You should know that half a year ago, ye Xiao's Avatar has his current strength, let alone his own combat power!

After only a few breaths, the Da Luo Jin Xian Qu Tian was taken in by Ye Xiao, and the six people on the side suddenly felt a burst of consternation. Maybe they felt that all these changes were too fast, and they didn't notice it for a long time! Of course, what shocked them most was Ye Xiao's own realm. A monk who only had Taiyi Xuanxian could kill a big Luo Jinxian in a short time, which made them some incomprehensible!

"What did that guy ask you for just now?" Ye Xiao suddenly turned around and looked at the six people in front of him, and asked with a smile!

After hearing this, the elder martial brother felt a sudden tightness in his heart. However, he was relieved that he couldn't escape from the hands of that Qu Tian. Now, I'm afraid he can't escape from the mysterious old man's hand!

Thinking of this, the man said directly, "this is the tianyuanguo, which we found in this barren mountain."

A Tianyuan fruit is equivalent to three nine turn golden elixir. Even Qu Tian, even if he wants to offend Wuzhuang temple, wants to get it. Moreover, this Tianyuan fruit has been growing for tens of thousands of years, and its effect is several times stronger than the ordinary nine turn golden elixir!

Ye Xiao took over Yuanguo that day and handed it to him. Then he said with a smile, "it's useless for me to ask for it. You'd better take it. Don't show it next time. I'm lucky this time, but I won't be so lucky next time."

After hearing this, the monk of Da Luo Zhenxian said, "thank you very much. I don't know the name of the elder?"

"Ha ha, my name is Ye Xiao! I really have something to do with your ancestors Ye Xiao laughed and turned to leave. When he was ready to leave, the monk said, "master, you should be careful. There is a master of Hunyuan Jinxian who worshipped Qutian for decades. Otherwise, he would not dare to rob our Wuzhuang temple

"Master of Hunyuan Jinxian?" Ye Xiao slightly a Leng, immediately open a mouth to ask a way: "call what?"

"It's said that it's called Penglai immortal. I'm not very clear about it!" After thinking about it, the monk said, "by the way, the cultivation of Penglai immortal is said to be comparable to the twelve golden immortals in ancient times, so you must be careful when you encounter only one of them."

Can it be compared with the twelve golden immortals in ancient times? Ye Xiao was slightly stunned. Almost every one of the twelve golden immortals in ancient times stood on the top of the Hunyuan golden immortal. In this way, his cultivation should be similar to that of Jinchanzi. If you meet him now, I'm afraid that he will only be abused!

"Well, thank you for telling me, but I'm afraid the place I'm going to this time is not the same as him. Since that guy is already at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian, he won't break into it in general!" Ye Xiao grinned, then turned and disappeared in the sky!

After ye Xiao left, one of the nuns said, "is he the one who slaughtered 200 Arhats half a year ago? I don't think we can bang him here

At the moment, ye Xiao looked at the Qu Tian Leng and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that I could meet you here. How would you like to die this time?"

"Dare you kill me?" Qu Tian's face sank and looked at Ye Xiao. In fact, he was already guilty, but he could not live by begging for mercy. It was better to be tough!

"Why not? Where are you better than those five hundred Arhats? I am not afraid of the five hundred Arhats, and I will be afraid of you The eight claws separated from the fire beast and walked towards him step by step!

"You..." Qu Tian was speechless for a moment. When he felt the horror of the eight claw fire beast, he quickly took out a yellow square seal from his arms!

"Although I'm in your demon refining tower, I'm afraid the whole demon refining tower won't hold up if I activate this seal and smash it out!" Qu Tian sneers, and if you dare swallow me, I'll smash this thing directly After Qu Tian sacrificed the seal, he seemed to have a solid foundation. He just looked at the eight claw fire beast in front of him!

"This is..." The eight claws separated from the fire beast, his face moved slightly, and then he said, "at this time, Yan Tian Yin?"

"Hum!" Naqu Tianleng snorted: "you know the goods, but this is the magic weapon of Penglai immortal. Although I only borrowed them, if the substantive things are hit by the sky seal, tut tut Of course, if you don't believe it, try it! "

"Ha ha!" The eight clawed fire beast laughed, and then looked at the Qu Tian Dao in front of him: "if you directly sacrifice this seal outside, I might be afraid. But now, this is inside the demon refining tower, which is also the most precious treasure. Even if the two collide, do you think that one or two collisions can destroy my demon refining tower?"

Ye Xiao sneers in his heart. Of course, the demon refining tower will be damaged after being hit by it, but if you want to destroy the demon refining tower, you can't do it with one or two strokes!

"You..." Qu Tian didn't expect Ye Xiao didn't care at all. He immediately became angry and pinched the mark in his hand. He saw that the sky seal lit up a light of earth color, and then directly hit the eight claw fire beast!

"Boom A blue lightning suddenly appeared in the demon refining tower, which instantly struck the square seal. At this time, the eight claws left the fire beast's mouth, and instantly swallowed the Qu Tian!For ye Xiao, Qu Tian's strength is nothing at all, not to mention that he is still in the demon refining tower, let alone him. Even if a Hunyuan Jinxian dares to enter the demon refining tower, he has no way out, and even will be imprisoned in the demon refining tower, let alone Qu Tian in front of him!

After ye Xiao swallowed Qu Tian, the seal fell to the ground instantly after no one controlled it. Ye Xiao's father entered the demon refining tower and slowly picked up the seal. After inputting an idea, his face suddenly changed: "is there such a strong idea in it?"

"Boom The sky seal suddenly burst out a strong power, which flew directly out of Ye Xiao's hand. Then, the Yellow Qi became stronger and stronger, and a virtual shadow slowly appeared in front of Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao's eyes narrowed, looking at the empty shadow in front of him, and suddenly said with a smile: "I'm afraid you are the so-called Penglai immortal?"

"Hum! Bastard, who gave you the courage to kill my apprentice? " The appearance of the shadow became more and more clear. He was wearing a white fairy robe and a three foot white beard. He looked like a fairy!

Ye Xiao frowned slightly, looked at the empty shadow in front of him and said coldly, "don't rely on the old and sell the old here, and don't look at what place this is. Do you think that a mere idea can be separated to live me?"

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