After hearing this, the Sea Lord Dragon King frowned and said, "this is a difficult thing to do. I'm afraid we can't go on like this. Otherwise, we will have no hope at all."

"You mean, let's go now?" According to Wu Ye's eyes a Lin, looking at the Sea Lord Dragon King in front of him, he opened his mouth and said!

"Yes, that's my plan. Now the eight claw fire beast is so strong that he can swallow it again. I'm afraid that my attack will not have any effect on him soon!" Sea Lord Dragon King's face is also extremely embarrassed!

"Good! Batian, you stay. The rest of us will follow me to stop the beast! Batian, if ye Xiao has repaired the array, he will inform us as soon as possible, and we will bring the beast to us quickly! " Yiwuyei looks at batian and says!

"No problem!"

"Let's go!" At the same time, he flew up with the Dragon King, the sea master. Other people also quickly followed him. This time, almost all the nine robber immortals in the vast and vast earth fairyland arrived, with a total of more than 50 Jiujie Sanxian. Such a lineup can be said to be the first time in a million years!

At the moment, the eight claw fire beast has been devouring again. It seems that his stomach is infinite and can be swallowed without limit. Most importantly, the flames on his body are almost barren wherever they go!

"It's over there. Let's be careful. The purpose is to harass him." After falling in accordance with the voice of Wu Ye Hua, the more than 50 Jiujie immortals immediately flew up!

You know, all of them are jiujiesanxian. Each of them has the power of destroying heaven and earth. According to the level, an ordinary jiujiesanxian is basically equivalent to the strongest real immortal, even to the level of Jinxian. Therefore, it is very rare to say that all these masters rush up, and such a spectacular scene is also very rare!

Above the sky, almost every immortal master has taken out his best weapons and attack skills! The leader was yiwuyei. Yiwuyei threw the Dragon subduing staff in his hand. Suddenly, a huge rainbow like energy supply was released from the Dragon subduing staff. The powerful attack force instantly attacked the eight claw fire beast!

"Chi ~ ~"

"boom!" After a huge noise sounded, the whole ground almost began to shake, and the explosion range was a cloud of red smoke. The extremely high explosion power would tear the space in an instant, exposing a series of deep and invisible space cracks around!

The eight clawed fire beast, which was about 15 feet high, was pounding and rolling along the ground. All the buildings on the ground were smashed by the huge body, and the ground was black because of its hot temperature, and some of them had been burned red!

It can also be said that almost all the places where he passed would become hot places in an instant. The average temperature reached more than 200 degrees, and there was no vegetation to survive. Moreover, with such a high temperature, the monks below the birth babies were afraid to have some difficulties in their actions, and ordinary people could not survive!

The eight claws rolled dozens of times from the fire beast on the ground, and fell out nearly kilometers away. After stopping, he directly stood up and roared up in the sky, and then looked around for it. Because it had never thought that among these people, there were still people who could cause such great damage to him. Of course, even his defense did not break through Before those people, this person is also the most harmful to themselves!

"Damn it! Nothing happened!" Yi wuyei's face moved slightly, while the Sea Lord Dragon King on the side said, "let's cooperate with the attack, and other people will also cooperate with me. Within a few seconds after I trapped him, you will all use your best attack and blast up! See if you can break through his defenses

After the Sea Lord Dragon King's voice dropped, other people were also cautious. The Sea Lord Dragon King's strength was infinitely close to Yue Zilong's. So when he appeared, the eight claw fire beast was obviously stunned, and then glared at the Sea Lord Dragon King, as if to warn him that he did not come to you. Why do you want to stop me!

"Endless weak water!" The Sea Lord Dragon King directly sacrificed his own life dragon ball, and then threw it to the sky. Suddenly, in the light of the dragon ball, a weak water like a huge flood was ejected from the Dragon bead, and it directly hit the eight claw fire beast!

The eight claw fire beast had the fire attribute, and the Dragon King was the water attribute. When they collided with each other, they could be regarded as mutual restraint. However, in most cases, water overcomes fire. If it is too strong, water becomes the fuel of fire

"Chi ~ ~ ~ Chi ~ ~" after the weak water went up, it made bursts of Chi sound. However, the weak water didn't seem to be finished like this. Instead, it directly rushed up and wrapped up the huge eight claw fire beast! At this time, everyone can see, a huge round water ball, wrapped the huge object in it! And the weak water above the ball is bubbling, and the whole surrounding is like a flame, rising to the sky!

"I'll make a cut, and you'll attack at that opening!" The Sea Lord Dragon King yelled, and suddenly there was a hole on the ball. After seeing this, these people immediately displayed their strongest attack!Yi Wuye is holding the Dragon subduing staff to send out a light. When he shuttles through the space, he can draw a black crack in the whole space. Such an attack is more shocking to others!

"Boom ~~"

"boom ~"

after the powerful attack touches the Lihuo beast, it explodes and sends out bursts of huge noise. Such a huge noise almost shakes the whole heaven and earth!

After seeing this scene, Na Yi Wu ye then said, "no, let's do it again!"

The attack strength is more and more strong, the powerful attack power can almost blow up the round weak water in an instant, but the eight claw fire beast inside did not receive substantial damage!

"Roar ~ ~ roar!"

The eight claws from the fire beast roared angrily. At the same time, the shackles around seemed useless to him at this time, but even if they were useless, as long as these super masters could control them in this way, it was also a good way. Although they consumed aura, with their current strength and the supplement of the best crystal coins, to Less can also support a day's time!

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