"Master!" Ye Xiao quickly opened his mouth and said, "the trouble is that the master asked his disciples to deal with it. I will certainly revenge this revenge!"

Left feather vision slightly a Lin, immediately smile way: "do you really want to own revenge?"


"Well, as a teacher, I will give you the opportunity, but I still want to give you the tone! But since you want to take revenge on yourself, you'd better go back first and go on your own as a teacher! " Zuo Yu patted Ye Xiao on the shoulder and then said!

When the left feather's voice fell, ye Xiao saw the shadow of his rising and disappeared in the same place. When ye Xiao was stunned, the figure of left feather had already appeared in the back hall!

"Well, isn't this Mr. Zuo? Come on, come on, come in, come in On that day, the vice chief inorganic Taoist priest of Ji Ge met Zuo Yu with courtesy. He only knew that in the whole Tianji Pavilion, the guy who could be ranked in the top ten of Tianyue list was just an external incarnation! So I'm afraid its original strength is higher than its own! Of course, the inorganic Taoist priest knows the strength of Zuo Yu, which is also inferred from his challenge to the 10th place! He even won the 10th place on purpose, because at the time of victory, he could clearly see his own continuous breath without any over exertion!

Zuo Yu doesn't pay any attention to the inorganic Taoist priest, but strides directly to Qu Tian, who is smiling. When Qu Tian reacts, Zuo Yu has already met him face to face!

"What do you mean?" Qu Tian suddenly found that when Zuo Yu was looking at his eyes, he had all kinds of murderous spirit. Even he felt frightened!

"What do you mean again?" Left feather cold hum a: "I still don't tell you!" As Zuo Yu said, he directly lifted another glass of wine on the table, swung it with one hand and brushed it. It was just a small cup of wine, but after pouring it out, it was endless!

He sprayed it directly on Qu Tian's face. He didn't have time to block it. All the people in the back hall were shocked to see this scene. For a long time, they didn't understand what was going on. Why did Zuo Yu, who was so popular recently, suddenly become enemies with Qu Tian? Has not Zuo Yu always been kind?

"Zuo Yu, you..." Qu Tian stands up in a moment and stares at the left feather in front of him. He seems eager to rush up directly and tear him apart!

And left feather here is cold hum way: "how? Want a challenge? It doesn't matter. I have time now. If you want to come, you can accompany me at any time! "

After the voice dropped, he turned around and left. Qu Tian, who was standing in the same place, was very angry and embarrassed. Inorganic Taoist priest said slowly: "I'm afraid that boy has a lot to do with Zuo Yu! Qu Tian, you have caused a disaster this time

"Ye Xiao?" Qu Tian's eyes were awe inspiring, and then his face was full of hatred: "I remember this hatred. Ranking competition, ye Xiao, I will make you worse than death!" Qu Tian really can't fight Zuo Yu. Moreover, with Zuo Yu's momentum like rising in the sun, he has no way to lower his pressure. Think about it, the top 15 masters are defeated with only ten moves in his hands. It's good to walk through one or two moves in his hands. It's not a gap in combat power, but a gap in quality. It's no exaggeration to say that at the moment, Zuo Yu is basically defeated After being able to and ranking fifth master want to mention and discuss, but he can't! The same as the big Luo Jinxian, their own realm is much lower!

So he can only find a way to find Ye Xiao revenge, everything is because of this boy, then he must be in this boy with interest to get back!

After such a farce, they are most proud of the other eight gods of war. They originally opposed Ye Xiao to the outside world. However, today's incident shows that ye Xiao seems to have a very different relationship with Zuo Yu. Therefore, they can't bear to have a relationship with Ye Xiao. That's not a wise choice!

Therefore, under the leadership of Wan Feng, they have also begun to secretly get close to Ye Xiao. At least they have acknowledged Ye Xiao's status in Jiufeng Mountain and the existence of Xingyao peak!

Of course, at night, under the leadership of Wan Feng, the eight men went to Xingyao peak, where they met Ye Xiao in the immortal mansion of Xingyao. At the same time, Wan Feng took the lead in admitting his mistakes, which surprised Ye Xiao. However, he thought that his master had watered Qu Tian with wine in the back hall, just like a drowned rat, he understood the thoughts of these people!

I'm afraid in their hearts, what they fear is the left feather behind them, not themselves, but it doesn't matter. Before long, they will let these guys understand that they are not so easy to provoke!

In the Xingyao immortal mansion, nine people had a good drink. When they were full of food and wine, Wan Feng took the lead and said, "brother ye, the nine gods of war on Jiufeng Mountain usually call themselves brothers. Do you mind if I call it that way?"

"No, no!" Ye xiaopendulum waved his hand and said with a smile! But I thought that this guy's words should have been almost said. How could there be anything else that hasn't been said?

"Brother ye, today we are sincere in making friends with you. What we did before was impulsive, so don't be surprised. Since you are willing to make friends, I will naturally tell brother ye that Qu Tian is not easy to make trouble with. I'm afraid that Qu Tian will move in the dark in this ranking war! So brother ye must be very careful! ""Hands and feet? Is it still possible to make moves in the ranking war Ye Xiao slightly a Leng, looking at the front of the Wan Feng doubt asked! Of course, ye Xiao is also really confused. Isn't the rank war prepared by inorganic Taoist priest? How could there be a problem?

"He is likely to try to invite some people who do not belong to our Tianji Pavilion, but he will make them disguise as members of our Tianji Pavilion. Most importantly, the people invited are of unpredictable strength, and some have the strength of Taiyi Zhenxian. It's not for fun!"

"Is it hard to find out?"

"He wants you to die, brother ye, so how can he care about that? As long as you are killed, who will fight against him for a dead man? " Wan Feng looked at Ye Xiao and said earnestly!

"What else?" Ye Xiao eyes a Lin, Tai Yi true immortal? Ye Xiao murmured to himself that he should be able to deal with it, but I'm afraid these are unavoidable!

"So brother ye, as I say, when the ranking war starts, you only need to pay attention to those eccentric people. Once you are sure that they are sent by Qu Tian, you should admit defeat immediately. This ranking war does not mean that if you lose a certain match, you will not have a chance, but you will win a total of games. Therefore, losing once is nothing. The most important thing is, even if you can beat those people How can we carry out those battles in the future Wan Feng looked at Ye Xiao and said slowly!

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