"Master, I am a new spirit of life and death. The spirit of life and death before did not produce intelligence. Therefore, I was integrated with Kearns' fire spirit God. It was mutual integration, not phagocytosis, and I was born." The virtual shadow said respectfully at Ye Xiao's side: "now that the spirit of life and death is born, then some abilities of the coffin of life and death must be told to the master!"

"Oh?" Ye Xiao looks at the spirit of life and death in front of her. How strange does she feel in her heart? Think about it. A guy who once wanted to take away all your women has become your slave, and you can't kill him. Will that feel good? "Tell me first!"

In fact, ye Xiao is also very confused about the coffin of life and death. He has been practicing the nine changes of life and death to the fifth change, but he knows little about the coffin of life and death!

"The birthplace of the coffin of life and death is the cemetery of life and death in the fairyland!" The spirit of life and death respectfully explained: "at that time, the cemetery of life and death was almost the place where all the dead and the dead could revive. After jumping out of the samsara, they would not go through the earthly samsara and start over again when they died! Those who jump out of reincarnation may live forever and enjoy bliss forever, but they will still die because of fighting or being killed by some great power. In this case, after death, the spirit will disappear and the body will enter the graveyard of life and death! "

"The function of the coffin of life and death is to suppress the so-called bodies without any primordial gods. You know, over the years, even plants, skeletons will become fine, let alone those bodies with great powers. Therefore, in the long run, after absorbing a lot of extremely Yin Qi, there will be some great powers revived in those cemeteries, and the so-called resurrection is only Just the resurrection of the body, without any intelligence, such a body will attack any living object!

We should know that all the great powers that can enter the cemetery of life and death are all out of reincarnation. In a period of time, only so many people in the whole fairyland just jump out of reincarnation, and most people just increase their life without limit. Once the time comes, they will still die. In the cemetery of life and death, what is buried in the graveyard of life and death is Pan Gu's first day, so the deceased can't escape from reincarnation body!

Therefore, the graveyard of life and death needs one thing to suppress it, and the object of repression is the coffin of life and death! Even if it is the coffin of life and death, then there must be life and death. Those powerful physical bodies can only be released after self-cultivation and certain wisdom! This is also the resurrection, and once the physical strong go out from the graveyard of life and death, they will be much stronger than the masters at the same level! "

After ye Xiao heard the explanation of the spirit of life and death, the whole person was in a daze, because some of the things he said had already exceeded his own understanding. In particular, the cemetery of life and death was actually the burial place of some ancient powerful bodies!

What's more, his coffin of life and death is still the treasure of suppressing those flesh bodies?

"Now that the coffin of life and death has left the cemetery of life and death, doesn't it mean that the fairyland is in chaos?" Ye Xiao opened his eyes to the spirit of life and death and asked!

"There was no chaos. It was just suppressed by another great power in the cemetery of life and death. At that time, some people wanted to refine the flesh bodies in the cemetery of life and death, so they broke in alone. His strength was very strong, and the coffin of life and death was almost refined by him. However, in the end, the coffin of life and death was seriously damaged and fell to the earth, while the cemetery of life and death was suppressed by himself At that time, Da Neng, who broke into the cemetery, disappeared and disappeared... "

After hearing this, ye Xiao suddenly finds that the coffin of life and death seems to be the real killer of the graveyard of life and death. Especially after ye Xiao hears that the great power who intrudes into the cemetery of life and death disappears, ye Xiao's heart is suddenly in a panic, and his whole heart seems to be blocked. At that moment, ye Xiao seems to feel that something big is going to happen!

"The graveyard of life and death?" Ye Xiao murmured to himself and then asked, "who is the great power who suppressed himself in the cemetery of life and death? Do you know? "

"I understand the power of life and death, which is said to be the saint of life and death. I don't know. But the last owner of the coffin of life and death was the devil of life and death. It was he who suppressed the nine changes of life and death and suppressed the graveyard of life and death himself. However, he fought against another great power who intruded into the cemetery and was defeated. It is estimated that he himself has reincarnated. As for why, No one knows the reason why he can reincarnate. Even they can't understand why he can reincarnate! Some people also speculate that it is the cause of the coffin of life and death! " The spirit of life and death said in one side!

"Lord of life and death?" Ye Xiao was slightly stunned. He thought that the coffin of life and death had never been owned by anyone. But now it seems that some people have owned the coffin of life and death before, and the other party seems to have practiced the nine changes of life and death?

"Yes, in fact, the Lord of life and death also understands life and death, but why did he have the coffin of life and death at the beginning, why was he defeated by the powerful power who broke into the goal?"

Ye Xiao suddenly felt that everything in it seemed to be wrapped up by a great conspiracy, but did he have the ability to unravel such a plot!

"Master, you don't have to worry about the past. However, when you enter the fairyland in the future, you must be careful. The coffin of life and death must not be used at will. Otherwise, it will cause some troubles." As long as the sarcophagus is able to use its strength to enslave the enemy, it will be able to absorb the spirit of life and death completely, so long as it can absorb the spirit of life and death, it will have the greatest ability to absorb the spirit of life and death"But now, I'm afraid it needs a lot of life and death Qi and Yuan Shen to repair it! It's impossible to repair and perfect it in the earthly fairyland. Only when we enter the celestial realm in the future, can we really repair it! "

After hearing this, ye Xiao nodded slowly. He understood the meaning of the spirit of life and death. However, he did not expect that the coffin of life and death would involve so many problems. However, since the demon king of life and death had already reincarnated, who would he be after his reincarnation? After such a powerful reincarnation, it should also be very strong!

Ye Xiao puts the coffin of life and death into the sea of knowledge, and then goes outside. I'm afraid that he has been in it for such a long time, and the other party has already been waiting for something urgent!

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