Tianyue country ranks within the battlefield.

Ye Xiao stood beside him in a daze, while Wan Feng on his side was full of worry. On one side, he kept calling out: "brother ye? Brother ye... "

"What's going on?" At this time, inorganic Taoist priest came over and took a look at Ye Xiao. Then he asked Wan Feng!

"I don't know. It was fine just now, but he suddenly stopped talking. His eyes were lost. I don't know what happened." Wan Feng explained in one side! But inorganic Taoist priest looked at Ye Xiao's eyes and said, "I'm afraid he sensed something. This kind of scene doesn't have much time difference from that when I was in the state of deduction. I just don't know what this guy is sensing!"

"Hoo..." All of a sudden, ye Xiao's face recovered. His whole body was standing on one side, gasping heavily. There was a trace of red in his eyes!

"Unexpectedly, there are children, ancient rhyme Ancient rhyme... " Ye Xiao's mood swings a little bit big, in the side is more like lost the God general, in there unceasingly murmurs to oneself!

And Wan Feng on one side said: "Ye Xiao, what's the matter with Ye Xiao?"

"Brother Wan?" At this time, ye Xiao woke up and said to the Wanfeng, "what happened to me just now?"

"You ask me? How can I know! " Wan Feng wry smile: "you have nothing better, you should play immediately, you can never make any mistakes!"

Ye Xiao didn't reply, but his heart couldn't calm down for a long time. It was definitely not a dream just now. Is it true that Gu Yun is pregnant? And the teenage girl is her own daughter?

Ye Xiao can be said to be confused by some of his own memories, because in his memory, he did not have a previous life, or some of the previous memories, but now it seems that he is really the so-called master of the world, even the great sage also said so! And only when you have reached the level of the great saint, can you find a way to break through the shackles of the world and go to the main world!

"Ye Xiao, it's your turn to play!" When ye Xiao was in a daze, Wan Feng on one side reminded him again. After hearing this, ye Xiao opened his mouth and said with a smile: "thank you very much." Then turn around and walk slowly onto the arena!

In three days, there are thirty-six contests. If you have to win in a row, you will be able to stay in the top three or the top eight. If you can defeat four people successfully, you will be worthy of the first place! There is no need to compare, because the ranking war is a point war, winning a point, so it is based on the number of games won!

In the first game, ye Xiao got No.3, while the other party's No.3 was a Jinxian dayuanman. When ye Xiao stepped onto the arena, he found that the master of Jinxian dayuanman was a fat man with a very tall figure, which meant that he had already exceeded the scope of ordinary people. The height was about three meters high, just like an elephant!

And on his body is wearing a set of gold wire armor, which is also shining with gold! When the fat man rushed to the arena, he said with a smile: "boy, you are just a real immortal, so I don't want to fight with you. You can surrender yourself!"

Ye Xiao looks at him like an idiot. The ranking war is not only a person from Tianji Pavilion, but all the outstanding talents of the whole Tianyue kingdom. Therefore, it is obvious that he does not know ye Xiao at all! That's why he dared to say such a thing. If he knew that ye Xiao had killed a golden immortal dayuanman when he was in the realm of immortals, I'm afraid he would not be so presumptuous!

"Boy, what's that look like?" The fat man was angry. In his opinion, he gave him a chance to live. Once he made a move, he would certainly have no weight. If he went down, I'm afraid he would be able to beat it into mud!


When the referee opened his mouth, ye Xiao moved. Of course, ye Xiao didn't answer his words at all. It was almost an instant. Before the fat man had any response, ye Xiao had already made a fist, and the seal set off a golden flame and a faint grey air!

The powerful seal of the fist was wielded in an instant. Within a breath, it directly hit the gold wire armor. The gold wire armor cracked in response to the sound. Then the seal did not seem to stop, but hit him more fiercely towards his chest!

"Boom Ye Xiao's fist seal directly hit his chest. With the powerful roar, his huge body flew out in the distance!

"Wow Ye Xiaoyi's fist defeated a master of Jinxian. Such news spread very fast. You know, only some people in Tianji Pavilion know ye Xiao's details. Besides, almost most people don't know that ye Xiao is able to challenge beyond the level, and this level is very large!

"That boy can defeat a golden immortal with one move. I'm afraid this is comparable to that of Taiyi Tianxian. Be careful

"In fact, it's nothing. I'm afraid the fat man has no hope of breaking through the realm of Taiyi Tianxian. Such a coward can't judge the strength of some people!"

For a moment, many people began to speculate about ye Xiao's own combat power. However, in the position of Tianji Pavilion, Wan Feng looked down with a sneer. I'm afraid these guys don't know. A Taiyi real immortal's assassination, and it's a must kill skill, can be evaded by the little boy, let alone these little guys now!We should know that almost all the killers of Star Alliance are talented people. Almost all of them can jump the level to challenge. Even if they can't, they are the best in the same rank. Therefore, ye Xiao must have his own unique ability to escape from such a must kill!

Therefore, for Wanfeng, ye Xiao is not the first, but the second is steady!

The first victory was very simple, only one punch was used. However, ye Xiao's fist was also calculated by economic calculation. If it was an ordinary one, he could beat it back, but he could not make it seriously injured. Only by integrating the grey Qi generated by the integration of yin and Yang into the seal, could he be defeated instantly!

Of course, for defeating these people, ye Xiao is more concerned about some of the people behind. Mingtong was killed by Qutian school. In fact, I'm afraid that Mingtong and Jinchanzi are inseparable!

Next draw the opponent of the second game, but because of the large number of people, so after the process, ye Xiao went to draw again, but after waiting for half a day, no one drew the same brand as himself!

After waiting for about ten minutes, ye Xiao met his opponent, a middle-aged monk in the early days of Taiyi Tianxian!

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