"It's useless. I haven't shot yet!"

Seeing Zhen Zhizhuo even scared to pee his pants, ye Wuwu feels bored. He disliked to move a few steps, because the urine Sao is too heavy, some pungent can not stand.

Zhen Zhizhuo even dare to shoot. This is what ye Wuqian didn't expect. What ye Wuque didn't think of was that this bastard was such a timid master.

Maybe it's my eloquence that's so good that I imitate the sound of a gun!

After the disaster, Zhen Zhizhuo remembers to breathe. He breathes heavily. His breathing sounds like a bellows. His hands supporting his body are soft, and he has no strength any more.

Zhen Zhizhuo lies on the ground, his face is red and black, burning like a soldering iron. Even through the dim lights, you can see clearly.

At the moment, Zhen Zhizhuo wanted to have a mouse hole in the ground and never see anyone again.

But here is the asphalt road, very hard, where the rat hole?

There is no place to hide and no place to escape. This is where Zhen Zhizhuo is now.

Zhen Zhizhuo's face was lost today. His heart was full of shame, anger and resentment. His chest was filled with anger and his stomach was suffering from five poisons.

However, he did not dare to show any trace of it. Only by swallowing uncontrollable saliva, the throat node rolled up and down, and the sound of swallowing saliva was clear.

He can only use a pair of eyes, a face, try to show obedience and begging, like a starving beggar begging for food.

The hot and humid urine on the pants is getting chilly. It's hard for the wet pants to stick on the legs.

The night of early autumn has begun to show a bit of coolness, but Zhen Zhizhuo's heart is a thousand times as cold as ice and snow.

All of these leaves are blind, his face in addition to Zhen Zhizhuo suppress anger and disgust, there is no other color, cold, cold people shudder.

"Zhen Zhizhuo, I really didn't see that you had the courage to shoot, but I underestimated you. Guess if I have the courage to shoot?"

Ye Wuqian closes the insurance, scratches his head with the gun in his hand, with a bit of ruffian like, the skin smile flesh does not smile is full of ridicule.

"Spare me, spare me. I just fired the gun because I was so confused. I didn't mean to shoot him. No, I just wanted to scare Jiang Jingbai. I didn't want to kill anyone.

For the sake of not causing any loss to me, you let me go, and you will kill me. In the future, you can let me be an ox and a horse. Don't kill me, don't kill me... "

Zhen Zhizhuo tears a snot a, cry of grief is incomparable, clamour to climb over, want to hold the thigh of leaf without defect.

He did not see where the bullet had hit before, nor did he see that Xiaohong had caught all the bullets, so he always thought that he had missed.

Therefore, I hope to get a trace of Ye wubu's pity for the lucky ending in this misfortune, so as to get a life.

Although he is so crazy, so desperate, and even willing to cooperate with gangs and seek the skin of a tiger, he actually wants to live and has no intention of death.

After all, it's better to live than to die.

What's more, although it's not a place where people gather, there are also vehicles coming and going. Under the full view of the public, ye Wuqian does not necessarily have the courage to shoot himself.

But ye Wuqian knows the shooting process just now. If it wasn't for Xiaohong's supernatural wonder, the bullet would have killed Jiang Jingbai.

What's more, ye Wuxiang doesn't care about the result, he cares about the purpose and motivation.

"To be a cow or a horse? Hum! How can a snake and a scorpion be a cow or a horse Ye Wuque gives a cold hum and kicks Zhen Zhizhuo into a rolling gourd.

Zhen Zhizhuo rolled a few rolls, half of his face rubbed to the ground, and his skin was torn, and his blood oozed. With his frightful face, he was even more ferocious.

Ye Wuqi's gun shakes and stops steadily in front of Zhen Zhizhuo, pointing to his eyebrows.

Before Zhen Zhizhuo had time to scream, he was so frightened that he forgot to breathe. It was as if the black muzzle of a gun turned into the mouth of a venomous snake showing its fangs, and ate people.

"Zhen Zhizhuo, it's a crime for you to live in the world. You can go on your way with peace of mind."

Ye Wuqian eyebrows a pick, a foot on Zhen Zhizhuo's chest, the expression fierce like the most fierce bandit.

Zhen Zhizhuo felt that his chest was like being trampled on by a bison, and his sternum gave out a crisp clatter, and a mouthful of blood gushed up his throat and snatched out of his mouth. Several pieces of his sternum were trampled on, which made his heart ache.

"Ye Wuqian, you can't kill me, don't kill me. This is the road. You can't kill me in full view of the public. If you kill me, you will be finished. Ye Wuqian can't shoot. You dare not shoot. Ha ha... "

Zhen Zhizhuo was so scared and angry that he even got two points. He laughed and yelled, but the smile was more ugly than the bitter. Obviously, he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

"Oh? Zhen Zhizhuo, do you think I dare not shoot? It's a joke that I should have been looked down upon by you as a trash. " Ye Wuque is dumb and laughs.Jiang Jingbai finally recovered from the shock of being shot. Seeing ye Wuque holding a pistol to shoot, he was scared out of his wits.

At the moment, she has only one idea, that is, she can't let ye Wumian shoot. She shouts and runs: "stop, wumi, stop, don't be stupid, don't shoot, don't ruin your life because of Zhen Zhizhuo's rubbish."

"Bang --"

the sound of gunfire started and reverberated in the night, making people's souls tremble.

A bunch of blood flowers picked up, scattered, blood foam fell on the ground dizzy open, the air was heavy, and the smell of blood was a little thick.

Jiang Jingbai a Leng, the pace slowed down, small hands covered with red lips, eyes full of tears, heart five flavor Chen miscellaneous, very uncomfortable.

She is full of brain is leaf Wu lack to kill, how should do? What should I do? No, I have to go to my father and ask him for help.

It's like a dog's leg piercing at the next moment.

It was Zhen Zhizhuo's scream. It turned out that ye Wuqian didn't want to kill Zhen Zhizhuo, so he avoided Zhen Zhizhuo's vital point and hit his calf. The bullet penetrated through the calf muscle and was nailed to the road. The wound was filled with blood.

Because some things have not been solved, Zhen Zhizhuo can't die, and Zhen Zhizhuo doesn't need him to do it.

After hearing Zhen Zhizhuo's scream, Jiang Jingbai is shocked. He has no pity for Zhen Zhizhuo in his heart. Some are happy that ye Wuqian didn't kill Zhen Zhizhuo, so he doesn't have to take a lawsuit.

She put her heart down, ye Wuqian did not lose his mind. Although he did things too much, he was still measured.

"Zhen Zhizhuo, it's not that I dare not shoot, nor that I dare not kill you. To be honest, I will not have any disadvantage if I kill you, a bastard. Save your dog's life because some things have not been dealt with

Ye Wuqi looked at Zhen Zhizhuo's wound, shook his head and said, "tut Tut, Zhen Zhizhuo, your blood flow is a little fast. If you go on at this speed, it is estimated that you will die of excessive blood loss in a short time.

It's not like the last time. This time I didn't cheat you. I really would die. Do you want to live or die? "

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