All the people present, including the great powers who were originally standing on the challenge arena, and ye Xiao and Bai Jun themselves, did not expect that such a powerful power would erupt after their collision. However, they were not injured because of the protection of those two kinds of treasures. However, most of the other people in the surrounding arena were shocked by the aftershock Yuwei is weakened by the barrier, so most people are not hurt!

And the two treasures in the air are still in the air at the moment, almost every collision, will burst out a super strong attack force, as well as the authority beyond common sense! At each impact, the space cracks formed above the high altitude are 34 meters wide and more than 10 meters long. Even from the cracks, we can see the space storm among them!

"This How can this be so strong? I'm afraid it's as powerful as the battle between the nine robbers and the scattered immortals! " Yi haoqian's face changed slightly. He didn't understand why such a situation happened. Could those two kinds of treasures be higher than what he imagined?

At the moment, I'm afraid only the parties know what's going on. Ye Xiao and Bai Jun have their own barriers to protect them from being affected!

Only those two treasures have already been out of the control of Ye Xiao and Bai Jun, in other words, the collision and fight between them is completely the battle between the spirit of refining demons and the spirit of yuan that day!

And now, ye Xiao really knows that the spirit of demon refining is so terrible that he can't fight. But when he controls the demon refining tower, this power can kill himself directly in a moment!

Ye Xiao and Bai Jun are not affected by the awe and awe of the power, so the two people suspended in the air almost instantly fight together again. At the moment, ye Xiao only has ten minutes. Therefore, in these ten minutes, ye Xiao must defeat him, otherwise, the loser is himself!

The two of them are in the midst of the terrible attack. You come and go and fight with each other. The great powers who were originally sitting on the challenge arena moved out and sat in the void in the distance when the arena was smashed!

"Boom Ye Xiao blows a fist, and the powerful seal almost instantly shakes Bai Jun's whole body back and forth, and then steps forward to meet him. For ye Xiao, even if he doesn't have a sky shattering gun, he is not afraid!

"Drink Baijun is repeatedly retreated by Ye Xiaoda. However, when he stabilizes his body, he immediately moves his hand and swings at ye Xiaoda again and again!

And in the process of his running, the whole person's body even started to change again, and the surrounding space began to vibrate violently. Every step out, the ground would shake back and forth!

"Six changes in life and death!" Bai Jun murmured. When he waved his fist, the red strength of his body suddenly dissipated, and then it turned out to be gold. The whole body was wrapped in the golden flame. How could it be a blow that shocked the audience!

"What?" Ye Xiao's eyes are awe inspiring, and the whole person even retreats. The power of that blow is too strong. Even the surrounding space can't bear this kind of power. The golden flame, the six changes of life and death, hateful!

"Want to escape? Hum Bai Jun's face was awe inspiring. The six changes of life and death cost too much to his body. He didn't want to use it at all. But now, he can't defeat Ye Xiao if he doesn't use the six changes of life and death. So he has no choice but to use the six changes of life and death! The golden flame almost instantly wrapped Bai Jun's whole body in it!

When ye Xiao turns to avoid, his whole body quickly catches up with him. At the moment, Bai Jun's speed is much faster than ye Xiao's. If ye Xiao's combat power has been able to compete with the four robbers of Sanxian, then Baijun has reached the level of Sijie Sanxian!

"Seal!" Bai Jun, who was chasing after him, yelled angrily, and immediately a character seal immediately caught up with Ye Xiao and hit him. Although the seal could not suppress Ye Xiao's seal, it could affect Ye Xiao's escape speed!

And when ye Xiao broke free, he had already caught up with him and waved his right fist with golden flame!

Ye Xiao feels the power of that fist, but at this time, he can't avoid it at all. He can only pick it up and feel the right fist that almost breaks through the space and attacks in front of him in an instant. Ye Xiao's hands are raised suddenly, and a gray air is formed in front of his palm!

"Boom The right fist hit Ye Xiao's palm in an instant, because the fist was too strong. Almost at the moment when he touched Ye Xiao's hands, the gray Qi was scattered. Then ye Xiao's body flew backwards like a kite with a broken line!

"Drink Bai Jun knew that he didn't have much time, so after he got the shot, he chased up again in the next moment, and hit Ye Xiao's abdomen with a fist!

"Poof!" Ye Xiao was hit again, his body fell to the ground like a shell, and because of the pain in his chest, he directly spurted out a mouthful of blood. The whole person almost rolled his eyes and passed out!

"Ha Bai Jun's attack didn't stop because of Ye Xiao's vomiting blood. Almost after ye Xiao landed, the whole person rushed to the ground again, bent down and waved one punch after another in Ye Xiao's abdomen! Almost every dozen, you can see a mouthful of blood from ye Xiao's mouth!"Surrender, admit defeat Surrender Every time Bai Jun hits a fist, he roars at Ye Xiao, and his strength is also strengthened! As for him, as long as he can defeat Ye Xiao, this is what he wants. As for killing him, he thought about it before, but when both of them came to the strange land of earth, they never thought of killing Ye Xiao any more. So at this time, how he thought Ye Xiao could bow his head and admit defeat!

"You Dream... " Ye Xiao's eyes are fixed on Bai Jun, and the whole person seems to have been immersed in the blood. However, ye Xiao resists the pain and doesn't bow down to admit defeat!

The gray Qi on his body is still running, and his body's cyan Qi strength at this time is crazy to repair the damaged viscera. The black-and-white disc in the Dantian area seems to be spinning madly at this moment, and the grey Qi is gathering more and more thick!

And at this time, ye Xiao's eyes, even slightly flashing golden electric light, the head of the black hair at this time, unexpectedly also began to slightly white!

"Ah ~ ~" Ye Xiao yelled angrily, and the whole person was more like being on the edge of rage. After seeing ye Xiao's situation, the whole person was slightly stunned. Then he bent down in an instant and fought wildly against Ye Xiao's body again!

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