In the southern suburb of Jinghai City, in a factory newly built only this year, a figure completely covered with black robes walked to the factory room under the leadership of a group of white coats. He walked through the corridors and finally came to the basement. He even entered a completely sealed secret room. The figure saw Xu Yifeng, who had already changed into a white coat, was lying in front of a table with his eyes fixed With a huge glassware on it, I watched with rapture. Even if a group of people came from behind, they didn't notice

"Did you succeed?" Seeing Xu Yifeng's expression of such concern, the figure in black robe said a little.

"Well, it worked. You see..." Xu Yifeng then returned to his senses and made a gesture of empty invitation to the man in black.

Although the black robed man had known the result for a long time, he could not help but feel a little excited at this time. He quickly stepped forward and lay down on the table with his eyes fixed on the glassware.

In the glassware, what is stored is not a potion or a piece of meat, but a living person, a woman who can be called perfect in both appearance and figure.

There, there is a group of muscles in the crazy peristalsis

"Come on, do it..." Xu Yifeng ordered those white coats behind him. Immediately someone ran to the operating platform beside him and pressed several buttons. Then a manipulator appeared on the top of the glass equipment. Holding a long metal knife in his hand, he directly moved down from the top of the huge glassware. The sharp blade of the knife was directly drawn from the woman's shoulder, and one was drawn to her abdomen , left a wound tens of centimeters long and an inch deep on that perfect figure

They can even see the turned white meat

However, a shocking thing happened. Before the blood in the white meat could penetrate, the muscles at the wound began to wriggle wildly, and recovered at the speed visible to the naked eye. In a short time, the wound had completely recovered. If there was not a shallow trace, I would have thought that the scene just now was an illusion

Seeing such a scene, the black robed man's mouth gave out a deep laugh. It was a kind of proud and excited laughter. Finally, he succeeded. The undead soldier who organized the research finally succeeded

With such a group of undead fighters, what else can't they do?

"What are their weaknesses?" Seeing such a scene, the man in black asked again

"The heart, the heart is their power source, as long as the heart is not broken, theoretically speaking, they can live forever..." Xu Yifeng also said excitedly that this is definitely one of the greatest inventions of this century

Although these drugs have not been really successful, once taken, the whole person will lose his mind and must be controlled by computer chips. They can't take them, they can't really live forever, but they can control such a large army.

On the battlefield, such an army is definitely the most terrifying army. If you think about it, when you smash their heads, they can still stand up and fight with you. Thinking about it is a burst of terror

"Hahaha, good, good. You did a good job this time. With your ability, after returning to the organization, you will at least be a helmsman. Ha ha, how many finished products are there?" A burst of excitement, the man in black patted Xu Yifeng on the shoulder

"Not much. This is China. There are not so many experimental materials..." Xu Yifeng shook his head and began to say that his so-called experimental materials naturally refer to living people

"Didn't you develop an antibiotic before? Isn't there a lot of failure products? If you let out those failed products, will there be more materials? " The figure in black chuckled

Xu Yifeng, including several other white coats on the scene, was shocked and looked at the black robed figure one by one

The so-called failure product, in fact, is a kind of virus that can cause ordinary people to vomit, have a fever, catch a cold, and even to paralysis and death. Frankly speaking, it is the same as the previous plague. Moreover, it is an infectious virus, which can be transmitted through the air, blood and other channels. Once this virus is used, a little carelessness may completely destroy a city Die

Is it too cruel?

"What? Can't give up? " Seeing Xu Yifeng's changed face, the figure in black chuckled, and the smile was full of sarcasm

"No, it's just that this will certainly attract the attention of the government. If it is strictly investigated, I'm afraid..." Xu Yifeng said with some embarrassment.

"It's nothing to be afraid of. You should transfer these data. Our mission here is almost finished. It's time to retreat..." Waiting for Xu Yifeng to finish, the black robed man has directly interrupted the way.

"Retreat?" Xu Yifeng is stunned again

"Yes, do you want to stay here?" The figure in black sneered

"Not really. I know what to do..." Xu Yifeng said quickly.

"Well, I always feel at ease when you do things. By the way, how come the bullets have been in China for such a long time that they haven't acted?" Black robed figure is very satisfied to say.

"Don't worry, if he doesn't do it, he will never give up when he does..." Xu Yifeng nodded definitelyAt this time, in front of the cemetery where Luo lingchi and Wang Qi are located, ye Xiao, dressed in black, stands quietly in the middle. Instead of holding a chrysanthemum in his hand, he just takes out three cigarettes from his cigarette box, puts them in his mouth and lights them at the same time, and then takes out two cigarettes and puts them in front of the graves of Wang Qi and Luo lingchi

Then he took the one left in his mouth and sat in the middle of the two tombs

"Wang Qi, today, my brother met a psychopath. At the beginning, he was as arrogant as you. Who knows, after a race with the young master, I was convinced by the perfect driving skills of the young master. He had to worship Laozi as a teacher and said the same words as you to defeat me? You say Laozi is a god like existence. Can he defeat him? I'm really worried that after accepting him, I'll die before I get out of school like you... " Ye Xiao took a long puff of smoke ring and said with emotion

It is at this time that ye Xiao's mobile phone rings. Ye Xiao takes it up and has a look. It's Shao Bingyan calling

"Ye Xiao, a black bus followed you to Lingshan..." On the other end of the phone, Shao Bingyan's anxious voice came

But ye Xiao's mouth, but emerged a touch of light smile

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