Tang Zhiyuan hated the root of his teeth itching. He felt that he had hit the cotton bag with a fist. He was not stressed. He was very uncomfortable.

In the past, everyone would buy it. After all, most people can't afford to offend the son of a school manager.

However, ye Wuqian is obviously one of those few people.

"Very well, little boy. Remember what you said today. I'll let you go after three days, and then I'll make you kneel down and beg me." Tang Zhiyuan cursed fiercely.

Ye Wuqi doesn't pay attention to him at all, leaving him a back figure, ignoring is the biggest insult.

Let's not say that the boy is in the cruel words, even if he really has the ability, ye Wuqian is not afraid at all.

"Yes, I'm sorry I got you into trouble." Qu baiqiu apologized.

"Never mind, it's not your fault. However, I like this, which shows that my family's charm of Bai Qiu is unstoppable. You can rest assured that I will be your firewall and keep all the guys who want to chase you out. You belong to me alone

Leaves without lack of overbearing said. He is full of complacency and sweet in his heart. Let elder martial sister baiqiu admit that he is her boyfriend. It is very pleasant to think about it.

"Where I am as good as you say, they are so disgusting." Qu baiqiu said indignantly.

They were chatting and laughing. They went to the ninth building of the girls' dormitory building. Along the way, ye Wuqian served as a firewall for three times. However, they never met a fool who boasted how powerful his father was like Tang Zhiyuan.

It is estimated that, if not the only one, there are not many of them in Fenghai University.

After all, there are not many board members.

Qu baiqiu's dormitory building is on the third floor. Although it's a girls' dormitory, there are many boys who are helping their girlfriends or boys who come to help in pursuit of their courtship.

After finding the dormitory, ye Wuqian pushes the door and enters. He sees that there are already two beds occupied in the dormitory. The two girls are chatting together.

One is obviously a poor student who came from a small place. His expression is formal and his clothes are very ordinary and simple. He has a horse tail T-shirt and jeans, but his appearance is elegant and his body is full of the breath of youth.

The girl saw a boy near the door of the dormitory, obviously a little panicked.

Another girl with waist length hair dyed chestnut and dressed in fashionable and exquisite clothes also looked over. When she saw Qu baiqiu's appearance and dress, she was obviously stunned. The complacent smile at the corner of her mouth shrank, and then her eyes showed a trace of complexity.

Obviously, Qu baiqiu's appearance, temperament, and dress should surpass her, making her feel uncomfortable.

"Hello, I send Bai Qiu to stay. My name is Ye Wuqian. This is my girlfriend Qu baiqiu." Ye Wuqi puts down the things in his hand and pulls Qu baiqiu to say hello to them. The smile on his face is very sunny.

He stood tall and handsome, very sunny, also attracted the attention of two women.

Two people together like a golden boy and a girl, people envy.

"Hello, everyone. We will be roommates from now on." Qu baiqiu said hello with some formality.

When the ponytail girl smiles, a shallow dimple appears at the corner of her mouth. She gets up to help Qu baiqiu: "my name is Migu. Call me millet or millet. Come and make your bed."

"Thank you, millet."

Women often need only a few words to establish friendship, this is not Qu Bai Qiu and millet chatted with each other, a look hate to see each other.

Migu is from a small place. She prefers Qu baiqiu to another girl who boasts "I come from a big place, I am fashionable, I am beautiful and I am proud".

Qu baiqiu is wearing a white dress. Although the white dress looks valuable, her gentle temperament is easy to win the favor of others. There are some similarities between her personality and Xiaomi.

Therefore, it is easy to close the relationship and distance between them.

"My name is Roman. Hello."

The girl with long hair also followed. The smile on her face was a little farfetched, but she still came to help. However, she was always absent-minded. She also peeped at ye Wumian from time to time with a look of examination.

Ye Wuque has long noticed that Roman's mentality is not right, but he did not take care of it. Qu baiqiu always needs to meet all kinds of people in order to integrate into society.

"What department are you from? Are you a freshman? " Roman came up and asked.

While helping Qu baiqiu put things in the cupboard, ye Wuqi said casually, "I'm from the Department of Finance and economics. I'm a freshman indeed."

Roman looks at a lot of cosmetics on ye Wumian's hands, full of expensive famous brands such as Lancome, Chanel, Helena, etc., and looks surprised and envious in his eyes.

"These can't be Shanzhai, are they? If you have so much money, why do you still live in a dormitory for four? " There was also some suspicion in her eyes.

Roman beat around and said: "handsome boy, are these Bai Qiu's? Have you known each other before? Where are you from? ""What? Check your account? " Ye Wuqi takes a look at romance, and in his slightly curved eyebrows and eyes, there is a brilliant light.

"No, how? We are all freshmen, and Bai Qiu and we are roommates. Isn't this just to get to know each other and enhance friendship? " Roman cut her long hair and chuckled.

Ye Wuque is really not interested in dealing with this kind of woman who is full of money worship. He has seen more girls like this. Before he was with Shan Xihan, it was also because Shan Xihan was not such a girl.

"Well, we are lovers in high school. My family is in Shengjing city." Ye Wuqi lied at will. Seeing that he was almost finished, he prepared to leave: "Bai Qiu, you should talk to two beauties first. After I finish cleaning up, I will come to eat with you. Oh, by the way, didn't the two beauties have lunch? Would you like to join us later

Rice Valley hesitated for a moment, looking at the leaf without lack still some blush, "need not..."

As soon as she was about to speak, Roman stopped her: "thank you for your invitation. We are destined to get together. We will celebrate our successful entrance to university. Let's have a lively time together."

Rice Valley had no choice but to sigh in secret, and took out the corners of his mouth with heartache.

Their family is not good, there is something Fenghai City, a group of people to eat, for the sake of face will certainly choose a higher grade place. In this way, she is very big. The money is nothing for Qu baiqiu and Roman, but for Migu, the living expenses of most months after a meal are gone.

But she had to go. First, after all, the school began to celebrate, and she didn't want to be looked down upon by others.

"Xiaomi, what's wrong with you? What's the matter Qu baiqiu acutely found the color in Migu's expression, pinched her hand and asked.

Although Qu baiqiu grew up in the mountains, his days were light, but he did not feel what it was like to be short of money. Therefore, he could not understand the helpless and tangled mood of Migu at this moment.

Rice Valley self-esteem strong, she quickly smile: "nothing, just the first time away from home so far, some homesick."

"Yes, it's the first time I've been so far away from home." Qu baiqiu is also a little sad.

One side Roman looks at two people, the corners of his mouth slightly up.

"Well, that's settled. I'll go first." Ye Wuxiang said hello and left.

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