Hunyuan Jedi, one of the three great Jedi, also has a different name, that is, the Hunyuan cemetery. According to the literal meaning, we can know its own terror and the purpose of Hunyuan gold immortal. We can imagine how many Hunyuan gold immortals have fallen here!

Although in general, the possibility of Hunyuan Jinxian falling is very small, but it is very small, not that there is no, all kinds of accidents will lead to the fall of Hunyuan Jinxian, such as now!

Penglai immortal is a famous Hunyuan Jinxian in the whole fairyland. Its fighting power is similar to that of Jinchanzi. Such a powerful person has fallen here and all the spirits are destroyed!

In the deepest part of the land of thousands of thunder, this golden tower stands alone, and ye Xiao is sitting inside the tower!

In his body surface is wrapped by a red arc, and his whole body is emitting the breath of terror. Not far from ye Xiao's body, there stands a dishevelled and extremely messy Nie Lin. Nie Lin looks at Ye Xiao in front of his eyes and nods slowly and says, "the ten thousand thunder marks are going to be completely integrated. After that, we only need to make the third place crack sky white The integration of India and India, in this way, this realm should also be able to upgrade to the realm of Dara Jinxian! I'm looking forward to it

Nie Lin is very aware of Ye Xiao's own combat power. When ye Xiao was a real immortal, his own combat power was already comparable to that of ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian, not to mention when he reached the realm of Dalao Jinxian, especially after the integration of wanlei seal and split sky white seal, his own combat effectiveness would be improved again. I'm afraid Ye Xiao's fighting power at that time would be improved Full open force, you should have Hunyuan Jinxian big round combat effectiveness!

As for the eight claw fire beast that has devoured a Hunyuan Jinxian, it is invincible under the quasi saint! Hunyuan gold immortal among the invincible! In other words, that is, seven or eight he Hunyuan Jinxian's top existence, can't cause harm to him! The eight claw Lihuo beast, against heaven, is how much its combat power is. Even if there are more people with the same fighting power as him, they can't defeat him. Unless the combat effectiveness itself exceeds several times of his, he can't be killed at all!

"Whoosh!" All of a sudden, a white light appeared above Ye Xiao's head. The white light showed a destructive breath. It seemed that if it was released directly, the whole world would be torn in that moment!

"Are you going to merge?" One side of Nie Lin's face slightly changed. A third place crack sky white seal and the seventh place ten thousand thunder seal merge with each other. The power produced by that is beyond Nie Lin's imagination!

In the main world, because all the rules are nearly perfect, it is almost impossible for the eight claw fire beast and the 36 seals of heaven and earth to be born. But at this time, the two seals possessed by Ye Xiao, once combined, will be powerful

"HISHI ~ ~"

Suddenly, ye Xiao's body surface burst out bursts of hissing sound, and the ball of thunder was pushed out of the body by Ye Xiao, and the white light at the other end slowly approached the thunder ball!

When two kinds of energy with different attributes are approaching slowly, they will naturally cause a series of reactions. However, due to the skill that ye Xiao practiced, some resistance was eliminated!

"Boom All of a sudden, the two are directly fused together, and an extraordinary dazzling light is formed on Ye Xiao's head, and what's bright is that the released object is actually a light ball the size of a thumb!

In that light ball, there is a red lightning constantly roaring!

"Take it Ye Xiao hands out, drink a sound, will have the fusion of light directly into the body, in a flash, ye Xiao body will be filled with the power of white light and lightning!

A breath of terror began to emanate from ye Xiao's body surface

"Bang!" All of a sudden, a burst of breath formed, and ye Xiao broke through! From daruo immortal to Daluo Jinxian!

When ye Xiao opened his eyes slightly and looked around, he felt that the whole world seemed to have changed at this time. Everything was so clear, and the breath in the whole space became particularly clear!

"Hum!" Ye Xiaozheng wants to talk to Nie Lin around him, but suddenly his whole body flies directly. The whole head is like an instant explosion, which is extremely painful. Ye Xiaozheng can't bear the pain, so he can't help but fly up. The whole head is hitting the ground not far away!

"Boom A loud noise, ye Xiao's head down, directly hit on the ground, and that demon tower, also suddenly Bang rumble up!

"Ah Ye Xiao suddenly yelled, flew up again, and then ran into it! Nie Lin's face changed slightly: "what's going on? Before the integration, everything was smooth, even the state of ascension was very smooth. How could he suddenly become like this? "

"Pain Ah ~ ~ "Ye Xiao kept shouting, and at the same time, he hit the ground again and again subconsciously, and the demon refining tower was constantly shaking!

"Ah Ye Xiao fell on the ground, holding his head in both hands and rolling on the ground. At this time, in the depths of his mind, he began to fill his brain with unknown memories. Because there were too many memories, he could not bear them for a moment. Therefore, ye Xiao himself became so painful!Mr. Tan Xiaoyue, senior high school The moon caresses them

"Ah ~ ~" Ye Xiao kept hitting his head with both hands, "why, why is it like this? What are those memories that just happened in that moment? Are you dreaming? There are also going to the so-called alien world, in order to save enchanting, but now enchanting does not live well? What are the fragments of memory

"Ah ~ ~" at this time, the memories deep in my mind are still constantly appearing. The appearance of these memories is not regular, but the appearance of sections. Just like an ordinary person, suddenly some memories that he doesn't know clearly appear. He will be shocked and even think that he is not a psychopath!

Now ye Xiao is like this. He doesn't know what's going on with him. Even he doesn't understand whether those things are what he dreamed of when!

"By the way Zhentian gun Zhentian gun... " Ye Xiao suddenly remembered that in his memory, he was in the so-called alien world and got the Zhentian gun! Is it the one in your hand now? Ye Xiao takes out the Zhentian gun, looks at the Zhentian gun in his hand and caresses it slowly with both hands. At this time, the Zhentian gun seems to feel Ye Xiao's breath, and even starts to tremble slightly!

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