The ranking war is to draw numbers immediately inside, and then fight. After ye Xiao followed Wanfeng and others to the competition ground, he said with a smile: "don't worry, it will be OK!"

"You must come on. There will be no change in the first few games, but it will be more and more difficult in the future, so you must work together to use the spirit of the spirit. Don't use up the spirit of the spirit in the end. That's bad!" Wan Feng reminds a way in the side!

After hearing Wanfeng's words, ye Xiao said with a smile: "don't worry, I still know that!" Of course, ye Xiao is not very worried about this matter. Unless he has used the spirit of crying ghosts and spirits three times in a row, otherwise, the spirit in his body can not be exhausted. The recovery speed of Green Qi strength has already exceeded the consumption of ordinary combat!

The scene of the ranking war is very good. In addition to the masters like inorganic Taoist priest, there are also Luo Gu, who is the second in the Tianyue list, and Qu Tian, who is 19th!

When ye Xiao saw it, he was shocked to find that the man sitting in the immortal chariot was actually the leader of Tianyue Kingdom, Tianyue! It is said that the leader of Tianyue Kingdom has only half stepped into the level of Hunyuan Jinxian. As for the specific strength, no one knows!

The king looked at the crowd more and more, and then he said with a smile: "today, I just want to see if there are some amazing people among you. There is nothing else. So you can rest assured to go to the competition. Of course, if anyone can become the first one today, I will give him the nine turn gold elixir that I have treasured for many years. You should know my nine turn gold elixir It's not from Jiuyou mansion, but made by Daozu himself! Not only can you increase your accomplishments, but you can also increase your longevity

After the king's voice dropped, everyone else was shocked. Even Wanfeng, a master of the great Luo Jinxian, was shocked. The value of the nine turn gold elixir was no less than a treasure the day after tomorrow! You know, ye Xiao's demon refining tower is only restored to the level of the treasure after tomorrow!

At the moment, with the words of the president of the country, other people are naturally excited. However, before ye Xiao entered the arena, he felt a strong murderous spirit, which was aimed at himself!

Ye Xiaoshun looked at it with a murderous look. He saw a Zen stick in his right hand and a string of black Buddhist beads in his left hand. On the beads, there were some lines and marks that even ye Xiao could not understand!

Is he smart? Ye Xiao thought slowly in his heart, and ye Xiao could see that there were only two people who could make him feel crisis. One was that Mingtong, and the other was a young man standing on the side of Luo Gu's body. In the middle of the man's eyes, Xiao could not even see any emotion!

"Now the ranking war has officially begun. Please draw the number to fight. Those with the same number will be a group. Half of them will be eliminated in the first game, and the same will be true in the second game! There will be a total of 36 games in three days, that is to say, you have to fight 36 games in a row before you can have a rest day and make the final eight in the second round... "

Just as ye Xiao was preparing to take part in the ranking war, a mountain area very close to the Tianting suddenly burst out a golden light, which was as thick as the mouth of a well, and directly directed at Tiandou!

"Whoa ~ ~"

at the moment when the golden light burst out, a loud cry resounded from heaven and earth, and the sound scared all the animals and monsters in the whole mountain range!

And the sound is more like the noble and upright spirit between heaven and earth. After the sound, some birds and beasts around also fled one after another! But at the moment, the source of the sound is a small temple built by magic. An old woman is standing beside with a smile, and there is a fairy like woman lying on the bed!

The child, who was originally crying on the ground, began to grow up slowly, or grow up, at the speed visible to the naked eye!

And when she was 11 or 12 years old, it stopped. It was a girl. It seemed that she had some intelligence when she made a sound. Moreover, when she grew up, she was more independent and reflected a colorful fairy dress! When she saw the woman on the bed, she said quickly, "Mom!"


The old woman was Yi Wu ye, and the woman on the bed was Yi Gu Yun. They were both stunned when they looked at the girl who looked like a fairy. After a long time, she said slowly, "child, are you my daughter?"

"Of course The girl smiles, and then runs to the bed and looks at Yi Guyun. Then she reaches out her little pink hand and puts it on her. In an instant, a milky light slowly lights up. Then the light will wrap yiguyun completely. Within a few minutes, yiguyun's face is not as white as before!

After the girl took back her little hand, she looked at the girl in front of her in shock according to Gu Yun's face, or she couldn't believe it, because when she was born before, the spirit in her body was almost exhausted. However, at that moment, some wounds on her body were not only completely repaired, but also the spirit spirit spirit disappeared from her body Is it? How could this be"Hee hee, mother should be ok now?" The little girl giggled, and there were two lovely dimples on her pink face!

According to the ancient rhyme heart suddenly gave birth to countless ways of loving eyes, their children should have such ability? But also looks so lovely, this may be the best gift God gives himself!

"Your spirit of fairyland sends out bursts of snow-white light, so call you ye Yingxue, OK?" According to the ancient rhyme, looking at the girl in front of her, she said lovingly!

After hearing the words of yiguyun, the little face was a little stunned, and then she asked in doubt: "why do you want your surname ye? Didn't my mother have me? "

"Because Xueer's father's surname is ye!" According to the ancient rhyme smile, but the heart is a little pain, ye Xiao, where are you in the end? After their ascent, yiguyun and yiwuyei found a place to live temporarily. Because yiguyun was pregnant, it was not suitable for them to wander around. However, in the lower world, she was pregnant for more than five years, but she only showed her appearance. But after arriving in the fairyland, it was almost a change day by day. Now it is just a few months before she is in labor

"Dad?" The girl was slightly stunned, and then she said with a smile: "it turns out that Xueer has a father, but she still thinks she doesn't have one!"

When ye Yingxue was talking, Yigu Yun and Yi Wuye on one side said: "can the ancestor of Xueer's realm be seen?"

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