At that moment, the surrounding space seems to be infinitely reduced, and the whole figure in that moment also disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, it had appeared behind the source!

At the center of his brow, there was a black hole, which was pierced by the thunderbolt in an instant, and it was only a millionth of a second before and after that. Ye Xiao attacked, but he instantly hit it and penetrated it!

That side of the small sky did not stop, only saw him roar, suddenly there was a black black spinning black hole above the sky!

"Infinite swallow!" This magic power can devour all things in the world. This move can be described as a unique skill against heaven of the heaven splitting tiger clan. The eight claw fire beast still needs its own ability and combat power. After controlling the other party, it can swallow up. However, this infinite phagocytosis can instantly appear anywhere around and devour anything!

Of course, this infinite phagocytosis is also hierarchical. In front of the sky split tiger, it is the second awakening, and it is the only royal family, king!

Therefore, at this time, everyone was shocked by the black hole above the sky, especially the terrible attraction released by the rapid rotation!

"You're all going to die. When I break the seal, you're all going to die, all of you!" The source of anger roared, but who would care about all the people present? Even if they care, they won't let him go back, because even if they don't kill the avatar, they won't move them after he breaks the seal?

"Whoosh!" The figure was instantly engulfed by the black hole formed above the sky, and then the black hole spun rapidly, and finally turned into a little bit and disappeared in place!

When zhenyuanzi saw yuan's Avatar disappear, he felt relieved. Looking at the little day who had already turned into a human being, he said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that the tianshehu tribe should be a genius like you. It's good and good!"

The little day was giggling, while ye Xiao looked at the zhenyuanzi and said, "Zhenyuan immortal, although the incarnation of the source has been destroyed, I'm afraid it will be broken within three months! Should we be prepared? "

Zhen Yuanzi did not speak, while Maitreya Buddha came slowly to Ye Xiao and said, "you must have known our previous plan. Now there is only one of them. But monkeys go to the main world to rescue soldiers. I'm afraid it's no use. It's impossible for people from the master world to come to this world, even if they have already gone out. When they come back again, they will come back It will be suppressed by the world and will not be able to play its original strength by 10%

"That sub body..." Ye Xiao frowned slightly and then said, "I can't feel the breath of the body now!"

"What?" Zhen Yuanzi's face changed, and Maitreya Buddha on one side was also shocked: "what's going on? You can feel the lower bound's sub body. Why doesn't the eight claw's sub body react? "

Ye Xiao looks at the two people, and then tells them what happened before the Qing emperor and the crape myrtle emperor, and what happened after he was taken away. Of course, ye Xiao's separation is also taken away by naroming, so there is no contact!

"Are you taken to the land of demons? God, it's the base camp of yuan. You know, when naroming becomes a quasi saint, that source has already taken root there. It's impossible to hide one of his incarnations in the kingdom of demons! When he was brought into the kingdom of demons Zhen Yuanzi's face changed a lot! At the same time, he thought of another thing, and then he said to Ye Xiao in front of him: "you hurry, hurry to the heaven, and you must find a way to contact the Jade Emperor. I'm afraid that they have got the news before this. Eight to nine of ten will go to the kingdom of ten thousand demons to save your body. Once you go, you will be in the conspiracy of the source!"

After hearing Zhen Yuanzi's words, ye Xiao's face changed slightly, and then he said, "good! I'm going! Would you like to come with me? Or stay here? "

"With you, of course!" Xiaotian finally came out. How can you leave Ye Xiao?

"Maitreya and I followed the sidewalk. During this period, we must not have any changes." The town Yuan son facial expression dignified says!

After hearing Zhen Yuanzi's words, ye Xiao nodded again and again. At the same time, Xiaotian disappeared in the same place. At Ye Xiao's speed, it was not difficult to catch up with those people!

Lord world, earth, flower city!

Miao Xu is now in a new university. He is obsessed with the female college students who come and go around. For him, women are his essence. Although it has been so many years, how can human nature change?

But at this time, his face suddenly changed, murmured: "have news?" After the voice falls, the whole body will disappear instantly in place!

At the same time, a girl about 1.7 meters appeared at the place where Miao Xu was staying. She said with a sad face: "Dad is still that color. She is carrying her mother and looking around here. Just now, dad is in such a hurry? What happened again? No, I'll go and have a look Speaking of this, the girl's face even showed a trace of excitement!

"Miao Xu, you are here at last!" After seeing Miao Xu's appearance in the distance, Chilong quickly says, "I got the news just now. Master Ye has news. It's from the world where ye Xiao lives!""Master ye?" Miao Xu was stunned and then asked, "his old man is not in..."

"Not that, but ye yubai, the elder brother of Ye Xiao!" Red dragon in the side explained: "the earth now has us to protect, naturally there is no problem, but now he is coming, I am afraid it is something important!"

Duan Tianyu also said: "when ye yubai returned from the alien world, his cultivation was not as high as ours, but now it is different! I'm afraid it can be compared with Miao Xu! "

"Mr. Wu has not seen him for a long time. Maybe he is better than us!" Lin Jianfeng opened his mouth at one side and said slowly!

"The old man, who knows where to go again Miao Xu on one side muttered in a low voice!

"This time, master ye yubai's return may be the news of master Ye Xiao. Some time ago, the turmoil in the fairyland even affected the earth. If we didn't work together to resist, I'm afraid even the earth would be destroyed by the turbulence!" Duan Tianyu said with his mouth curled in one side!

"Stop talking, the channel's responding!" That Miao Xu in front of a channel slowly appeared, and then saw a figure, from the channel slightly down!

"No?" Miao Xumeng looked at the figure in front of him and said angrily, "who are you?"

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