"Second, you're going to lend me Xiao Hong. This little guy is so powerful that he may be able to protect me, so you can be more relaxed, aren't you? What do you say? "

Jiang Jingbai is holding a little red bird with a smile. Her eyes are smiling into crescent moon, and she looks like she can't put it down.


Ye Wumian takes a look at the little red bird and is very surprised. He didn't expect that the flat haired animal accepted the name Jiang Jingbai gave her so happily. It's really a matter of color over friendship.

Remembering that he had given it a name before, the little red bird disagreed, and ye Wuqian's face was black and looked at the little red bird with displeasure.

"I don't care about it. This flat If you don't want to, I can't help it. You also see how fierce it is. Don't say it's me. Even a tiger can't control it. Have you asked its opinion? "

Ye Wumian picked his eyebrows. Although the tone on his mouth was not willing, it was still a little sour. This flat haired animal, man, I have raised it for such a long time, and I won't be abducted and taken away by the beauty?

After listening, Jiang Jingbai stretched out a finger and gently stroked the back of the little red bird. The little red bird narrowed her eyes slightly, showing a comfortable expression similar to that of a cat being scratched on its back. The beak of the bird was slightly opened.

Ye Wuqian looks at it and feels cool in his heart. The flat haired animal must have agreed.

However, he carefully saw that the beak of the little red bird had a light golden color, which had never been seen before. It was a recent change.

Does this have something to do with its sleepiness a while ago? There is no lack of leaves.

"I asked it just now, and Xiaohong agreed. She agreed to follow us two for the time being to protect us." Jiang Jingbai excited way, holding a small red bird smile very bright, dimples on the face is full of love.

"Do you understand bird language?" Ye asked.

"Of course I don't know bird language, but it knows human language. Xiaohong, did you promise to follow us temporarily and protect us? In exchange, I'll make you something delicious, OK Jiang Jingbai confidently smiles and coaxes little red bird like a child.

Little red bird tilted his head to see Jiang Jingbai, as if in the slightest serious again, a moment later it seriously nodded.

"Wow, it can really understand people. It's amazing!" Jiang Jingbai's eyes are in the small stars, excited as if found a new continent.

Qu baiqiu didn't have any surprise. She knew for a long time that little red bird could understand people.

Ye Wuqi sighed, and it was the white eyed wolf who was not familiar with the food. Sure enough, the bird died for food, and a little food coaxed it away.

"White eyed wolf!" The leaf is flawless beautiful scold a, and then correct face color to order a way: "lend you, but you can't casually tell its miraculous place to listen to others, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble."

"Don't worry, I know!" Jiang Jingbai said casually, and I don't know if she heard it.

"And the third one?"

"I haven't thought about the third one yet. I'll tell you when I think about it..."

Ye Wuqi had to give up and was about to ask Qu baiqiu what he meant when Jiang Jingbai's mobile phone rang.

Jiang Jingbai put the little red bird on the table and took out the mobile phone from the LV bag. The smile on her face solidified and changed into a look of panic and suspicion.

Leaf without lack a look at her face, in the heart then have a few minutes to guess, put down the cup in the hand, have a finger to have not once point the table top.

"Excuse me, I'll take a call."

Jiang Jingbai smiles, but the smile on his face is obviously hard to squeeze out. She held the cell phone as if it were so heavy.

Ye Wuqi noticed that the pendant on Jiang Jingbai's mobile phone is like a small ceramic doll, but it seems that the pendant has been used for a long time and has some wear and tear.

Xiaoye, who is tired of sitting on the shoulder, is tired of sleeping.

"There is something wrong with Jingbai's face. I don't know what happened?" Seeing Jiang Jingbai leave, Qu baiqiu immediately frowned and asked.

She was a careful person. Although Jiang Jingbai was hiding her emotions, she could not escape her eyes.

"It's OK. There's Xiaohong here." Ye Wumian sat up and looked serious.

Jiang Jingbai went out of the private room and opened her mobile phone to call back. The phone was quickly connected: "Zhen Zhizhuo, what do you want to do with me now? Don't you learn enough from Tao? "

"Ha ha What do I want to do? You asked me what I wanted to do? I was poisoned by your lover, and I was suffering from the pain of heart and bone erosion every moment. What do you think I want to do?

Anyway, I owe so much money outside. Some people want to chop me down. Being cut to death is also death. Being poisoned is also death. I am forced to do anything. "

The voice on the other end of the phone was hoarse and fierce, full of resentment and malice. It was not like the voice of a human being, but the hissing of a poisonous snake."I'm not afraid to wear shoes if I'm barefoot. If I'm upset, I'll die together. Don't doubt the truth of what I said. You know my personality. I'm in the lobby downstairs. If you come down, I know you're in the private room on the third floor. "

"You follow me? Zhen Zhizhuo, you are mean... " Jiang Jingbai bit his teeth, and his eyes quickly became dim and cold, just like ice.

"Ha ha ha track? Jiang Jingbai, you are really a fool. I have been following you for more than a year. Have you found out until now? "

Zhen Zhizhuo laughed wildly. A moment later, his voice suddenly snapped: "I tell you, you can come to see me in five minutes. If I don't see you in five minutes, your photos will be spread crazy. I know you are not afraid, but don't you think about your father and your family?"

Jiang Jingbai is biting her lower lip. Her fingers are shaking and she hangs up the phone. Her eyebrows are deep and dignified. She rushes to the lobby downstairs.

Her back is lonely and thin, and her feet are flimsy and hesitating. It makes people feel sad and uncomfortable to watch.

Jiang Jingbai had the ambition to die before. Because of the broken love in her heart, she wanted to die. Now she has figured it out. It is not worth dying for Zhen Zhizhuo.

At the same time, she had a vague figure in her heart, which gradually occupied the original blank position.

The figure gives her hope again. The figure is very tall. It protects her from the wind and rain, resists the crisis of death for her, and amuses her

This makes her weak, she is as afraid of Zhen Zhizhuo as before. At the same time, it also makes her strong, so that she is no longer blindly retreat, but choose to face.

"Zhen Zhizhuo? What a dead thing

After Jiang Jingbai's death, ye Wuqian stands out and looks at her back. Her eyes are gradually stern. When Jiang Jingbai walks around the corner, he steps to keep up.

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