Yin Yue was born in the last era. No one knows about that period. I'm afraid even he doesn't know. Because of the coming of the catastrophe, he must have got some opportunity, so he was spared! So his own potential and explosive power are different from the monks of this era!

In close combat, Yinyue's strength is also very strong. From behind, a fist blows out. The powerful fist seal seems to tear the whole space apart. The powerful Qi force is like a fierce steel grain, which can be seen with the body!

"Boom The speed is very fast, fast when the black bear has no time to turn around, that punch has already hit out, hit him directly in the back!

The fierce noise accompanied by the surrounding shock wave like aftershocks was pounding in all directions, and the black bear spirit rolled out ahead of time, about 1000 meters away, and then dissipated the strength. But even so, the damage caused by that blow should not be ignored. The spirit of the spirit in the body was disordered by the blow As for half a day can not calm it down!

The black bear spirit looked at the silver moon in the distance, and his whole body was directly towards the silver moon. When he was angry, the silver moon sensed it, and the opponent's combat power seemed to be improved!

"Little loach, you grandfather bear don't believe you can catch it!" The sound is loud and bright, and the air force is like a rainbow. When it comes, even the surrounding space fluctuates and distorts!

"Drink Yinyue's eyes were awe inspiring, and then she directly raised her arm to collide with the black bear spirit again!


At the moment of impact, there was no sound between them. Instead, it was the powerful aftereffect that made the surrounding space vibrate like rolling thunder!

"Roar!" The black bear spirit roared and waved another fist to greet him. However, Yinyue was cautious, because he found that the fighting power of the black bear spirit had been improved inexplicably, and the speed of improvement was very fast! It was so fast that he felt a little absurd!

"What? Is the little loach afraid? Hey, you may not know, your grandfather bear is the stronger the Vietnam War, there is your good fruit to eat The black bear spirit grinned, and the claws in his hand flipped again and went to the silver moon!

"Do your best Yinyue was not moved at all, but went to meet each other with one hand. When the two collided, it was a violent roar!

"I'm afraid there's no way to go on like this. This guy's realm seems to be just a big Luo Jinxian, but this move is so strong. I'm afraid that even if I really exert all my fighting power, I can't subdue him at most. In this way, it's impossible to bring back the ten thousand plundered fairy!" The black bear spirit is fighting and thinking! For him, the main task is still the Wanjie fairy. As for the silver moon in front of him, then it will be secondary!

"Black bear, I don't think you've got something out there!" The silver moon seemed to know what the black bear spirit was thinking about, and suddenly said, "that Wanjie fairy, do you know who has something to do with it?"

"Well, what can I do with all that? I have been ordered by Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara to do my errand. Who is she related to? " The black bear spirit seemed to know that the silver moon in front of him would disturb his mind, which made him afraid. But the problem is, in today's world, in addition to the number of people, who is he afraid of? Among Hunyuan Jinxian, he is just afraid of a few people who are so fixed!

"I don't think you know why you would rather sentence the Buddha than take over such a task after fighting and defeating Buddha?" Yinyue continued on one side! At the same time, the movement in the hand also repeatedly greets!

After hearing this, the black bear obviously slowed down. Of course, he was also depressed. According to reason, the monkey must be the best. Now in the demon world, after Kong Xuan left, those real ancient powers, dead or gone, are the only ones who dare to come to the demon clan on behalf of the Buddha world. But why would he rather betray the Buddhist world and not take over the task?

"Don't use words to stimulate me!" The black bear said, the fist strength increases again! But Yinyue is laughing!

"You don't know, then I'll tell you, because Wanba fairy is sun's nephew, and her father is sun's younger martial brother!"

"What? It's impossible. The pig head doesn't have such great ability now. He doesn't even dare to cut off the good and evil thoughts. Although he has been named in the Buddhist world, he doesn't dare to do that. As for the other two younger martial brothers, it's even more impossible... "

"Ha ha!" Yinyue said with a smile: "the same master I mentioned is the one who taught sun Dasheng's Taoism. Do you understand?"

"Is it him?" As soon as the black bear's face changed, the powerful one who could preach under the eyes of the Tathagata had never really met. Even the Buddha beads had never really met with him. It can be seen that they knew each other, but did not fight. But if, as he said, if the monkey betrayed Buddhism for her sake, then

Black bear's mind was affected and was forced back by Yinyue. However, he had to think about this problem in his heart. The monkey recommended himself. What was it for? He didn't want to come, but let himself come? Then, if he really takes people away, will he turn over his face?If in the past, he didn't have to care about the black bear spirit, but now he doesn't care at all. Today's monkey cuts off two corpses. Even if Maitreya Buddha's grandfather is intimidated to subdue him, let alone himself, if the guy really goes crazy and shows the heaven and earth, he will change color on that day! You know, when the temple of heaven was in turmoil, when dealing with 100000 heavenly soldiers, the monkey showed the way of heaven and earth, and the heaven and earth trembled for it. How many big Luo Jinxian were not his opponents, and at that time he was just a real immortal of Taiyi!

The heart is worried, but it does not mean that the black bear is afraid, but thinking about how he should deal with this matter after he catches people, especially if the monkey comes to the door, what should he do!

Looking at the step-by-step pressing silver moon in front of him, the black bear essence secretly directly took out a thing that Maitreya had given him. After throwing it out, a golden light flashed between them. Then the golden light flew towards the silver moon automatically, just like the old ancestor's bundle of immortal rope. The golden light instantly transformed into three golden circles, and then hooped the silver moon's head, body and feet Shrink!

"Hey, the Buddha's thing works. If you hit it directly, you'll trap it!" The black bear sneered and flew towards the three men!

"Damn it!" Yinyue's eyes were red in an instant. He couldn't let the boy take him away. He saw that his body became bigger and the whole figure began to change gradually, forming a huge silver dragon, which was more than 100 Zhang long. However, the three gold hoops were hooped on him, and he could not move forward at all because of the huge pain!

"Ah With a roar of silver moon, the gas of silver light on her body was very strong, and the strength of the gold hoop was instantly broken with a bang!

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