"I'm sorry Next time I won't... " Hearing Ye Xiao's words, Tan Xiaoxiao felt a little relaxed. At the same time, he was disappointed. How could he think so? However, hearing Ye Xiao's words, I had to say I'm sorry

"A word of apology is enough?" Ye Xiaoyi smiles

"What do you want?" Tan Xiaoxiao is stunned

"You're always going to give you something to help you so much, don't you?" Ye Xiao's smile is more and more brilliant, brilliant to some evil

"What good?" Tan Xiaoxiao asked again, the heart has made a decision, try to meet Ye Xiao's requirements, how to say he really helped himself!

"Touch my boobs?" Ye Xiao's smile becomes extremely lewd

Even if you don't want to be a girlfriend, you have to do something good, don't you?

"To die..." Tan laughs and laughs angrily. He grabs the fork on the table and thrusts it at Ye Xiao. Who is this person who takes advantage of others

"Ha ha, this is just a casual talk. Don't be angry..." Ye Xiao quickly grabs Tan Xiaoxiao's small hand and doesn't let her stick in his body!

"This one can't work. Change it to another one..." Tan Xiaoxiao's face is flushed, and she doesn't really want to insert Ye Xiaoyi

"How about a kiss?" Ye Xiao some uneasy look to tan Xiaoxiao, as long as slightly wrong, immediately change attention!

"Good..." Tan Xiaoxiao shyly nodded, he helped himself such a big favor, kiss him once when reward!

"I mean tongue kiss..." Every inch of a leaf

"Why don't you die..." Tan Xiaoxiao, who had planned to close her eyes and kiss Ye Xiao quickly, was angry again when she heard this sentence

"Well, you promised just now, and the guy threatened to kill me. He risked his life to help. Can't you satisfy this little request?" Ye Xiao exclaimed

"You've got to push your luck..." Tan smile jiaochen way!

"You didn't hear me out!" Ye Xiao retorts!

"If you can't, just kiss it. If you want to, you can kiss it. If you don't, you can get it!"

"Pull it as soon as you can. I'll catch up and tell Han Jianyu that I have nothing to do with you..." Ye Xiao said he was going to rush out!

"Well, they promised you..." Tan Xiaoxiao pulled Ye Xiao, a shy face!

This villain knows to bully others!

"Hey, hey, that's good. Come on..." Ye Xiao said, has put his mouth together up!

"Shall we change places? There are a lot of people here... " Tan Xiaoxiao pushes Ye Xiao away from his mouth

Eh? Ye Xiao realized that there are really many people here. It's really not suitable here. He is not shy, but afraid to be seen by other women. Who will like himself then!

Can you give up the whole Bush to kiss a flower!

"Let's go. Go there. There's no one there..." Ye Xiao said, pulling Tan Xiaoxiao and then walked to a corridor next to it, where there was no one to see!

Tan Xiaoxiao is pulled by Ye Xiaoxiao. She only feels that her heart is about to jump out. Especially when she thinks of a possible scene for a while, she can't stop running up and down. She just lets Ye Xiao pull her!

They come to the corridor beside them. Ye Xiao presses Tan Xiaoxiao on the wall

Tan Xiaoxiao's chest rapidly ups and downs, jade face is becoming red, look down, dare not look at Ye Xiao!

Seeing the shy Tan Xiaoxiao, ye Xiao only feels that her soul is flying away. What charming flowers and moon, what ancient rhymes, and what Peng Ying's poems are, go to one side. It's so beautiful. The tan Xiaoxiao at the moment is so beautiful!

I don't need to be taught at all. My mouth is smiling at Tan, which is even ruddy than rose

Feeling Ye Xiao's increasingly heavy breath, Tan Xiaoxiao's heart rate has reached the peak of her life. Her eyes are slightly closed, and she dare not look down

"Pa..." With a gentle sound, ye Xiao's lips were printed on the red lips of Tan Xiaoxiao, and a faint warmth came.

Tan Xiaoxiao only felt her body tremble. Her heart rate, which had reached the extreme, was speeding up together. It was like a deer hopping in her chest. Her whole body was even more dry and hot. Originally, her arms were stretched out instinctively, and she wrapped around Ye Xiao's back from behind!

Feeling the change of Tan Xiaoxiao, ye Xiao is not polite

If ye Xiao had not pressed her on the wall, she might have fallen down!


Two people who are falling into passion quickly come back to their senses. Ye Xiao instinctively presses Tan Xiaoxiao to the ground

Gunfire? How can there be gunfire on campus? Is it Han Jianyu? His revenge came so fast?

Tan Xiaoxiao also calmed down and let Ye Xiao press on her body. There was no panic in her eyes

"Don't move here. I'll go and have a look..." After a while, there was no more gunfire. Ye Xiao said to tan with a smile

"Well!" Tan Xiaoxiao nodded cleverlyYe Xiao no longer talks nonsense. Her body is like a goshawk. She rises from the sky and rises and falls a few times. She has arrived at the scene of the incident. She can see several men and women gathered together, including Yi Guyun, Shangguan Wudao, Wang Qi, Hua YUEWU and so on. There is also a body whose head has been blasted on the ground It's a sniper gun?

"What about Peng Ying's poems?" Seeing that Peng Ying's poem is not here, ye Xiao cries out anxiously. For a moment, she even forgets the identity of Peng Ying's poem. Fortunately, everyone is in a state of extreme panic, and no one notices the language disease in his words!

Yiguyun did not speak, just looked at the opposite side, motioned Peng Yingshi to pursue the murderer on the opposite side!

All the people, even the Shangguan Wudao and Wang Qi, were pale and looked at the headless corpse on the ground. No one noticed this!

The only one to keep calm is yiguyun. However, her smile has disappeared and her eyes are full of guilt!

Guilt? Is it guilt for the body on the ground?

Think about it, the killer must have come for her, but now the dead is another innocent, her guilt is normal!

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