In the demon refining tower, ye Xiao's body and the eight claw fire beast stand around Xiaotian, and ye Xiao's declaration of seclusion is just for Xiaotian's cover!

Xiaotian's refining of the map of all things is also the most important thing. When it is refined, the eight claw fire beast can devour the spirits in the diagram of all things, which is also killing two birds with one stone!

Six months later.

The picture of all things that was originally suspended in the sky was in a flash of light, especially the colorful light was dazzling. However, after the change of the picture, the sky, which was quietly lying on one side, opened its tiger eyes, jumped up and held the picture in his mouth. After a while, the light on the map began to rush into Xiaotian's body crazily !

The strong breath pushed Ye Xiao and his sub body out tens of meters away. Looking at the picture of all things that had changed, ye Xiao was amazed. Because at the moment, he was the master of the demon refining tower. In such a case, he could push himself so far away only by the fluctuation of his breath. It can be seen that his power is extraordinary!

Even if it's just a small sky in the realm of true immortals, I'm afraid the combat effectiveness alone will not be lower than Yu Taiyi's level. If you are using the map of all things, Tai Yi Tianxian Da Yuanman is not necessarily his opponent!

"Roar!" A roar of anger from the small sky and a shock from the tiger's body instantly released a strong light in the picture of all things, which sent out a frightening breath in the light!

"The spirit of the Trollius?" Ye Xiao's face changed. How could it be so strong? What's more, it's just a spirit less than a soul?

"Ye Xiao, you bastard, you even destroyed my body. I will kill you, I will kill you!" The spirit was like crazy, and began to shout madly there! And around him is formed a terrible black flame, and that flame revolves around his spirit, seems to form a deep invisible black vortex!

And that spirit is standing in the center of the vortex!

"Damn it, why didn't the demon refining tower work so much? What's going on?" Ye Xiao's heart bursts of depression, the most important thing is that the smell of terror, can force the eight claw from the fire beast temporarily unable to swallow it! It's the first time ye Xiao has seen this strange situation. You know, with Ye Xiao's induction, even if the real Daluo Jinxian can't swallow it, even if he can't swallow it, he can open his mouth and bite it, but now he can't even swallow the spirit?

"Master, this guy seems to be taking his own spirit as the guide, thus forcing the heaven to come. Once he has the way of heaven, even the demon refining tower can't suppress it! Even he can break through the control of the demon Tower

"The way of heaven?" Ye Xiao was slightly stunned: "what's the international joke? What is the way of heaven? Since ancient times, I am afraid that Pangu, the Legendary God who has died, as well as the mysterious ancestor Hongjun, are the most powerful and holy ones who are integrated into the way of heaven! How can a spirit force heaven to come? "

Ye Xiao really can't believe it, because it's too weird. The big Luo Jinxian is very strong, and the spirit will not be weak. But just the big Luo Jinxian can lead to the coming of heaven. Isn't everyone invincible?

"Master is not what you think. It's just a secret method, a kind of self mutilation secret method. When you come, you just exaggerate or borrow, that is, you will contribute your spirit to the way of heaven. Then you will form the majesty of heaven and some abilities in a short time! Under the law of heaven, all living things are derived from the way of heaven... "

“……” Ye Xiao was a little puzzled after listening, because he didn't seem to understand some contents!


At this time, the spirit of Chiba even made a sound like rolling thunder!

"Ye Xiao, let you die today..." The voice falls, between he controls the breath on the body, starts to surpass the leaf Xiao to rush away!

"Hum!" Ye Xiao snorted coldly: "I still don't believe, burning his own spirit, what attracted is really the way of heaven?" Ye Xiao didn't believe that there would be such a secret method. If there was one, it would be able to train some dead people with some powerful strength, and then let them contact this secret method. Then, in the war, wouldn't it be invincible? Think about it, if there is a group of troops with the way of heaven, who will be his opponent that day?

So at this time, what ye Xiao has to do is to break through this kind of pressure. I'm afraid this secret method is just more powerful!

"Roar!" After feeling Ye Xiao's thoughts, the little day immediately sent out a burst of tiger roar, and then the picture of all things in his mouth instantly opened in mid air, and then swept away towards the spirit!

The map of all things, which is the real treasure of nature, was born at the beginning of heaven and earth. It is a treasure of the same level as the Taiji diagram. Even if Xiaotian can't use its ability of one tenth of a million at this moment, it is far enough in the battle at this level!

"Ah After the thousand leaf spirit was wrapped in the picture of all things, the black flame on the whole human body could not break it. At this time, ye Xiao was relieved, and the sense of dignity was reduced in an instant. At the same time, the eight claw fire beast also recovered its action ability!The eight claws left the fire beast and roared at once, and then the whole body was instantly enlarged. A hot breath of more than 1000 degrees was diffused out, and a flame of fire red appeared on his body!

"Roar!" Eight claws from the fire beast roared, a huge mouth, directly toward the spirit of swallowing in the past!

"Ye Xiao, you will regret it. If you dare to kill me, you will regret it!" Chiba's spirit screamed wildly, but it had no effect at all, because at this time, the eight claw fire beast had swallowed him!

The moment that the spirit entered the eight claw fire beast's belly, I saw that the eight claw fire beast began to release a huge energy light around, and ye Xiao's soul was tortured by a super unknown force!

That kind of induction is like a wild animal that is about to be released. It is extremely fierce!

"Roar!" The eight claws from the fire beast roared, and the eight claws kept waving at this time. Almost every time they moved, the space in the demon refining tower vibrated and twisted slightly! Even one of them can tear the space inside the demon tower directly!

"This energy is too strong. I'm afraid it won't be long before we can be promoted. At least they are all Taiyi real immortals, and they are likely to become the level of Taiyi Jinxian." Ye Xiao's heart is happy and painful!

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