Ye Wuwei looks at Jinsheng in surprise. Jinsheng seems to behave in a way that is not marginal, but in fact it doesn't really have no reason to do radical things.

This time, I want to take the risk of irritating myself and try to teach him a lesson by taking his own hand. It can be seen that his opinions are very big.

Then, this is not just the style of disliking this person, perhaps there are deeper reasons.

But whatever the reason, it's hard to be shot.

"Jinsheng, just this time, we will not do it again. If you dare again, I'll be a gunner. I won't fight with you. Anything can be discussed. I hate being calculated and used by others. Do you know? " Ye wuhui's eyelids jumped, and the temperature of the sound dropped a few minutes.

Jinsheng was shocked and quickly said with a smile: "boss, this is really a misunderstanding. I was not in the company yesterday. I didn't hear the rumors until last night, but I didn't tell you that it was too late. Anyway, you have come to pick up your sister-in-law. You can handle this matter, right? I don't dare to transgress. "

Ye Wuque snorted coldly and didn't intend to worry about it. After all, if there was Jinsheng's calculation, he would also warn Feng Shaoye.

"Tell me what Feng Shaoye will do in the future. Besides, you don't like Feng Shaoye very much. Can you tell me something about it? If I did hurt him, what would it do to me and to you? "

"This is not a place to talk. Let's find a place to talk and follow me."

Jinsheng takes Ye Wuqian to the coffee shop on the second floor of the building. They each ask for a cup of coffee and chat while drinking.

"This is what happened. The Fengs are ambitious. They don't care about the kindness of our golden family, but they eat inside and pick up foreign enterprises. They try to swallow up the assets of our gold family. They should be punished. Although Jinsheng is not talented, I can't play a key role, but I also want to do something. At least I can feel better when I beat Feng. "

Jinsheng is holding a coffee cup, and his face is very serious and firm.

He is always careless and heartless. He laughs and scolds every normal figure, but he doesn't want to be a thorough dandy like that on the surface.

In the past, he abandoned himself because his life was in danger. Now that he has solved the crisis of life, he naturally wants to do something for his family.

Ye Wuque can't help sighing. He and his mother are in the same situation as Jinsheng father and son. They are both facing great pressure.

"According to you, the Feng family ran Jinyu media when the Jin family had no time to take care of their business. Now it is deeply rooted, and the general trend is hard to cut off. Do you have any idea?" Ye asked.

He suddenly felt powerless. He was in the same situation as Jinsheng. There was very little place he could help his mother. If he was not careful, he would help his mother. He must be very frustrated.

"There are no plans for the time being, but I will not give up. When my father went abroad, I had to be brave enough to delay the Feng family's action as much as possible. I don't believe that my father will be arrested. "

"Yes, let me know if you can use it in the future." It's no harm to push the coffee cup in your hand, and a bad smile appears in the corner of your mouth: "Qiubai, please look at it. If she is wronged, I can't spare you. If there is another scene like Feng, please let me know at the first time. I need to go out now. You don't have to send it. "

"Well, what can I do for you? Well, you, do you want to take advantage of the opportunity that my sister-in-law can't get rid of in training and go looking for flowers and willows? " Jinsheng's face was sorrowful and pitiful. He put on a solemn and awe inspiring look: "I will tell my sister-in-law."

Ye Wuqian kicked him: "go away, what else do you have in mind besides women? Am I that kind of person? I'm going to do business. Can't I always borrow other people's cars when I come to Fenghai city? Someone owes me a car. I'm going to get back. "

Ye Wuqi smiles mysteriously and leaves.

With a strange look on his face, Jinsheng looked at Ye Wuqi's back and muttered: "which unfortunate egg has provoked this evil star again? It's going to be bleeding again

On the 17th floor, in the manager's office of the design department, Feng Shaoye was sitting on a chair with a heavy color. At the moment, he was not as elegant as before, and became a bit gloomy.

"Mr. Feng, you can rest assured that we haven't seen anything today. We really haven't seen anything."

"Mr. Feng, please don't terminate the contract with us. It's Qu baiqiu's fault. It has nothing to do with us. We are all victims, wronged. "

Feng Shaoye squinted at the three students and waved: "today's things you should not see, you know? If you dare to say it casually, you know the consequences. In addition, I will give you three tasks one by one. If it is completed well, I will let you finish your internship career. I will try my best to package you and make you become stars pursued by countless people. "

Carrot and stick, this is the way to control people, Feng Shaoye has played this hand is perfect.

As soon as the three women heard of such an opportunity, their eyes flashed, as if they saw that they had become a star sought after by countless people. They toured the country, talked about various film and television works and reality shows, and gained both fame and wealth."What task, master Feng?" Among the three women, the most daring and shrewd one asked.

Although she has the same yearning and excitement, she still keeps this sense. After all, if the other party's conditions are too difficult and the cost is too high, is it worth it? This is a problem that needs to be considered.

Feng Shaoye snapped his fingers and said, "it's very simple. You can help me to keep an eye on Qu baiqiu's movements. Remember, it's everything. Every day, what she does and who she meets will be recorded one by one. She will report to me every night.

No one can win the things and women I like. It will be mine soon. Ha ha, the short-lived fool of Jinsheng, why not die? But that's good. I'll make him regret it before long. "

Feng Shaoye's smile is strange and even neurotic. His eyes are shining with dangerous light.

He swung away from the crowd and went to the landing window, overlooking the distant sea view.

Slowly, he opened his arms and made the gesture of embracing everything. He was intoxicated and said: "in the future, the name of my Feng family will surely sound the town of Fenghai. No one can stop me. Everything I see is mine. Ye Wuqian and Jinsheng dare to insult me like this, and you will soon regret it.

Jinsheng, I want you to kneel down in front of me and beg me. Ye Wuqian, I want to play with your woman in front of you, so that you can't bear the pain, and make you regret provoking me. "

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