As one of the Maitreya's monasteries, Maitreya stands in the hall at the moment. In front of him is the black bear, who is good at Guanyin. Looking at Maitreya, the Bodhisattva Guanyin says, "among the golden lights, there are the fairies of all calamities. However, my poor monk's magic power is so weak that I can't turn it into reincarnation. I hope Buddha can do it in person!"

Maitreya took a deep look at Avalokitesvara, and then opened his mouth and said, "the golden light will be suppressed under my burning mountain for the time being, so that she can't transform the immortal body of all calamities!" Even if Maitreya can't figure out what's going on in this, how can he not know? I'm afraid the Taoism in it has a lot to do with Guanyin Bodhisattva? But at this juncture, he can't put forward, and can't turn over with him, so he can only do this!

Don't kill, don't kill! And he can't kill now!


Tianyue kingdom.

The 72 changes of Disha practiced by Ye Xiao have been effective, and he has also found that the 72 changes of Disha have the effect of strengthening muscles and bones. Even though he is not as good as a monkey, he has been promoted under the premise of six changes of life and death!

Moreover, it can be said that the seventy-two changes of Disha can be said to be extremely magical. In other words, unless it is some real great power, which is too much higher than his own cultivation, otherwise, even the Dara Jinxian can't find out what he has changed! It's so much better than the ordinary skills of change!

What's more, what kind of ability will he possess if he changes anything, but the only defect is that the scope of his ability is not beyond his own cultivation! After learning Xiaoke, you can say that there is no way to count the number of changes in each other!

After learning seventy-two changes, sun monkey can make a big fuss in the heaven in the realm of Taiyi real immortal. It can be seen that it is really powerful. Of course, although there is a lot of water in it, many experts have not done it, and the Jade Emperor, the head of the six Imperial palaces, has not done so. What the Taoist school can really do is Daozu!

But Daozu's hand, it is just a symbolic lost a circle, let them catch the monkey just, because he knows, these people can't do anything about the monkey! What's more, even Daozu also wanted to know who the master of monkey's back was! So I left my hand and watched the excitement! If you want to catch the Jade Emperor, I will help you!

The Jade Emperor is afraid of the great power behind him if he doesn't do it himself. You know, he is the head of the six emperors. However, he is not a saint. Even Daozu, the head of Sanqing, is curious about the characters behind the monkey. How dare he really do it?

So in sum, he left the problem to the Buddha. Although he didn't know what the Tathagata thought, when he promised to subdue the monkey, he did not put a heavy hand on it. You know, the monkey's talent is well-known. In the realm of Taiyi Zhenxian, he defeated so many great luojinxian in their training and training, and Dalao Zhenxian was not the enemy of his three moves He did not dare to kill, nor could he kill him. Therefore, the Tathagata became a villain and suppressed him!

Suppression, this is also what the Buddha does! Therefore, it can be seen that the changes of Disha are 72, which is far higher than the eight to nine Xuangong which also has the skill of seventy-two changes! The realm of Erlang Zhenjun in those years was the perfect state of Daluo Jinxian! When he fought with the monkey, he won a little bit, but he could not catch the monkey without the help of Daozu!

Therefore, ye Xiao only needs to change Disha 72 to Mahayana, and then both the skill of protecting life and the skill of subduing the enemy will become invincible!

"Maybe it's time for the last fight!" Ye Xiao looked up at the sky and then said slowly! One side of the small sky is curling his mouth and saying, "master, how have you practiced the art of change in these two days? The 72 changes of Disha in the rumor is a one-step decision-making skill

"Hey Ye Xiao grinned, and then he saw that ye Xiao's figure began to change slowly, and then the aura in his body began to change gradually, and the spirit soul also changed with it!

Almost in a flash, ye Xiao's side turned into a white tiger. One looks exactly the same as the Tianshen tiger. The most important thing is that ye Xiao's breath and spirit are the images of the tianshehu clan!

"Master, this..." Xiaotian was a little bit confused. It was originally the tianshehu clan, and it was beyond the royal family's blood. Therefore, he was very clear about his own blood, but under such circumstances, he could not tell the sky split tiger in front of him was Ye Xiao! On the contrary, at the moment, he felt that ye Xiao in front of him was the sky splitting tiger! Even the spirit is!

"Hey Ye Xiao, who has changed into a sky splitting tiger, now slightly changes again, and then the white tiger's form begins to change slowly to form an inorganic Taoist priest. Even if he becomes an inorganic Taoist priest, there is no difference in the breath and spirit of his body!

It was at this time that a figure flashed through Ye Xiao's mind, and the appearance of the whole person changed again. I saw that the reminder was slightly stronger, with a slightly higher body, a head of black hair, wearing a Zhongshan suit, and the most important thing was that pair of eyes!

When ye Xiao changed, he went to a mirror and looked at the person in the mirror. The man with starry eyes murmured: "Dad..."Xiaotian stood aside, and his four legs trembled. At the same time, he said, "master, this Who is this? How can there be such a strong pressure? Why is it that his master's power has not changed completely

Xiaotian is really afraid. He has never felt such a breath of people, and only by virtue of other people's skills of change, can show this kind of pressure! You should know that once the strength of a certain great power reaches a certain level, it is not a split projection. Even if it is a temple or a holy image, it can feel its majesty after being seen by others!

And now Xiaotian is to see him, then the heart of fear, and fear!

"He is my father, ye Xingchen, but I don't know where he is at the moment. Maybe as the sage said, when I reach his realm, everything will be clear!" Ye Xiao shakes her head slightly, and then she changes into her own figure! Today's art of change has not been adept. Once it is really practiced, there are 72 kinds of abilities besides the art of change Such as exorcism, mountain moving, wind control, separation Wait, wait!

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