"Master of Xiaomen?" That stands in Wang Peng and Huang Ming's side of xuzuo man's face slightly changed, the mood seems to be a little big!

"What's the matter?" Huang Ming found that there was something wrong with xuzuo's man, so he turned to look at him and asked!

After a long time, xuzuo's eyes were still fixed on wells in the sky. After a long time, he began to speak slowly: "no wonder, no wonder he has been resisting Tianzhao fiercely in the past year. He even wanted to kill Tianzhao several times. It turns out that the master of Xiaomen is the master's disciple. No wonder..."

Huang Ming and Wang Peng on one side were speechless for a while. They thought that xuzuo had discovered something important before, but who knew it was this? Of course, Huang Ming and Wang Peng have been living in Yuejie for more than a year, so they don't know much about Yuejie's accidents, so they don't know well about wells!

"Ah mi Buddha

All of a sudden, a loud and piercing sound of Buddha was heard in the sky. A man holding a purple and gold mysterious staff fell from the sky. Some monks watching the scene almost glared at the monk after they saw the monk. Because the man in front of him was singing the Buddhist sound, but the evil spirit was swirling around him, dark as ink and pressure extraordinary!

This man was Xuanxin, who took the place of tiandaomen. When Xuanxin came out, Yijia Laozu, who was sitting on the chair of the challenge arena, moved a little, then turned to look at Yi haoqian and said, "is he from the magic pool?"

"My grandfather has good eyesight!" Yi haoqian chuckled and spoke. When Yi haoqian's voice dropped, all the other people around him were extremely shocked. Naturally, they had heard about the importance of that thing. They must also know it! So now I see an outsider coming out of their magic pool, so I can't help but feel puzzled!

"That man's breath is so strong!" Xuzuo's man slightly moved his eyes, then slowly opened his mouth and said: "I'm afraid that by virtue of this evil spirit, it's enough to make some one or two robbery immortals scared!"

"What?" Huang Ming's face suddenly changed. When he saw the mysterious heart, he really felt very fierce in his heart. But now, after hearing the words of xuzuo man, the whole person was not good. Just relying on the evil spirit, could he frighten the immortals? How strong is that? You should know that Sanjie Sanxian can't make a Erjie Sanxian shiver and chilly just by his momentum!

"Maybe, he is the strongest among these people. I hope the host doesn't fight with him in it, otherwise..." Xuzuo said helplessly in one side!

After hearing this, Huang Ming, Wang Peng and Liu Ye all looked at the stone gate nervously

In fact, the world inside Shimen is not very big. It is only thousands of kilometers around. For tens of thousands of people in this area, it takes more than ten minutes to finish this distance. Of course, for those great powers like Ye Xiao, this distance is just a few blinks of an eye!

At the moment when he entered the stone gate, he stood up in the sky and said coldly, "Ye Xiao, get out of here Come on, come on Come on... "

For a time, only the roar of the mysterious heart reverberated between the whole heaven and earth. At the same time, the Xuanxin above the void also braved the fierce fire. The whole person looked like the son of the devil God, and more like the devil gate than the people of the devil gate

The voice is so loud that some stronger people are dissatisfied. After they enter this place, they have no intention or go out. They just want to win the battle. Even if they die in the end, they will also have achievements. So after the whole thing is over, the achievements will be announced to the public, and their forces will be divided into corresponding regions! So these people all seem to be very angry, if it was not for the arrogance of the mysterious heart above the void, the others would have joined hands to rush up!

At the moment, ye Xiao is wandering in the stream of people. When he hears the vast sound, he knows that he can't stay in the crowd, but there is Bai Jinxiu around here. I'm afraid that once he shows up, he will attract other attention!

As for Xuanxin above his head, I don't know where he went and what he wrote. How could he have such a powerful momentum, especially the evil spirit, which seems to be stronger than Bai Jun's devil?

"Ye Xiao is here, he is here!" Just as ye Xiao was about to leave here and hide in other places, he suddenly thought of a clamour, and then the sound began to spread!

As soon as Xuanxin's face changed, his eyes immediately locked on Ye Xiao, who was standing on the ground. Then a slight smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. He suddenly waved the Xuan stick in his hand, and a black flame instantly attacked Ye Xiao's direction!

The strong air flow, yes, before the flame reached, the trajectory formed, because of the airflow, began to twist

Ye Xiao's eyes locked, and the whole person jumped up with a whoosh. It was just at the moment when ye Xiao jumped up that the place where he was before "boom!" The sound of the sound of a shock through the earth like explosion!Then, seeing ye Xiao jump up, the Xuanxin immediately rushed up with his Xuanzhang in his hand. The corner of his mouth even showed a sneer: "Ye Xiao, I finally found you. Today you will die!"

Xuanxin, holding the purple gold Xuanzhang, points to Ye Xiao and rushes directly. At the moment when he moves, the whole space begins to become distorted. Even in the place where the purple gold Xuanzhang passes, it forms a series of space cracks! Because this world is only developed by other big powers, the stability of space is far less than that of the real world in the fairyland. Therefore, at the moment of taking a hand, the whole space also trembles!

Ye Xiao's face changed slightly: "how does this guy become so strong?" Meanwhile, at this time, ye Xiao has pulled out the killing sword behind his back, and the blade has come out of the sheath. A breath of killing air is radiating around like substance!

"Go!" Ye Xiao throws the killing sword out of his hand directly. His eyes stare at the rushing Xuanxin, and then controls the killing sword to stab at the Xuanxin!


Almost in the blink of an eye, the killing sword collided with the purple and gold Xuanzhang, and there were all kinds of sounds and flames around!

However, because the sword is small and soft, after the collision, the whole body of the sword becomes curved. When the mysterious staff hits, it almost breaks the Yip Xiao's mind defense!

"How could it be so strong?" Ye Xiao narrowed his eyes and looked at the mysterious heart full of evil spirit in shock!

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