After ye Xiao saw the man in front of him, the whole person's face changed, and the man was looking at Ye Xiao with a smile and said, "you are finally here!"

"Teacher Master... " Ye Xiao's face changed slightly, and the whole person became more shocked. He didn't expect to meet his master, Zuo Yu, the founder of the array of the earthly fairyland, and the first person to soar here, in the Tianji Pavilion!

I haven't seen him since I became a teacher. But now I see him again, ye Xiao has a kind of inexplicable moving, or a kind of inexplicable missing!

"Ha ha!" Zuo Yu laughed, then slowly stood up, looked at Ye Xiao and said with a smile, "I really didn't expect that you would come to the fairyland so soon, and you were also invited to enter the Tianji Pavilion! It's a great honor to be a teacher

"Master, why are you here? Here it is? " Ye Xiao pointed to the treasure house and asked!

"Ha ha!" Zuo Yu said with a smile, "I've been here for ten thousand years."

"Tens of thousands of years?" Ye Xiao's face changed, and then he said in great surprise, "you have been flying up ten thousand years ago?"

"It can be ten thousand years earlier than that. It's too long to remember!" Zuo Yu said with a smile: "there's nothing about these. It's just the art of incarnation. It can't bear the road. When I become a saint, those incarnations will become one."

Ye Xiao is a little bit blindfolded. Is she incarnate outside her body? It seems that it is not the second God and the third God created by ourselves! However, it seems that the master's incarnation should be very powerful before he ascended to the throne!

"I've been a disciple for so many years, and you have lived up to your high expectations. In this short period of eight years, you have reached the level of the ground level array mage, but..." After Zuo Yu said this, he waved his right hand slightly, and then whispered in Ye Xiao's ear: "in the fairyland, you must not call yourself a disciple of Zuoyu! Never forget it

"Er!" Ye Xiaoyi Leng, or some do not understand, looking at left feather doubt asked: "this is why?"

"You can't say it, you can't say it!" Left feather shakes his head repeatedly, and then whispers: "no matter how, you must bear in mind, OK, the second layer is basically all the Lingbao of the day after tomorrow! However, I think there is nothing wrong with the second floor. You can go to the third floor. I remember that the third floor should be the treasure of the day after tomorrow. However, there is a spirit treasure of the day after tomorrow which is comparable to the treasure of the day after tomorrow. Go up and have a look

Ye Xiao looks at the left feather in front of her eyes. She is a little strange, or rather depressed. What reason can't be said? Can't even tell yourself why? Why are there masters guarding Lingbao in this Tianji pavilion?

"Master, I...."

"Well, go, go!" That left feather laughs to shake a hand!

"Yes Ye Xiao resisted the doubt in her heart and walked towards the three layers! After ye Xiao went upstairs, the left feather sighed slightly and said to himself, "it's not that I don't tell you, but I can't tell you. It's really not a good place to hide for a while in Tianting's Zhaoan."

"Well, it seems that it's not a good thing to think of the low-key lurking. Since the apprentice has come up, he can't help on the surface, so we should create some conditions for him in the dark."

"Well, it should be easy for this incarnation to enter the top ten..."

When ye Xiao went up three levels, he was immediately shocked by the acquired treasures in front of her. Almost all of them had already generated tools and spirits, and each had a strong deterrent force!

"Eh, brothers, look at this boy, who is really immortal. How dare he enter our area? Does he think he wants to take us out with his skill? "

"I don't know how the old man below looks after him. Let this boy go directly to the third floor?"

Ye Xiao didn't pay much attention to the discussion of those floating tools and spirits, because he knew that his realm was really only the realm of true immortals, but the realm of true immortals did not mean this. He could not subdue these guys!

Tianji Pavilion only gives you the level of treasure the day after tomorrow, and my master is clever enough to ask him to go up to three levels to look for it, which is also to help himself secretly. However, among these three layers, it seems that all of them are the treasures of the day after tomorrow. I haven't seen

All of a sudden, ye Xiao saw the square seal the size of his fist, and the breath released by the seal was the degree of Lingbao the day after tomorrow. Ye Xiao's mouth suddenly showed a trace of smile, and it was it!

However, when ye Xiao reached out to grab it, the black and white light of the square seal burst out in an instant. On that side of the seal, a black-and-white villain was formed!

"What are you going to do?" The villain looked at Ye Xiao angrily. He seemed to think that ye Xiao was just arresting him, but he was not satisfied with it!

"Hey, hey Ye Xiao said with a smile: "if you stay here, you'd better go out with me to see the world and the seal of life and death. From the name alone, it's already very powerful. But if you stay here, don't you die?"

"Hum, I won't go with you even if I'm buried. I'm just a real immortal. I still want to Ah, what are you going to do, what are you going to do... " That turns the natural death spirit in one side anxious, hastily yells!"I said that since you have spirituality, you should have some intelligence quotient!" Ye Xiao said and directly picked it up. The intelligence quotient of the natural dead spirit is not very high. In other words, it is a newly generated tool spirit, so its strength is not very strong. It is only equivalent to the level of true immortals. In Ye Xiao's hands, it can't turn up any waves!

However, the power of this seal of life and death is quite powerful. Judging from the breath above, I'm afraid that the Qi of life and death is a seal of life and death!

Once the seal goes on, I'm afraid that Taiyi Tianxian will try his best to parry. Otherwise, if he is not careful, he will be severely injured or even killed!

So I'm afraid this thing is also a good spiritual treasure! And with their own strength today, they can use this thing to smash the Taiyi Tianxian capital to death and injury. Then think about it, when their strength is stronger, isn't it more powerful?

For other treasures, ye Xiao is just a glance at it, because no matter how much you say, those things can't be obtained directly, and even if you change them, you don't know how much they need!

When ye Xiao came down from the third floor, the left feather looked at Ye Xiao with a smile and said, "OK, go out quickly, the inorganic old man is about to wait for a hurry!"

"But master..."

"Remember not to shout!" Zuo Yu's face was grim. He said solemnly. In fact, he did it for ye Xiao. The Tianting side sent someone to arrest him. He just wanted to submit himself to the heaven. However, the world is so big that he can go wherever he wants. Naturally, he doesn't want to be controlled by the heaven. Once Ye Xiao admits, he can run away, but ye Xiao is suffering, so it's better not to let him talk about it !

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