"Ye Xiao, the beast that destroyed my Taoist temple, is now heading for the direction of the great Leiyin temple. This boy is really not afraid of heaven and earth. I went to the poor monk of the province to look for him all over the world!" The golden cicada son snorts coldly, then slowly rises!

The Buddha on the other side said, "master, don't worry. You don't need to do it yourself. Let's go out and have a look. Besides, there are so many masters like da Lei Yin Temple, five hundred Arhats and eight great vajras. Are you afraid that he can't be a little boy?" The Buddha said coldly at the side!

The golden cicada son looked at the Buddha in front of him. After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said, "that's it. Go to see the situation first and see what the boy is about!"

"Yes, master!" As far as the four Dharma brothers are concerned, it's not easy for them to get up and kill the eight Buddhas. In fact, it's not easy for them to get up and kill the eight Buddhas!

So the Buddha didn't take the leaf in his heart at all. He just answered and walked outside!

At the moment, from Jinchanzi's Daochang to Dalaiyin temple, it is just a wrestling skill for ye Xiao. When ye Xiao comes to the gate of Dalaiyin temple, he is stopped by two gatekeepers!

"Bold, this is the important place of Buddhism. Don't break in without permission."

These two people are just the realm of Taiyi Xuanxian. Ye Xiao doesn't start at all. He just opens his mouth slightly. With a crazy swallowing force, he swallows the two men into his stomach. There is almost no chance for them to resist, so they are swallowed directly!

"Evil animal, bold!" After the eight claws separated from the fire beast and swallowed up the two guards, the rolling sound suddenly sounded around. At the same time, ye Xiao and the eight claw fire beast were surrounded in four different directions!

One side of the leaf Xiao after sensing, the face is slightly changed, the eight people he has noticed, they are the legend of the eight King Kong!

"I don't want to get into trouble with you today, but you must release the golden cicada son to me, and I will kill him myself!"

"Asshole! "Then one of them burst out and said," my merit, virtue and Buddha is beyond the reach of a bastard? If you know your sin, then we can plead for you in front of the merits and virtues of Buddha and demote you to the mortal world. If you are stubborn, then we will cramp you and cut your bones, and demote your spirit into the nine secluded places! "

"Oh?" Ye Xiao's face sank slightly, and then said in a cold voice, "I want to see how strong you are." Ye Xiao was originally in a rage, but now he saw the eight King Kong in front of her that she still dared to say so and wanted to demote herself to the world? Get the hell out of here!

With a roar from the eight claw fire beast, he rushed straight up. At the same time, ye Xiao was directly incarnated into dozens of avatars. Today's Ye Xiao has already cultivated the di Sha's seventy-two changes to Mahayana, so even if it's a random change, it's not as strong as the noumenon, but it's no difference!

The only drawback is that the time is too short. The duration of each sub body is only a few minutes. However, it is enough to kill these eight people!

Between the more than 10 sub bodies directly attack the eight people, the surrounding space seems to be those who release the breath to shock!

"Kill!" Ye Xiao, the original master, burst into a rage. In an instant, all those people who had separated themselves all attacked those eight people, and the means in their hands were also endless!

"What's going on here? How can this guy be so strong?" One of them, King Kong, was in a panic. Although all of them were at the level of Dara Jinxian, they were in the middle level among them. If eight of them joined hands, the combat effectiveness would be very strong. However, the problem is that each of the other's sub bodies seems to have the strength of Da Luo Jin Xian, and the number is still so large, how can they fight?

"At this time, the art of seventy-two changes must be delayed. He can't hold on for long!" One of them explained!

"Disha seventy-two changes? Does that not accept the power of the great sage? What does this kid have to do with the sage

"Roar!" When they fought against each other, the eight claw fire beast roared directly, and then attacked them. At present, the eight claw fire beast's combat power was equivalent to that of the later period of the Daluo Jinxian period. So even if the eight people were together, they would not be able to defeat the eight claw fire beast. Of course, the eight claw fire beast could not devour them!

Now what ye Xiao wants to do is to become stronger and kill people! Now he has been completely broken through the sea of knowledge by these two desires, occupying the whole person's whole body. Even the big free chess manual in the sea of knowledge doesn't play any role at this moment!

"Roar!" The eight claws from the fire beast roared again, and then it directly devoured one of the eight people. With the big mouth, the sky around seemed to darken at this moment, and all around formed a horrible energy breath!

"No, everyone, run away. It's the eight clawed fire beast of the Emperor..."

These people have been practicing for endless years, so they are very clear about the eight claw fire beast in front of them. After seeing him exert his magic power, they will not insist on it one by one, and flee directly to the back!They are not stupid. What's the difference between fighting hard at this time and looking for death? However, things are often not what they think. When they turn around and run away, the eight claws from the fire beast have already caught up with them. At the same time, those branches around Ye Xiao block their way!

"You're going to die!" Ye Xiao was furious, and then the huge mouth directly swallowed the eight people!

"Stop for me..." One of them immediately showed his magic power. He didn't want to be swallowed by the eight claw fire beast, so when he rose up to resist, the other seven people also rushed out to fight back at the eight claw fire beast!

"Roar!" One by one, two people disappeared in an instant, while all the magic weapons in the hands of the other six people were all thrown to the eight claw fire beast. One of them hit the belly of the eight claw fire beast, and the huge body flew out in an instant!

However, although his body was beaten to fly, it did not cause any injury to him. On the contrary, the bite of the eight claw Lihuo devoured two big luojinxian!

"He was hit by our joint efforts Nothing happened? How could that be possible? "

"Come on, let's get five hundred Arhats

"Roar!" The eight claws left the fire beast and devoured the six men again!

"Up Seeing that they couldn't escape, the six men stopped directly and joined hands to hold up a defense shield. When the eight claws were devoured by the fire beast, they resisted directly!

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