After hearing Ye Xiao's words, Phoenix's face also moved slightly. She didn't expect Ye Xiao to agree so simply. She knew that if it was her, I'm afraid it was the same thing to answer or not, because in that case, it was equivalent to completely handing over his life and death to other people!

"Good!" The more people we want to attack in the desert, the less we will get in the desert

"Oh?" Ye Xiao was slightly stunned. Before that, he had not thought that there would be such a thing. After thinking about it, ye Xiao said to the Phoenix beside him: "do they three join hands?"

"Almost!" Phoenix nodded and then said with a smile, "but don't worry, my larks can entangle one, so we only need to deal with two of them!"

"Your own pet can be brought in as well?"

"Of course Phoenix a face curiously looking at Ye Xiao: "you even this do not know?"

Ye Xiao heard the words of Phoenix, the corner of his mouth will show a trace of smile, if so, then the other side with no chance! Today, even if he doesn't use unlimited phagocytosis, he can resist the attack of an expert in the middle or even later stage of the robbery! And Xiaoqing is also her pet. If she and scorpion emperor are released, then how can each other have a chance?

"From now on, you can enter the desert flowing gold pool if you get or reach ten scorpion wood crystals!" At this time, the master of the red scorpion clan said!

At the moment, there are eight friars who have got ten or more. The last twenty were obtained by two young men with extremely strong wealth. In other words, they both have great influence behind them. Otherwise, how could they escape the more than 200 million high-grade crystal coins? At that time, the price of a scorpion wood crystal had reached the price of 10 million high-grade crystal coins. I'm afraid that only those local tyrants could afford such an exaggerated price! However, for them, to get these qualifications, how much money is willing to spend!

"Those two people should not stay in it for long, and they should be the first target of Lin Ye's attack, so we should do some defense during this period of time!" The Phoenix looks at Ye Xiao and says slowly!

Ye Xiao on one side naturally nodded after listening to it. For him, in this desert Liujin pool, in addition to refining his body and cultivating the nine changes of life and death, what he had to do was to explore the treasures of the building owner in the desert Liujin pool!

All eight people flew up and looked at the sand pool rolling like sand waves. All of them hesitated. However, after hesitating for a moment, Fenghuang and ye Xiao jumped in directly. Then they quickly took a defensive posture. Ye Xiao said that some of the attacking methods for other people started to attack them when the other side was about to enter their own territory Some attacks!

However, they were all ready to attack others at the moment when they jumped into the pool. However, when they all entered the desert Liujin pool, they were surrounded by a strange force, which was extremely powerful. At the same time, they began to explore from their skin, so as to slowly penetrate into the skin and explore towards their physical muscles and bones

"What energy is this?" When ye Xiao sensed the sand like energy and began to refine his skin, body and even bones, he began to pay attention to it!

"Master, there seems to be a kind of strange energy in the yellow sand, but this kind of physical energy is very helpful for you to cultivate the fifth change. Since you practice the great freedom chess manual, it is very difficult to cultivate the five changes of life and death. Now this is a great opportunity!" The spirit of demon refining said in one side!

After hearing this, ye Xiao is also in a hurry to act. Such an opportunity is rare. If Lin Ye wakes up later, he will attack himself if he can't say it!

When ye Xiao is absorbing the yellow sand like energy, other people are also crazy to absorb it, especially the forest leaves on the side. The speed of absorbing yellow sand energy seems to be faster than ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao can clearly feel the yellow sand energy around, but it's really an excellent place to temper your body. However, there is a very strong time limit in such a place. If there is no time limit, you can't say that you can continue to practice here for a long time. You can't say that you can break through the nine changes of life and death and let yourself practice directly to the highest level?

The Qi of life and death in the body began to move continuously along Ye Xiao's meridians. At the same time, the channels that had been tempered were refined again. You know, the nine changes of life and death, one change of life and death, and the four changes before were relatively easy. It was also because of the blue color. However, at this time, my life was in danger because of the suppression of the free chess manual If you are possessed by the devil, you will die and die. However, it will increase the difficulty of self-cultivation!

But now in this desert pool, the difficulty has to be reduced a lot! But even if it is reduced, it is much more difficult than before when practicing the four changes of life and death. At the same time, the pain is more powerful!Fortunately, ye Xiao's strength is stronger than before. In addition, today's green strength is also stronger than before, so those injuries can be quickly repaired!

It seems that because of Ye Xiao's five changes of life and death, those yellow sand like energy began to rush towards Ye Xiao in a wave, and the pure and powerful energy began to operate!

At the same time, the energy in Ye Xiao's body, which used to run slowly, is also growing rapidly because of the yellow sand

It seems that the closer Xiaoye is, the more serious the pain will be, the more serious the pain will be!

It was when ye Xiao was practicing the five changes of life and death, and the Qi of life and death in his body began to enter into the meridians again. The coffin of life and death in Ye Xiao's sea of knowledge gave out a faint light, and then the light began to materialize. Thus, it slowly poured into Ye Xiao's body from ye Xiao's consciousness sea. At the same time, there were many inscriptions in the sarcophagus that could not be understood Remember, the object just like a fist began to beat in the coffin of life and death, and the Red God Kearns kept running away in the coffin of life and death, as if he didn't want to get close to the object!

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