After the white light disappeared, ye Xiao found that he was under the gate of xingyaomen. When ye Xiao was grateful for the two great powers, he was shocked to find that all the arrays on the barren mountain were destroyed. When ye Xiao released his mind and scanned the whole barren mountain, he was shocked to find that Wang Peng and Huang Ming were seriously injured and his disciples were shocked in the main hall Flustered!

Suddenly, a surge of anger was released from ye Xiao's heart, because among those people, ye Xiao did not find the four figures of situ Haoyue, sharna, Su Qin and Peng Yingshi. What does this mean? I'm afraid I've been taken away!

For a moment, ye Xiao felt that his throat was sweet, like anger, and almost burst out blood. At the same time, in his eyes, at the moment when he did not have the nine changes of life and death in actual combat, his eyes flashed with golden light, and his black hair even showed signs of turning white!

"Ah Ye Xiao suddenly burst a drink, suddenly around him as the center, burst out a super strong shock wave, directly smashed the surrounding trees and gravel! "Who is it Who the hell is it? " Ye Xiao is angry, holding a gun in one hand, and suddenly squats on the ground. Suddenly, the whole earth seems to shake violently in this moment!

"Whoosh!" At this time, a fist like light flew to Ye Xiao's body, and an idea spread into Ye Xiao's mind!

"Master, you are back at last!"

Ye Xiao was slightly stunned. Then he looked at the light in front of him and then said, "you are Zhenguo Yang? Your God is not dead? "

"No, thanks to you, after the coffin of life and death is enslaved, it has a layer of protection for the yuan God. Unless the state of enslavement is lifted, otherwise, my yuan God will not be destroyed!"

"Now it's not that my master is incompetent, and they are personally captured by Ren Chengtian, but the specific reason is that his apprentice Kearns..."

Then Zhenguo Yang told ye Xiao what had happened before. After hearing this, ye Xiao's eyes were even more furious, and the golden light before was even more dangerous. At the same time, a torrent of anger was emanating from ye Xiao! At the moment, ye Xiao's big free chess manual, as well as the Green Qi strength, are constantly suppressing that anger, but at this time, it seems that it does not play a big role!

"Ren Chengtian You bastard... " Ye Xiao angrily scolded, and at the same time he asked, "did you say they walked for more than two hours?"

"Yes, master!"

After hearing this, ye Xiao was immediately happy. It turned out that the island where he was originally located was actually the place where Jiezi came out. Could he change the internal time? Sixty years, isn't an hour thirty years? How strong it is

"Fortunately, there's still time, there's still time!" Ye Xiao kept saying that, at the same time, he could see that he was at ease, because two hours, they were not enough to do anything, at least not now! And just at this time, a ray of light emerged!

Among them are two seriously injured Wang Peng and Huang Ming, as well as a generation of disciples, and Liu Ye

Ye Xiao looked at the willow leaves. Her eyes sank, and the golden light flashed in her eyes. She said in an angry voice, "you are the guest elder of Xingyao gate. Where were you when the incident happened?"

Ye Xiao's breath is very strong, especially the pressure of the violent air is more powerful. Rao is already a master in the fitness period, and he is also a master of the eight pin array. However, he still can't resist Ye Xiao's momentum at the moment. He is too fierce. This feeling

"Brother Xiao, don't blame Master Liu. At that time Ren Chengtian was sending people to attack the whole Huayu area. Before the incident, Master Liu had been summoned by Hua Yuzhu to Yufu, and now the Huajia has already allied with Ren Chengtian..." At this time, Wang Peng explained in a hurry! Wang Peng seems to be able to see that there is something wrong with Ye Xiao, especially the golden eyes. Even if it is a look, it also makes people tremble!

After hearing Wang Peng's explanation, ye Xiao's mood is slightly controlled, because ye Xiao knows very well that if Liu Ye is in, then according to his level as a master of eight level array and controlling his array, he can completely resist for a while, at least for three or two days. If the eight pin array mage is not purely killing the array, then the master in the fitness period can't kill at all I'm afraid it's not easy to kill him as a master during the robbery period!

You know, when ye Xiao killed Huang Yi at the beginning, he let him lower his vigilance and let Green Toad Huacan carry out a sneak attack, so he killed him! Otherwise, if the other party knows that ye Xiao has an expert in crossing the river, he can't be killed at all

This is the reason why Ye Xiao is angry. But now it seems that since all the flower families are involved, no one can blame the whole thing. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for the long delay outside!

Ye Xiao's eyes congealed and said angrily, "gather all the Xingyao disciples for me. All those who are above the stage of being out of the body, please gather them for me. This time, I will destroy the whole Yue kingdom!"

"No, never..." At this time, Liu Ye stood up to stop him. He looked at Ye Xiao and said, "let's not say how strong Ren Chengtian is. It's just his subordinates, the eight fitness masters, almost all of them are in the late period of integration. There are also 35 domain masters who are in the period of integration. In addition, with the more than 200 masters in the distracted period, we are not his opponents at all. We must be saved, but We must not think blindlyYe Xiao's eyes sank and ignored Liu Ye's words. Ye Xiao knew very well that she had only two weaknesses. Her own women and brothers could not even protect her own women. How could she have a face to cultivate her morality? As for Ren Chengtian, ye Xiao is also certain to be sure. In the realm of Guizun, although the strength of his subordinates is ordinary, his own strength is higher than Ren Chengtian. At the same time, ye Xiao only wanted to escape, and didn't want to bump into him. But now, ye Xiao is basically ready to go to hell. He knows that the other party is capable of catching his own woman what?

At the thought of this, ye Xiao's anger became more vigorous: "come out!"

Ye Xiao's voice dropped, and suddenly in front of the public, there were more than 100 celebrities, and among these people, there were more than 60 fitness masters. Moreover, the strength of these fitness masters was much stronger than that of the same level, because their own realm was the transition period!

Therefore, even in the hands of the hijacking period, these fitness masters can also save their lives. What are you afraid of those so-called fitness masters? The most important thing is that Liu Ye also saw that one of the strength was in the period of robbery from that group of people! It shocked him!

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