"Can I see Qingcheng?" For ye Xiao, to come to the fairyland, in addition to improving her strength and restoring some forgotten memories as soon as possible, there is also the need to find Qingcheng. Of course, for ye Xiao, it is also necessary to find the ancient rhyme. It has been known that yiguyun has been soaring before, but now it has been more than ten years in the fairyland. Where is the ancient rhyme now There's no news at all!

"Remember what I told you?" Nine Youming looked at Ye Xiao in front of her. After a pause for a moment, she said, "at the beginning of the fairyland, I told her to train her to the highest level and train her to forget her love record. Then it would be the time for you to meet again. Yes, the young lady has recovered her memory and knows you. But if you appear, it is likely to affect her. And this time I come to see you because of this She can't rest assured of you, so I came to see you

Ye Xiao looked at the nine Youming in front of her, thought about it, and said, "Qing Cheng she?" Ye Xiao has some doubts. What is the relationship between jiuyouming and Qingcheng?

"She is the real founder of Jiuyou mansion. Of course, she was reincarnated. At that time, Jiuyou mansion did not belong to Tianting, but because of some relations, she had to reincarnate, and then she lost contact completely. Over time, Jiuyou house became the vassal of Tianting." Nine you Ming looks at Ye Xiao slowly say!

"Today I can tell you all that I know about heaven!" Nine Youming's eyes looked at Ye Xiao tightly: "including the attitude of heaven!"

Ye Xiao did not speak, but looked at him and wanted to hear what he said behind him! For ye Xiao, now that the Jade Emperor knows his own identity, I'm afraid it's impossible for him to grow up like this. Now he's attending the baimeng meeting just to attract some experts for himself

"There is no doubt about your identity. The Tianting side has already known that the people of Jiuyou mansion have begun to arrest you secretly. Maybe there is one thing you don't know, which is your daughter..." Nine you Ming looked up at Ye Xiao slowly said!

"Who?" Ye Xiao's face changed and looked at the nine Youming in front of him. He wondered if he had heard him wrong: "Uncle Ming, what did you just say? My daughter? "

"Yes, according to the ancient rhyme, you should know? Her children... " Nine nether world nods slowly!

But ye Xiao is full of shock, or surprise, but ye Xiao has never thought about it. He is happy according to the ancient rhyme! "This Is that true? "

"Of course Jiuyouming nodded: "and she is also the Wanjie fairy. Maybe you don't know much about this word, but for the whole Buddhist world, it is a disaster, but for the heaven, it is a good thing."

"In other words, that is, once the immortal maiden grows up, the whole Buddhist world will suffer. Therefore, when she was born, both the immortal and Buddha worlds were shocked! The Buddha Kingdom sent a long eyebrow arhat to capture him, but he was saved by the demon king Yinyue! But a few days later, the Buddha sent the demon family black bear, and caught her back! According to the news from Jiuyou mansion, it seems that the Buddha world is unable to kill the Wanjie fairy because of something. Therefore, she is suppressed by Maitreya under the burning mountain of his Taoist temple

"Boom When the voice of the nine nether world falls, ye Xiao's body rises in bursts of flame, and a burst of anger slowly rises from ye Xiao's body surface!

In Ye Xiao's opinion, how old is that child? Is the Buddha so hateful? Suppress a child under a mountain?

"Don't get excited. It can't be mentioned for the time being. The Buddha kingdom is worried about the heaven and even the fairyland. Now that they can't kill the child, it's also because someone in the Buddhist world secretly helps! So don't go when you're not really strong! "

"No way!" Ye Xiao shook his head slowly. If he said he didn't know about it, he would not go. But now that he knows, how can he not go? What can the Buddha world do? Even if there are many quasi saints, what can they do?

Of course, ye Xiao is also prepared to think so. He knows that one of the great saints' good thoughts is in the Buddha world, which makes him the Buddha. Therefore, he doesn't mean to break into the Buddha Kingdom directly. Instead, he goes to the Buddhist world to find him and then make plans!

"Ye Xiao!" Nine Youming's face sank, looked at Ye Xiao and said, "I tell you this, not to let you go to the Buddhist world to die, but to let you have pressure, don't be impulsive, and your strength will be improved rapidly. Now you are impulsive, even if you go, you can unlock the seal? That's the mark made by Maitreya himself. Even I can't understand it! "

"At least I have to go to find out what is going on in the Buddhist world. I have no injustice and no hatred with them. Just relying on one immortal, can we really destroy the Buddha world? What a joke Ye Xiao's face sank, and then said, "of course, I won't go to this matter myself."

Ye Xiao said as like as two peas, but he had a more similar look with Ye Xiao's appearance. One side of the nine you Ming saw after, immediately surprised, open a way: "this is 72 changes?"

"Ha ha, sure enough, you have something to do with the monkey!" Nine Youming laughed and then said, "if you want to go, I won't stop you, but you are taboo. The Buddha world also has their position. After you go, you must remember, don't be impulsive! If they don't let people go, just come back first! ""There is also the heaven side. Although I don't know why the Jade Emperor wanted to do this and secretly ordered to get rid of you, I believe you can see that the Jade Emperor didn't kill you. Now, no matter what the reason is, since the jade emperor has not killed you, then it is a chance for you to grow up, especially your part. As long as someone kills you, you swallow him! Even if... "

After jiuyouming said this, his face was slightly heavy. He looked at Ye Xiao seriously and said: "even if I want to kill you one day, you will swallow me up. As long as you have the stronger power of separation, the more secure you will be in the future. You..."

"Uncle Ming..." Ye Xiao's face changed. Looking at the nine Youming in front of him, he directly interrupted his words and said, "Uncle Ming, that day will not come. How can you..."

"Well, remember my words, whoever dares to kill you will be killed without mercy! Even in the competition field, as long as you can make those big Luo Jinxian don't find you, there's nothing you can't do! " Nine you Ming seems to encourage Ye Xiao in general, slowly say!

But ye Xiao does not understand. What do these words mean? And why did the Jade Emperor want to do this? He hated himself because he had the eight claw fire beast. Once he grew up, I'm afraid the whole heaven would tremble for it!

But if he wants to get rid of himself, why should he take so much trouble?

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