"Boom..." Above the sky, suddenly remembered the roar of thunder, accompanied by dazzling lightning, when the thunder sounded, the surrounding air seemed to be scattered by the thunder!

"There seem to be two people down there?" At this time, Lin Ye suddenly said!

"What?" The other people around were slightly stunned. People and demons were different. If there were demons, it would not be such a scene at all. So when the voice of Lin Ye dropped, others were shocked!

"No way!" At this time, the master of the city of Chi Mu stood up and said, "the scene below is very complicated, but no matter what, there are no two people, eight people, eight people. How can we make a mistake?" Although the Lord of Chimu city doesn't want to give ye Xiao an excuse, as the representative of human beings, he naturally pays attention to the credibility. If he has more people, then how would the red scorpion clan like to?

When you arrive at the time of one step of the red scorpion forest, how is it that you step into the forest

"I don't know, but just now I did feel that there were two smells in it. Maybe I was wrong!" Lin Ye hurriedly played ha ha, he also knew that he had said wrong words, in this case, these words can not be casually said ah!

At this time, at the bottom of the desert pool, ye Xiao sat with his knees crossed, and his body was covered with bursts of red flame. Beside him, there was a man who was wearing Zhongshan suit. His appearance was the same as that of Ye Xiao. If we insist on the difference, it would be that ye Xiao's eyes are golden and his hair is white, and this one is wearing white Zhongshan suit Ye Xiao has black eyes and black hair. At the same time, his realm is much better than that of Ye Xiaodi. Although during this time, he has improved his strength because of the yellow sand energy here, but it is only the peak in the later period of Yuanying! The most important thing is that ye Xiao, who is a white Zhongshan suit, has no fighting power at all. He is only a little bit better than the experts at the same level, and he doesn't even have the ability to challenge beyond the level!

"Boom..." At this time, after hearing the thunder outside, ye Xiao of the white Zhongshan suit flashed in depth and directly entered the demon refining tower. At the moment, ye Xiao, with white hair and golden eyes, did not move, as if the thunder outside had nothing to do with him!

"Pa ~" a white light and lightning with a thick arm cleaved into the Liujin pool in the desert, and suddenly raised waves of yellow sand all over the sky. People outside could not see it at all, so it was not clear what kind of state Ye Xiao was at the moment!

After a thunder robbery, it seems that there is no storm, so the thunder robbery on the sky blows again, and a powerful thunder robbery cuts down in an instant, and this is only the second of the 9981 thunder robberies

"Pa!" Ye Xiao, who was sitting at the bottom of the desert Liujin pool, did not feel any sense at the moment. In other words, the second thunder disaster did not even cut through the yellow sand closely linked to the desert Liujin pool


"Seventy nine..."

It was as thick as a big tree, which contained a kind of thunder attack from heaven. In an instant, the desert Liujin pool was split, and ye Xiao, who was sitting at the bottom, was also exposed to the air. At the moment, he was still sitting cross legged with narrow eyes. The whole person did not have any defensive clothing at all, as if he was dead!

"Boom This time, he directly split the body of Zhong Xiao. His clothes were chopped to pieces. His whole bronze skin was exposed to the air. The Phoenix on the side looked at Ye Xiaohou, and his small face turned red

"My God, the seventy-nine thunder robberies were so real that they didn't even break his body without any obstacles? What's the matter with this boy? "

"I don't know. Maybe he will become the first person in history to survive the disaster, and he will still be distracted from it." One side of the red wood City Lord slowly said!


Ye Xiao, who was sitting motionless with his knees crossed, suddenly rose from the sky. However, ye Xiao did not seem to wake up after flying in the air. His figure still maintained the posture of sitting with his knees crossed!

After landing, although it is upside down, but now he has no breath!

"Isn't that boy dead?"

"No way. If he is dead, then the thunder robbery will disappear automatically. Now that the last thunder robbery is brewing, it is enough to show that the boy is not dead at all!"

"The last one is said to be the sum of the previous 80. It's so powerful. Is this boy OK? Even without any defense? "

No one can tell them such an answer, and at this time, the other people around have basically scattered, because the power of the last catastrophe is so strong that other people around seem to be unable to resist. It seems that this kind of influence can make them feel the crisis!

"HISHI ~ ~" the power of that disaster seems too huge, the surrounding space because of this powerful power, resulting in distortion, and even in some places there are silk space cracks!"Boom The last thunder robbery fell, but it was not the sum of the previous 80, as others had guessed. Although it was very strong in the past, it was very weak when it was approved by Ye Xiao. It seems that there is still no strong first one!

However, after the last natural calamity fell, Lin Ye on the other side was in a hurry. After ye Xiao had passed through the nine nine day robbery system, he knew how much his strength would increase. In this way, if he did not kill him when he was the weakest, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Hoo!" And when the leaves of the forest rose in the air, the yellow sand around him suddenly poured into the big pit of Yexiao. Within a breath, the pit would submerge Ye Xiao into it!

Everything around seemed to be calming down, but that Lin Ye didn't know what to do at this time. At the bottom of the yellow sand, he didn't dare to rush in, because the strong pressure would crush him instantly!

The yellow sand at the bottom of Ye Xiao is slowly open his eyes, that golden eyes at this time began to slowly retreat, white hair at this time also began to turn black!

"Is this the bottom of the desert Liujin pool? Where is what the landlord said After ye Xiao regained his ability to move, he began to look around. There was a lot of pressure around him, but he was able to bear it. At the same time, he didn't know much about how he had survived the "99" disaster. In other words, before that, he was in a state of general coma. He only knew a little about what happened to the outside world!

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