"Elder martial brother, master's..."

"Is there any part of your speech here?" The monkey sitting on the futon was originally full of compassion, but at the moment when he was clearly aware of his speech, his face showed a murderous and frightful air! Fighting and defeating Buddha, even if it is good thoughts, it does not mean that you are not irritable!!

Mingwu was scared by the monkey's murderous words and took a step back directly, while the golden cicada son on one side frowned slightly and said in a cold voice, "Wukong, do you mean that it has nothing to do with you?"

"No, no, no, even if I am the Buddha, I am not the Buddha. I am the Buddha. I am the fighting and defeating Buddha granted by the Buddha himself. So what he does has something to do with me, but I can't stop it. I'm just a Buddha!" Where the monkey is slowly shaking his head. It seems that all this is the reason should be general!

"Monkey, what do you mean by that?" Mingwu, who stands behind the golden cicada son, is angry. This guy is obviously playing with his master like this. Isn't this guy also the master's Apprentice? How could it still be like this?

"Hi ~" the monkey grinned, his eyes were ferocious, and his whole body was in a posture of preparing to attack. "I'm warning you once again. If you dare to interrupt again, I promise to make you go back to the West! Amitabha

The monkey's momentum is very strong, did not give the golden cicada son the slightest face, directly with his own pressure will Mingwu pressure for a long time breathless!

"Wanton, Wukong, what are you doing?" Gold cicada son face a change, one hand a wave, will the force block away, cold looking at the monkey!

"Amitabha The monkey once again made waves of compassion, and then said, "master, this matter has been said by my grandson. If there is a cause, there is a result. I can't help you!"

"That boy, in addition to my evil thoughts, that's my cultivation of 90 million years!" Gold cicada son face color in this moment, unexpectedly become ferocious rise!

"In those days, master, you sacrificed enough for the Buddha world. They ate your ninth incarnation to prolong your life. But now what the Buddha left is just a Dharma body. Why should we care about those worldly disputes? It may be a good thing to get rid of evil thoughts. Isn't it better to break away from the shackles and rush out of this small world this morning? "

“……” After hearing the monkey's words in front of him, Jinchanzi suddenly felt that how could he deceive him more than himself? "I just want to ask you a word. Do you care or don't care. If you don't care, I'll seal your Huaguo Mountain!"

"Shua!" The monkey, who had been sitting on his knees, jumped up in an instant, staring at the golden cicada son in front of him, and then said coldly, "call you master, you look at the Tang Xuan costume of the previous life, but now you are just the golden cicada son, so you dare to be so rude. Don't blame me for being merciless!"

"Whoosh!" In between, the golden cicada son grabs with one hand, and suddenly a purple gold Jiulong Zen stick appears in his hand, and the originally flowing river and lakeside around it also instantly stops. It seems that at this moment, time has stopped in general!

"Wukong, do you and I really want to fight again?" Gold cicada son eye one Lin, cold voice says!

In the eyes of the monkey, the fierce light suddenly appeared, but in that moment, the fierce light disappeared, and then he kindly said, "Amitabha!" Then he closed his eyes and did not smell and move. It seemed that the golden cicada son did not exist at all!

"You..." Jin chanzi was furious. He was like a Zen stick, but after thinking about it, he put it away. At the same time, he said, "I hope we don't have a chance to fight. This time, I will send Mingwu to go there in person. I don't believe we can't kill him! I don't want you to show up then! "


"Well, we'll go, Mingwu." The golden cicada son snorted coldly, turned directly and disappeared into a ray of light in the sky. After the golden cicada son left, the monkey, who was originally sitting cross legged and dressed in cassock, suddenly jumped up and laughed: "do you really think old sun is stupid? If it is not for the sake of sanctification, and cut off the good thoughts, evil thoughts, then why should we enter the Buddhism? It seems that the master is a real master of Buddhism and Taoism. However, my old sun is also proficient in the two profound and unique skills. Good thoughts have become a Buddha. It depends on the last moment... "

As for ye Xiao, monkey didn't worry at all. Disha's seventy-two changes and somersault cloud were taught to him. If he couldn't even clean up the enlightenment, would it be ok?

After leaving Huaguo Mountain, the golden cicada son opened his mouth to Mingwu beside him and said, "today, you should immediately leave for Tianyue kingdom in the fairyland. Remember, you must disguise well. Although the fairyland is lonely now, some real strong willed and lucky people are also very strong, so be careful

"Yes, master!" After Mingwu nodded, he directly turned into light and left the spot. The Jinchanzi stood beside him and muttered to himself, "Ye Xiao, who is this boy? When I was in the fairyland, I was almost infinitely close to the world. Once I got such a terrible fortune, I would not say that I was a saint. I'm afraid I can spy on the way of heaven

After thinking about this, the golden cicada son deduced it again. After a few minutes, he slowly opened his eyes and murmured, "can't you even kill Mingwu? Is that kid just out of danger? What can save him? What's going on? "……

On Jiufeng Mountain, ye Xiao and Wan Feng walked towards the foot of Wanfeng mountain with a smile. At this time, a young woman appeared in front of them! After seeing the woman, Wan Feng said with a smile, "Yo, this is not heyuqiu. Why do you come to my Jiufeng Mountain when you are free today?"

The woman heyuqiu smiles at Wan Feng, then goes to Ye Xiao and says with a smile: "I've heard a lot about ye gun god, so I've come to visit him in person. I don't know if ye gun god would like to join me?"

One side of the Wan Feng heard the words of autumn he language, immediately a pair of eyes are staring round, this is how to return a responsibility? This boy did nothing, even did not come out. Why did the famous heyuqiu come to him? Isn't that fair?

Ye Xiao on one side is slightly raised eyebrows. He doesn't know why. At this time, his heart actually set off waves of uneasiness. The strength of the women in front of him is only the real fairyland. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for him to have much threat, but where does this danger come from?

"Mr. Ye..." Naheyuqiu's voice changed, and at the same time, he moved closer to Ye Xiao. At this moment, three small, silky soul killing needles shot out, with a distance of only about one Zhang. Moreover, the speed of this soul killing needle is extremely fast. In addition, it is the silver needle of the level of the postnatal Lingbao, which can't be avoided at such a close distance. Moreover, the one who gets the needle can't escape in half an hour Will die of breath exhaustion!

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