The sea of Xingwang is the coastal zone of the human realm, where the sea of Xingwang meets the fairyland. The most powerful monks are high-level monks. The weakest one is the later period of distraction. For some reason, the demons in Xingwang sea rushed to the shore to attack the human realm. In the end, although human beings repelled them, they also suffered heavy losses Since then, we have arranged high-level monks to guard the coastal area!

The place where the two boundaries meet is a city called Lincheng. The city wall is about ten feet high, and the gate tower is carved with seven grade array! To know these burning arrays on the wall, even the whole fairyland is very rare, except for coastal cities!

At the moment, there are four people drinking and chatting on the gate tower. Among them, the weakest one is the early stage of the combination, and the strongest one is the later stage of the robbery!

"Ha ha, elder brother, today we can decide whether to get drunk or not. I'm afraid you will be able to transfer back to the mainland soon after your promotion. Once you return to the mainland, you will at least be a domain master with the strength of elder brother!"

"That's right, big brother. In this side of the belt, his mother ~ such strength is just the gatekeeper. It's really cowardly. But you're not far away from the transfer this time, big brother!"

"All right, all right!" The master at the later stage of the robbery said with a smile: "don't worry. If I have a chance, I will transfer all of you to the past. Now, there are 360 boundaries in the whole earth fairyland. If you are promoted to the leader of the world after you go back, I will directly point you back Ah ~ ~ "

" ha ha, yes, yes, big brother, here's to you! "

"Hello, brother..."

"Big brother, why is the wine shaking? Is it because I drink too much? How do you feel so hot? "

"It's not just shaking, it's the wall shaking. Bad, pull the alarm, and you go out with me to have a look." The monk's face suddenly changed at the end of the robbery, and his whole body rushed out of the door and stood on the wall!

When they all went out, one of them was shocked and said, "big brother, that What is that? How Why is it so big? "

"Where I pass by, trees and grass are burned out in an instant, which Isn't this the eight clawed fire beast? God, how could this thing be here? "

"Come on Raise the shield and open the array attack at the same time The monk's face changed dramatically at the end of the robbery. The whole man was trembling when he was talking!

"Roar!" When the eight claws from the fire beast roared, it turned into a red awn and hit the city directly. When the eight claw fire beast hit, a red round barrier rose above the city wall in an instant!

On the city wall, there are also lines. The lines gather more and more. Finally, they gather together to form a strong energy light group. When the eight claw Lihuo beast, which is 15 feet tall, comes, it will directly shoot out the light group!

"Boom When the light group hit Lihuo beast, it immediately splashed countless flames. However, for the eight claw Lihuo beast, the damage had no effect at all! The front claw slightly raises, sees him lightly pats, that red round barrier then instantaneously grabs, then is that city wall!

With a roar from the fire beast, the huge sound wave suddenly hit the wall. The wall strengthened by the lines collapsed directly. However, the monk in the later period of the Dujie directly ordered: "report to the superior, everyone can escape, and there is no need to fight..."

The monks in the later period of Dujie knew that the weakest of the eight claw fire beast was as powerful as Jiujie Sanxian. How could such a master be comparable to them? So when the voice dropped, he was already running away!

"Roar!" Eight claws from the fire beast roar, jump, a claw to beat! Just listen to a clap, the friar was shot in the body, almost at the moment of hitting, the whole body became mud, and when the yuan God was about to flee!

The eight claws left the fire beast and directly opened its huge mouth to swallow and suck at him!

"Big brother ~ ~"

"big brother..."

"Come on, don't stay here..." The three people were very angry. They had played since childhood, but now their elder brother was directly swallowed by the beast!

"Roar ~" at the moment, the eight claw fire beast stood directly on the wall and looked at the monks and people who were fleeing in front of them. With a roar and a big mouth, a torrent of swallowing power hit them. The monks who had already flown were swallowed into their mouths in the blink of an eye. The whole city began to shake on the ground, and the huge high temperature affected most of the houses The house was lit, and the whole city rose up at this time! At the moment, the monks in that city can't even fly out ~ ~

I can see that the longer the mouth is, the bigger the city is. The more 300000 square meters of the city will be swallowed in an instant, and nearly 200000 monks will be swallowed directly!

"Roar ~ ~" after swallowing the city, the mouth of the eight claws left the fire Beast instantly returned to its original state, and the whole body seemed to begin to shrink at this time. At the same time, the golden flame on the body began to burn wildly! A stream of super high temperature, the surrounding air can evaporate, a heat wave is toward all directions!"God, only a few seconds, a city was swallowed by that thing?"

"Don't look at it and go quickly. Tell the world Lord this in advance. If we eat it, even the three of us will die. If we don't see the elder brother and the city Lord even have no chance to struggle, will they be swallowed up directly?"

"Yes, let's go! He seems to be catching up. Let's go

In the demon refining tower, ye Xiao looked at the two spirits of life and death who were about to refine the eight claws from the fire beast, and the spirit of demon refining. He murmured: "that thing has begun to attack the human realm. You two should refine it quickly..."

When ye Xiaogang said this, his eyes brightened, and he asked, "I ask you a question. If we want to get close to the guy's brain, can we use the demon refining tower to suppress and control it, or even refine it?"

The spirit of refining demon suddenly stopped, thought about it, and said, "this is theoretically possible!"

"Does the master want to..." The spirit of demon refining began to get excited. If they could control the eight claw fire beast, they would be really developed. The reason why the eight claw fire beast could not be enslaved was that they did not have the ability to break through his defense with spiritual ideas, so as to control its spirit. However, the emperor's eight claw fire beast was different. It was in his body, And he certainly won't do defense to his body, so it's much easier to enslave and control it from inside!

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