"Yes?" Wells twisted his head to one side and saw Yi haoqian. He said angrily: "you are the most hateful son of a bitch. How dare you call me? Come here With a single wave of his hand, wells suddenly burst out with a huge suction force. Yi haoqian, the five thousand year old jiujiesan immortal, could not control his body and was directly caught by him!

"What happened? How can this boy suddenly become so strong? " Yi haoqian's face changed greatly. At the same time, he released his own breath to resist. But at this time, he found that his breath had no effect at all!

And the breath on wells seems to be stronger and stronger as time goes on, and the breath on his body is becoming stronger and stronger. Above the sky, there are clouds of rolling thunder!

"Boom!" When wells caught Yi haoqian in his hand, a colorful cloud suddenly formed in the sky. When people saw him, they were surprised. Bai Jun, in particular, murmured: "he has passed the Ninth Heaven disaster. Now he suddenly becomes too strong because of his strength, which leads to the colorful immortal robbery? So strong? There is no one in the world

At that time, the devil of life and death flew to the fairyland, so he naturally knew the power of the colorful robbery. However, when wells was ready to start, he suddenly raised his head and said, "ah ~ ~"

a roar. Suddenly, the volume shock wave directly lifted the roof of the hall, and then pointed to the heaven and said angrily, "God, Laozi It's not that you can't go up, and you're going to have a fuckin 'ferry? Get out of here

Wells pointed at the dome of the sky, and then saw wells grab a bench from his side and directly hit the sky!

"Boom ~ ~" after wells finished scolding, there was a roar in the sky. It seemed that God was dissatisfied with wells, but even so, the bench had been thrown up!

Almost instantly, the bench hit the thunder eye above the sky, and suddenly there was a deafening roar. The powerful roar almost shocked all kinds of people on the scene!

"Scatter!" Wells roared, only to see the air bench burst instantly, a ray of light scattered around, and that air of thunder robbery actually so slowly dispersed, did not fall down!

"I will go up there and dare to thunder again. I will certainly clean up all of you in the future." Wells pointed to the sky and yelled, while the people below didn't understand. Who are you? But only Bai Jun knew who you were that Wells said! The one who is in charge of the lower bound to rob and fly up!

After the thunder robbery dispersed, peace was restored. Then wells raised his right hand, grabbed Yi haoqian in his hand, and asked coldly, "say, is it your boy who obstructed me?"

"No It's not...! " Yi haoqian had been scared and silly at this time. He had never seen anyone crossing the robbery. He actually came in the opposite direction and directly broke up the hijacking cloud. How strong is it going to take? At that time, I heard that those immortals in the legend were soaring day by day. The most natural and unrestrained thing was to drink wine as a song, and pine to rob. But I have never seen it. Unexpectedly, someone could directly disperse the thunder cloud above the sky!

So he was afraid, just this breath, let him afraid!

"No? No, why didn't you die, but my master? Why? "

"Wells!" At this time, Baijun and batian came. Although Baijun also hated Yi haoqian, Yi haoqian didn't play any tricks at that time, so he didn't blame him at all!

"Bai Jun, there's nothing wrong with you here. Don't worry about it!" At this time, wells didn't want to think about so many problems. Now he just wanted to know why these people didn't die and why his master died?

"Wells!" Bai Jun rushed directly to him, and a white light flashed. Then Bai Jun stood in front of wells and said coldly, "Ye Xiao is dead. I'm very sad, but can you stop being so impulsive? What are you doing? Can ye Xiao come back? What's more, ye Xiao is not necessarily dead, because I didn't feel the coffin of life and death on the eight claw Lihuo beast. Therefore, it is very likely that ye Xiao is recuperating in a certain place at this time! " Bai Jun is in no way, now wells is obviously not under his own control, so he can only guess in his heart first, to stabilize his emotions! Because at this time the outbreak of combat power, has been beyond his thinking, even if it is no night, I am afraid it can not stop him!

The most important thing is that the breath of this guy is still rising with the passage of time!

"What?" When wells heard this, his face changed greatly. He looked at Bai Jun in front of him and asked, "do you think my master is not dead? Is it really not dead? "

"I just doubt it!" Bai Jun looked at Wells in front of him and said helplessly!

"That's good. I wish I didn't die!"

“……” Bai Jun was depressed. Didn't he say he didn't die? Is this guy really so brainwashed?

"Hum, you can pray that my master is not dead now, or I will kill you!" With one hand, wells threw Yi haoqian out of the room like garbage!After Yi haoqian escaped from wells, he gasped heavily. The pressure just now was too strong, especially the feeling that he had been pinched in his hand was like he had lost half his life. How could he be so strong?

"Well, wells, don't make a scene here!" Bai Jun goes to dissuade him, while batian goes to Heyi Wuye and Bai Yetong to explain that these people are shocked by the smell of wells and can't speak to stop them. Even after seeing wells' two hands, Yi wuyei doesn't know how many times he can hold on in his hands. If there was this boy before, I'm afraid he should pack up the things It's even easier. It doesn't take anything at all!

Wells turned to look at the others, and then directly followed Baijun out. After walking out of midtown, wells was full of sorrow, and said to the white Jun around him, "what should I tell them? Wang Peng, Huang Ming, and the teachers' wives, how to tell them? How could the master die? "

"Don't worry, ye Xiao will be OK!" Baijun comforted him again and asked, "how can your breath still go up? What's the matter with you? "

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