his car skills are first-class, although his grasp of the car is like grasping every part of his body, he is not the car itself after all, and he makes any dodge in this very short time

"Click..." At the moment when the front of the Audi car has rushed out of the intersection, the bullet directly hit the front wheel of the Audi car

Thanks to the special modification of the car, it not only has a bulletproof system, but also a rubber tire, which has not been hit by a single shot. But even so, how big is the threat of a bullet at this critical moment?

As we all know, even a small stone or even a small grain of sand may cause the car to slip when it is running at high speed, which will lead to a tragic accident, let alone a bullet fired from the front

And it's a sniper's bullet. How powerful it is

The bullet hit the left wheel in front of it. That force made the left wheel slightly beat. That's when the right wheel of the car continued to rush forward. As a result, the whole body began to tilt

If it's on the road, this kind of tilt at most will make the car slip and hit the roadside, but the problem is that it's about to leap

In such a moment, the car body has already flown out, and the body in mid air starts to rotate from right to left This is definitely a life-threatening moment

On the Audi, ye Xiao and Yang Su Su felt the body shake violently at the same time, and then the car body involuntarily began to rotate, like a huge dart, spinning toward the intersection ahead. Can this situation fly past?

Yang Su Su doesn't know what happened, but he knows that at this moment, the car has completely lost control

Looking back at Ye Xiao, he found that his face was livid, his hands began to press a pile of buttons in front of the car, and his eyes were staring at the front of the car

I don't know why. Looking at Ye Xiao who is very serious and still refuses to give up at this time, Yang Su Su feels that she is so down-to-earth that even if the car really falls into a cliff, even if it is really broken, she doesn't have any fear

At this time, the car also played the boy chasing the wind, listening to the moving melody, feeling the freedom of people in the air, Yang Su Su was completely intoxicated

At the same time, the golden Bugatti Veolia ran out from the side of the Audi and ran straight to the intersection. On the body of Bugatti Weihang, the woman had closed her eyes, but Shangguan Fei looked at the Audi car which was still spinning. What was the problem? Why does Audi suddenly lose control?

In this state, can he fly over?

At this moment, he even worried about ye Xiao. To tell the truth, if only relying on his driving skills, ye Xiao has completely conquered him. Even if he has no cards, this is the unique propeller of Bugatti Weihang, and it is difficult to control the high speed with his own driving skills. However, even with such cards, he does not think he will To win is just to give yourself a chance to win.

But now, the other party's car is completely out of control. Whether it falls on a cliff or can fly over it smoothly, he doesn't know

"Bang..." A huge shock, Bugatti Weihang heavily fell on the opposite road, and then it seems like a piece of smoke left the dust

No matter how the other party's car is, he has no way to stop or save them. What he can do is to sprint out with all his strength

This is also a respect for the opponent

At this moment, the Audi, which should have landed first, turned the front of the car. What's more, after the shock just now, the Audi suffered great resistance. The whole body did not fall to the ground. Finally, the rear wheel fell on the road, and most of the front body fell on the cliff

Generally, there is only one result of such a scene, that is, the car is once again rowing to the cliff. After all, most cars are front drive, even four-wheel drive. In such a situation, who can react?

Even they didn't have a chance to jump out of the car, because their positions were completely suspended

However, miracles are always born when they are most needed. Audi A5 itself is a four-wheel drive, or in other words, front drive is always used in ordinary times, but four-wheel drive is used at the most critical time

In this race against the clock, ye Xiao clenched the steering wheel with his left hand, pulled the pull rod with his right hand, and the rear wheel drive was started. As soon as he stepped on the gas pedal, the rear wheel began to turn, and a powerful power burst out, and the whole body of the car fell backward"Bang..." The front wheel of the Audi hit the intersection on the edge of the cliff, and the whole body finally retreated to the road. Yang Su Su had already been frightened and sweating. Now, seeing ye Xiao pull them back from the hands of death, she could not help but feel relieved. But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, ye Xiao had already snorted

"Sit down..." Then ye Xiao turned the steering wheel and pushed the pull rod forward. The Audi, which was still retreating, rushed forward in an instant. Then, he made a sharp turn and passed the edge of the cliff, and then ran straight to the end

Yang Su Su was scared again, and finally recovered a life. As for how hard he was? And the other side's car has already run out so far, the distance from here to the end is not very long, is it in time? Didn't you see that the other party even started the thruster?

However, ye Xiao didn't pay any attention to her panic. She stepped on the gas pedal and pressed a red button with one hand. Then the whole car began to make a click. Yang Su Su looked back from the rearview mirror and saw that the trunk had been opened and was spreading towards both sides. It turned out that two thin tail wings were formed, and a spark was in a flash Burn

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