"Boom The demon refining tower is very large, at least several tens of Zhang in size. After touching the demon refining tower, the wanlei seal suddenly trembles violently. It seems that the two attract each other. When there is a slight tremor explosion, more of them blend together!

At this time, ye Xiao directly controls the eight claw fire beast in the demon refining tower to separate himself and transfer the power of thunder and lightning to himself. The eight claw fire beast has no weakness, and the power of thunder and lightning can't cause too much damage to him, so after the eight claw fire beast absorbs part of the lightning power!

That Guo Lin just reacted, it seemed that something was wrong. He was bound by the golden light, but the other party didn't seem to take the offensive against him. Instead, he used the demon refining tower to attack his wanlei seal!

The most important thing is that his wanlei seal seems to be absorbed by something. There is no sound of explosion at all. Instead, it seems to be absorbed by something

When ray attacks the matrix directly, it's just that the purpose of attacking the matrix is not his own mark! Just like Ye Xiao, he didn't throw the lotus seed seal matrix that he owned directly. Instead, he threw out the evolved attacks!

So the wanlei seal is the same, but the only thing that Guo Lin didn't understand was why the other party absorbed his own wanlei power? Not even as if afraid, what is there in the demon tower?

But some things were not what he could think of. When Guo Lin was shocked and tried to get out of the way, he was surprised to find that the thunder ball originally attacked had disappeared, or was all attracted to the demon tower. This made him have an impulse to collapse. How could the other party have such a terrible thing? I'm afraid it can absorb itself directly?

Of course, Guo Lin thought more about this point. The main function of demon refining tower is to suppress demons. Therefore, if ye Xiao still uses demon refining tower to deal with human beings when human beings resist, the effect will be reduced several times!

That's why the golden light can't devour human beings in bursts, and can only be imprisoned!

"This What's going on? " All of a sudden, the most shocking thing happened to Guo Lin, because the thunder and lightning power on him didn't break off, but was absorbed by the demon refining tower crazily. It seemed that the suction was slowly sucked up from the golden light, just as if he wanted to suck out the thunder seal in his body!

"What's going on?" Guo Lin's face changed greatly. Originally, he had the upper hand, but how could he resist his wanlei seal? How did he do it?

"Ha ha!" Ye Xiao has been very happy, because at this time, he can clearly sense the mother of the ten thousand thunder seals in the other party's body, and he only needs to speed up the absorption, then he can peel the ten thousand thunder seal from his body. This strong absorption strength, I'm afraid, has already made Guo Lin miserable!

"No..." Guo Lin's face changed dramatically. The mark in his hand began to spread back and forth, and the lightning halberd in the distance flew towards him quickly!

But how could ye Xiao give him the chance to resist at this time? When he was ready to call for the thunderbolt halberd, ye Xiao had already rushed up with his gun and fired the thunderbolt halberd directly. Then he looked coldly at Guo Lin in front of him and said, "now, you don't have to panic. I'm not the same as you. I don't dare to kill you. If emperor Chen asks me for trouble, I don't know how to die, so I only take you Just like something, don't move around, especially at this time. Otherwise, if you don't move it properly, you will be bitten by it. At that time, you may be left with some evil roots. "

Ye Xiao's voice is very small, but it works very well. When the other party is struggling, after listening to Ye Xiao's words, he is strangely not struggling, but he still stares at Ye Xiao with both eyes. At this time, Guo Lin is eager to kill the boy directly. He is Even want to peel off their own wanlei seal?

"Stop, ye Xiao, stop..."

Ye Xiao looked at Guo Lin in front of her, and then said with a smile, "why don't you try to admit defeat? Maybe you can keep the ten thousand thunder seal after you admit defeat? "

"You..." Guo Lin's face changed, admit defeat? If he could, he would have given up. In this case, he could not admit defeat. Even if he did, it would be too late. What's more, where is the chance?

"What? Don't give up? No wonder I am Ye Xiao shook his head slowly, as if he was sighing! And Guo Lin on one side, after seeing ye Xiao like that, would like to beat him up immediately. Why didn't he notice that he still had these treasures?

However, even if he had noticed it, he couldn't pay attention to it. Even though it was a natural treasure now, it was very deterrent to the demon clan, but for him, the deterrent was not great at all. But who knew that the demon refining tower was still so strange that it could peel off the ten thousand thunder marks in his body. This feeling made him very sad

"No No.... " Guo Lin's face changed greatly, because at this time, the demon refining tower on the challenge arena had already seized its own wanlei seal matrix. It can be said that the next step will be able to directly extract the wanlei seal!"You lost!" Ye Xiao said a simple, and then saw the white light flash, suddenly a dazzling light ball only the size of a fist appeared in! Immediately by that refining demon tower to receive directly in!

Then the demon refining tower was collected by Ye Xiao into the sea of knowledge. Now, for ye Xiao, it is the biggest harvest to be able to seal the ten thousand thunder. I'm afraid that in the final finals, his combat effectiveness will be able to improve a notch again! Even if you meet Jiuyou dragon, you don't have to be afraid. If you can, you can kill him directly

"Whoosh!" After putting up the demon refining tower, Guo Lin's action also instantly restored his freedom. However, Guo Lin became extremely angry because of this. He looked at Ye Xiao, and the long halberd in his hand shook, and directly attacked Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao, holding a silver gun, repeatedly confronted the enemy and said, "you'd better keep this strength in the next competition." Ye Xiao's voice dropped, and he saw a shot, directly hit the neck of the other side, and then the body was like a kite with a broken string, and went straight to the crazy impact in the distance!

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