"What are you doing? Don't throw him out!" The woman is even more angry, pointing directly at Ye Xiao roaring way!

At present, two men over 1.9 meters tall rushed to Ye Xiao

This is the headquarters of the Qinglong gang. Naturally, the security force here is also the most powerful. It seems that these two big men should have practiced. At least their forward route has blocked all ye Xiao's retreat!

But even the retired bodyguards of situ Nan special forces couldn't catch Ye Xiao in such a way, not to mention the two thugs who only practiced for a few years?

There's no intention to avoid it at all. Just hit the man on the right with one punch!

"I want to die..." Seeing ye Xiao dare to fight back, the man was so angry that he turned his hand into a fist. He hit Ye Xiao's fist with the same fist. He wanted to see how powerful the boy's fist was?

As for the other man, still did not change, is the same hand to grasp Ye Xiao's shoulder

In his opinion, this boy is absolutely impossible to be his companion's opponent. His companion smashed his right arm with one blow, crushed his left shoulder by himself, and then threw him out, which is also the completion of sister Mei's explanation!

Maybe the way to deal with Xiaoye is to crack the opponent's fist in front of him!

When his fists were about to touch, ye Xiao's fist suddenly opened and ran around like lightning. One clasped the big man's wrist. When he pulled along with the situation, the big man's body lost his balance and hit him directly at his companion!

The man who wanted to hold on to Ye Xiao's shoulder was startled. He gave up his plan and avoided it

However, ye Xiao didn't mean to attack him. When the man's body passed his own body, he suddenly pulled his back hand and twisted it hard. He heard a click, and the man's arm was directly broken by him

A scream came out of the man's mouth, and then ye Xiao had already ignored him. He rushed to another man's body, and a straight fist exploded into the man's abdomen. The man snorted and fell down directly

Sister Mei called four security guards. Now she saw that ye Xiao knocked over two of them in the blink of an eye, and all the remaining three changed their faces

How can this kid fight?

"Don't call people any more. Just tell your boss that ye Xiao, a member of the flying car party, is coming to see him." Ye Xiao looks at Mei Jie with a smile and says lightly!

Flying car party? Several people, including sister Mei, are very anxious. They don't know that the Qinglong gang has been involved with the feiche party. However, they have heard of the name of the party and know more about the three evil spirits of the party. It seems that there is no Ye Xiao in it?

However, since the other party has given the name of the party, how can we inform it

As sister Mei, she is not qualified to inform long Xiaotian directly. However, less than three minutes after she informed the person in charge of the situation, she received a phone call from the person in charge: "bring him up..."

"Mr. Ye, please..." After hanging up the phone, she glanced at Ye Xiao in surprise. It seemed that some people didn't understand that the big boss actually met such a young man, but sister Mei respectfully made a gesture of invitation to Ye Xiao

"Hehe, I just called? Why fight and kill? " Ye Xiao smiles and walks forward first!

Sister Mei rolled her eyes. Who told you not to give the name of the party just now? However, she did not dare to say it

Under the leadership of sister Mei, ye Xiao comes to the third floor of the nightclub. On the way, he never takes advantage of sister Mei, let alone whether he has the mind. Even if he has the mind and some unpleasant things just happened, will others still allow himself to take advantage of it?

Ye Xiao doesn't have the habit of asking for no fun!

At a stairway on the third floor, ye Xiao stopped and a woman in black leather came over!

"Mr. Ye, I can only send you here..." Finish saying also dare not look at that black dress woman one eye, turn around to retreat to go down!

Ye Xiaoyi Leng, need to be so afraid?

Looking up, I was almost scared!

The woman is wearing a suit of tight black leather clothes and trousers, which outlines Miaoman's body, but she looks like

She looks a little too scary, isn't it?

Of course, it's not that she looks ugly. In fact, she looks pretty good. At least it must have been good before. Now it's just that there is a scar on her face from the corner of her right eye to her left lip.

The position of the corner of her eyes was better, just a faint line, but her nose was directly split into two parts, looking ferocious and terrifying. If she ran out at night, it was normal even if she scared several people to death!

"You want to see the boss?" The woman looks down at Ye Xiao and says coldly

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded, isn't this nonsense? I have said so many times, but I still ask!"Whoosh..." At the moment of Ye Xiao nodding, the woman's body kicks and pours at Ye Xiao from top to bottom. In her hand, she doesn't know when a dagger will be added to her neck

Nima, killing people!

Ye Xiaoxin is terrified. This woman wants her own life. Once she does it, she will kill her. Is this long Xiaotian's hospitality too bad?

Step at the foot of a move, the body repeatedly back, to avoid the woman stabbed a knife, is about to launch an attack, but see the woman suddenly turned around!

"Come with me!" Cold voice from the woman's mouth, and then see her straight into the inside!

Grass, what? Come with me if you don't kill yourself? Who do you think I am?

Ye Xiao wants to give her a kick on her cocky buttocks, but when she thinks of the purpose of her trip, she still resists the impulse and follows the woman forward!

But he did not dare to be too close to the woman, for this unreasonable card crazy woman, or be careful!

No matter what kind of attack a woman launches, even a pistol, ye Xiao can react in the shortest time!

Apart from a few men in black at the door, she never met anyone else on the way. She came to the door of a room on the fifth floor, and the woman stopped

Knock on the door towards the room!

"Come in..." There was a majestic voice coming from the room!

A woman pushed open the door, but did not enter the meaning!

Ye Xiao is not polite. He takes the lead to go in, but his muscles are on alert. As long as the woman moves, he immediately tries his best to kill her!

After entering the door, I found that it was a large living room with a huge sandalwood tea table in the middle, and a huge sofa opposite. A middle-aged man in his forties was sitting on the sofa. He was wearing a black suit and a pair of golden glasses on the bridge of his nose!

It seems that there is not a bit of arrogance of the big man of XX force, but like a successful businessman. Behind him, there are two men who are also wearing black suits. Most importantly, in the evening, these two guys are also wearing a pair of sunglasses!

Ye Xiao really wants to say, brother, even if you pretend to be forced, it's not like this!

However, he still gave up such a plan. The target of his coming here is long Tianxiao!

"Ye Xiao?" The man raised his head and asked Ye Xiao in a condescending tone!

It was at this time that the woman closed the door and stood behind Ye Xiao

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