When ye Xiao's idea was pulled back from the demon refining tower, only three people were fighting in the arena, namely Guo Lin, ye Wusha, and ye Xiao himself!

And when ye Xiao walked slowly past, Guo Lin said in a dramatic way: "hit me quickly..."

Before ye Xiao had a reaction, he made a fist without killing that night. However, the fist that seemed to have no strength at all made Guo Lin fly out in an instant! And never got up again!

Ye Xiao is still depressed. Can't you say that the fighting power without killing has been improved that night? Otherwise, how could it be so strong? A light hand to blow Guo Lin to fly?

When ye Xiao is puzzled, he turns around and looks at yewusha. When he is ready to open his mouth, he sees that night Wusha's body flies backward again with a thump, and immediately rolls down the arena!

Ye Xiao instantly understood that these two boys didn't want to fight with themselves, and then came up with such a move? It's amazing! Ye Xiao smiles, but at this time, the Lord of the night moon Kingdom slowly walked down to the people who were not dead and had the ranking, and said, "from now on, you can choose the experts on the stone pillars as soon as possible. If there are any powerful masters who value you, you can learn from them!"

Speaking of this, the national leader of the night moon stopped for a few seconds and then opened his mouth and said, "but the first place can't be arranged like this. Ye Xiao is deprived of the qualification to compete. The first place is continued by the next one."

The voice of the Lord of the night moon was not very loud, but it was very penetrating. At least tens of thousands of people were present. After such a sentence went on, all the people were boiling, and all kinds of voices began to ring, some were questioning, some were excited, and others were doubting. In short, the noise was suddenly loud!

Ye Xiao's face changed slightly, and his eyes looked at the distant Lord of the night moon. At the same time, Na LuoMing also looked at the Lord of the night moon. Originally, he had a place in the hundred League meeting, but he could not attend because of his different status. But now his brother ye Xiao won the first place and was suddenly declared disqualified? For what?

However, the nine nether spirits seemed to have known such a result for a long time. With a smile, the whole person disappeared on the stone pillar. As for the so-called elector? Is that necessary? In the first three, ye Xiao didn't need it at all, and the other two were the adopted son of gouchen emperor, and the other had a close relationship with the explosive flame emperor, so they had nothing to do with themselves!

"Lord of the night moon, I'm afraid this is not reasonable?" Although the king of Tianyue was locked in the pipa bone by the great magic power, they still dare not do it in such public places! So directly stand up and look at the cold voice of the Lord of the night moon!

"Hum!" The Lord of Yeyue snorted coldly and then said, "the real purpose of the baimeng meeting is actually to lead him in. Do you really think that the intention of the Jade Emperor secretly is false?"

Ye Xiao's face changed slightly when he heard the Lord of the night moon. How could this so-called bureau be full of flaws? If you really want to set up a bureau for yourself, how can you just wait until the baimeng meeting? And don't these guys say that you can't put this on the table? Why is it suddenly announced? Did they just catch themselves before they finished? Do you have to wait for yourself to win the first place and kill Jiuyou dragon?

Ye Xiao couldn't think of it, and even didn't know what they were doing for!

"So no matter what you think, the will of the Jade Emperor must be respected. Come on..." After the night moon King's voice dropped, he pointed to other humanitarians: "take this boy down for me!"

"Ye Xiao, go As soon as the leader of Tianyue changed his face, he had never thought that the Lord of the state of the moon would do this, or even care nothing about anything. On the basis of the baimeng meeting, he directly announced the arrest of Ye Xiao? Can't he just do it himself? Why do you have to do this?

Luo Gu is really worried, but he and the Lord of Tianyue are locked in the pipa bone and cannot use their magic power. However, Luo Ming, who is beside Luo Gu, changes his face and looks at the people in front of him and says coldly: "a group of hypocrites! Can't help seeing someone else get the first place? Come out and blame directly? "

After Luo Ming's voice dropped, all the people in the real venue looked at him. It can be said that LuoMing itself is a unique existence. The kingdom of demons has been heard by those people. Although these people are all human beings, their breath fluctuation is very unique! In other words, he has strong restraint to ordinary friars!

After Luo Ming's voice dropped, his whole body rose in the air, and a strong spirit of ten thousand demons suddenly surged out and filled the whole sky: "today, no one wants to move Ye Xiao, otherwise, he will feel sorry for our country of ten thousand demons! If anyone dares to move, it will be a declaration of war with our country of demons! "

Luo Ming's voice is very deterrent. You should know that in one side of the case, once the night moon state has issued an order, other countries will help, but at this time, after Luo Ming said so, others were silent! At least most of them are silent. They all know what the kingdom of demons represents. They can grow up so powerful in a few years. We can imagine how strong their inside information is!

Maybe it will be another star alliance!Of course, the most important reason why they are afraid of the kingdom of demons is that the people coming out of the kingdom of demons are not afraid of death at all. No matter how strong or weak they are, they are not afraid of death. As long as they find that they can't resist, they will try their best to die with you! Such a country is not afraid of death, naturally let other countries fear! So after LuoMing said such words again, other people began to think seriously!

Ye Xiao's heart was full of thoughts. At this time, he could help himself, but he didn't expect that it was Luo Ming and the Lord of Tianyue. He slowly shook his head, then looked at the night moon king and said, "you will regret it!"

"Regret?" The Lord of the night moon laughs: "I am about to step into the level of Hunyuan Jinxian. How can I regret this little thing? Ye Xiao, the rebellious person of Zuoyu, was killed by the Jade Emperor. The spirit was demoted to the land of Jiuyou and suffered from torture. You are the next one! Even so, what about genius? Today, I will personally kill you, the genius

The Lord of the night moon Kingdom didn't intend to fight, but at this time, he did. It was a real move. His breath poured out directly like a flood. The fury of his anger shocked other people!

"Ye Xiao, run away The Lord of Tianyue is in a hurry. Even if he comes here, he can't stop the Lord of the night moon, let alone Ye Xiao at the moment. Moreover, he is still imprisoned and can't help at all. Therefore, he can only expect Ye Xiao to run away quickly!

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