In fact, ye Xiao's purpose is not so-called healing, because he has the power of Green Qi. Once his Yin and yang are separated and his breath is stable, the Green Qi will heal and repair it as soon as possible. The reason why Ye Xiao is really closed is to try to extract the spirit from the later stage of the robbery, so as to provide energy for the coffin of life and death In order to achieve the purpose of repair, maybe this time the spirit of life and death can wake up!

Once the spirit of life and death wakes up, then the real power of the coffin of life and death will also be able to show. The biggest role of the demon refining tower is to have great restraint on the demon clan, but now he is not in the demon family. Generally speaking, the demon refining tower is not of great use. Of course, the demon refining tower has no effect on itself, but it has a very strong ability of self-cultivation power!

Can let Ye Xiao unceasingly progress!

Ye Xiao sacrificed the coffin of life and death, and then began to use the power of yin and yang to explore on it. You know, ye Xiao's so-called refining the spirit of the yuan, but he didn't know the specific steps, so he had to explore step by step!

However, this time, when ye Xiao's idea entered the coffin of life and death, he was surprised to find that the master of the later stage of the robbery had disappeared. He was the same as Zhenguo Yang last time. However, this time, ye Xiao seemed to feel no trace of energy from the master at the later stage of the robbery!

It was at this time that ye Xiao clearly sensed the coffin of life and death, and a powerful breath began to attach itself to the inner wall of the coffin of life and death. Moreover, such an action seemed to be absorbing rather than transmitting the breath to himself

"This breath seems to be generated after those who were refining and refining the atmosphere on earth? However, it seems that the detention of Zhenguo Yang did not refine him before, and the reason is that he has a physical body Why is it OK again? "

Ye Xiao is puzzled. At this time, the coffin of life and death has begun to show waves of strong breath. Of course, the most important thing is that he feels an idea, an idea with wisdom. Can we say that this idea is the spirit of life and death?

This situation lasted for more than ten minutes. In the whole coffin of life and death, ye Xiao could clearly feel that the spirit of life and death could produce spiritual energy. At least ten peaks were needed in the later stage of the robbery. In this case, the real recovery could be achieved

Ye Xiao is startled. It is so difficult for him and xiaotianfeili to kill one peak in the later stage of Dujie. But now, he needs ten? How long will it take?

Ye Xiao threw the coffin of life and death into the sea of knowledge again, because the energy required for this device was too strong. Think about it, ten people were needed to reach the peak in the later stage of the robbery. The energy contained in it should have exceeded the energy of a one-off immortal!

At this time, the lotus imprint at the heart of Ye Xiaomei began to become particularly clear, and the lotus lines began to penetrate into Ye Xiao's skin and meridians!

The blazing and strange feeling made Ye Xiao almost forget that he had got the lotus seed seal. After this feeling, ye Xiao began to guide the lotus pattern to swim in his body slowly! According to the spirit of refining demons, as long as the lines of the lotus seed seal are wandered around the body, and then the refining can be thoroughly talked about, and the real power of the lotus seed seal can be displayed!

Ye Xiao slowly takes off his hands. When the lines of the lotus seed seal begin to swim in ye Xiaoti's body, he slowly gathers the lines in his palm!

A group of light began to form on Ye Xiao's palm. The light gradually turned red, and then a lotus seed seal of fist Dalian was completely formed!

The lotus seed is printed on the palm of Ye Xiao's palm, floating gently and rotating slowly. At the same time, when emitting the blazing breath, there is this strong and ancient strange flavor! Even after ye Xiao sensed this kind of breath, he felt a strange sense of horror. It seems that this kind of feeling can make people lose themselves completely!

"Hoo!" Ye Xiao's strong points are one breath. The lotus seed seal in his hand is stronger and stronger, and the red color is more and more dazzling. Ye Xiao has never felt like this. Looking at the lotus seed seal in his hand, he did not think about it. He aimed it directly at a target in front of him. The lotus seed seal seems to have spirituality and left directly!

Among the thirty-two seals of heaven and earth, the lotus seal, which ranks the 32nd among them, has a very strong ability of explosion and destruction. At the same time, it also has the burning and destroying of the original God, and the lotus fire never stops! Although the lotus seed seal is not so strong, it is also very powerful for the burning of the original God! Combined with its terrifying explosive power, ye Xiaodu suspects that this move can directly kill an expert at the peak of the later stage of the robbery. It's just this move!

"Boom Suddenly, after the lotus seed seal hit the target, it immediately released a huge explosion power. In this moment, the surrounding buildings, like paper paste, collapsed in an instant, and the front of Ye Xiao was directly destroyed!

The powerful shock wave will destroy the whole backyard of Zhangjia at least. Of course, ye Xiao didn't make every effort to stamp it down. Otherwise, ye Xiao doesn't know how many innocent people will die! At least for now, just try it and feel its power!

At this time, ye Xiao has been able to simply analyze that the power of this move is even more terrifying than jingtiandi's gun. Now, after jingtiandi's performance, there is almost no breath left in his body. Moreover, the power of jingtiandi's gun can not kill a top master in the later stage of Dujie. It's very good to be able to directly kill a later stage of Dujie!Therefore, ye Xiao has a strong card after startling the world, but the lotus seal can not be killed in a large area. According to its own recovery ability, after each attack, the lotus seal needs to wait at least a week before it can be used again!

Of course, this is not absolute. If ye Xiao accumulates crystal coins crazily, then the speed will increase rapidly. But after ye Xiao's experiment, one attack is 50 million top-grade crystal coins! Such consumption, even if ye Xiao, who has 200 million top-grade crystal coins, can't afford it at all!

Zhang Chong's attention naturally attracted the attention of Zhang Chong. People in the whole branch of Zhangjia were very curious. What happened in the backyard, Zhang Chong himself rushed over. However, when he got there, he found that ye Xiao had come out of the secret room, and said with embarrassment, "Zhang Zhang Zhang, I'm sorry, I didn't take care of the previous move..."

"Ha ha, brother ye, you're worried. As long as you're OK, what do you do?" Zhang Chong laughs. He knows that the stronger Ye Xiao is, the safer he will be, and the easier it will be to deal with the Yi and Wu families!

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