Another "bang" sound, again a foot to come, but this time was blocked by Qu baiqiu, that foot did not kick Jinsheng.

"Sister in law, sister-in-law..." Although Jinsheng was OK this time, he was scared to death. He got up quickly and hid behind the Qu baiqiu.

"Boy, you go to tell you what the so-called eldest Ye Wuqian. I came to him specially this time. I'll wait here, do you know?" After finishing such a sentence, Wang Sheng looked at Qu baiqiu and said, "elder martial sister Qiubai, you are still so beautiful!"

"Shameless..." Although this sentence was uttered, Qu baiqiu's voice was very small, presumably the other party did not hear it.

"Jinsheng, let's go!" Even before the hot pot is finished, Qu baiqiu helplessly walks away with the help of Jinsheng.

People around came to point at them and seemed to be talking about something unpleasant.

"Well, are you all right?" Out of the door, Qu baiqiu said to Jinsheng, "do you feel uncomfortable?"

"Nothing, nothing..." Although his chest position hurt to death, but Jinsheng still managed to hold back the pain. He took a look at Qu baiqiu and said to her in a puzzled tone, "sister-in-law, who is that man? Why does he have a very hostile look with you and brother Wuwu?"

"Oh, nothing..." Qu baiqiu doesn't seem to want to say.

Jinsheng also no longer said anything, let Qu baiqiu hold himself.

"Ah, this girl..."

"Good It's beautiful, but who's the damned Matt around her

"It's really beautiful, but it's a pity that the pig has been forced to bow the cabbage..."

Hearing the sarcasm of the people around him, Jinsheng could feel that his lungs were going to explode, but he still resisted.

If I didn't get hurt now, I had to meet Zhenzhang with them.

The two continued to limp towards the outskirts of the snack street.

"Well, do you feel better?" At this time, both of them were tired of playing. Ye Wuqian came ashore. He just put one foot in the warm water and asked Zhang Yiyun, who was almost the same as himself, "if you don't think about so many worldly things, you won't feel lost."

Zhang Yiyun nodded. Although today is indeed relatively happy, and ye Wuqian said this sentence is also reasonable, but she always felt that there seems to be something missing.

"I don't know. What should I do next..." When talking about this, Zhang Yiyun specially looked back at Ye Wuqian: "if only I had an accident, it would have been nothing, but Meile and Xiaozhu were originally well intentioned to do things for me, but they were innocent involved. Don't you think I hurt them?"

"Don't think too much about it, sister Yun..." Seeing the other party's worried appearance, ye Wuqian directly said to her, "sister Meile and sister Xiaozhu, they are not unreasonable people, and they have such a good relationship with you, they will understand you!"

"Well, to say so, you have to think about it. The reputation of such a large Xingyao group may also be ruined by me." Speaking of this, Zhang Yiyun put his feet up. She slowly walked back a few steps, picked up the shoes and put them on: "if a decent vice president was once a prisoner with a bad reputation, it would have a great impact on the reputation of the whole company!"

Ye Wuxiang also got up and put on his shoes.

"It's not your fault..." Taking advantage of the other party just put on the shoes, ye Wuqian suddenly hugged her: "you can have the room to explain completely, and you have the right to clarify the whole public opinion and the media!"

"But no one else will listen!" Zhang Yiyun seems to be pessimistic: "even if I can explain it, the negative impact of this series of revelations and speculation has far exceeded the truth of the whole thing."

In fact, this matter is nothing. It may be because the fierce paparazzi forced Zhang Yiyun to this point.

"Do you want me to avenge you?" Seeing Zhang Yiyun's decadent appearance, ye Wuqian even laughed, totally heartless.

"Revenge? Who are you looking for Zhang Yiyun did not seem to understand what was going on. She quietly looked at the leaf in front of her, full of doubts.

"Zuo Mingding!" Ye Wuque seems to be a ready-made man in mind. He firmly identifies Zuo Mingding as the culprit of the whole incident.

Zhang Yiyun did not speak for a long time.

"If it's really him, what does he want to do..." Zhang Yiyun to now, still do not understand the other party's motives, she just quietly looking at Ye Wuqian, waiting for his answer.

"In public and private, he has to be like this!" At the same time, the leaf all of a sudden walked to another pine tree and pressed it with his hand. The tree trunk suddenly lit up and a balloon fell from the air!Ye Wuqi twisted the balloon off.

"Why give me this..." Zhang Yiyun didn't understand the reason why Ye gave this thing to himself. Looking at each other's face and staring at himself sincerely, Zhang Yiyun took over the balloon in his hand.

"This man's heart is like this balloon. Although it seems that there are a lot of things in it, it's bulging, but if you poke it gently with your hand, it will explode immediately, which proves that it is empty inside!" After saying a word, ye Wuque really used his sharp fingernails to break the balloon and startled Zhang Yiyun.

"Bang" after a sound, Zhang Yiyun is still staring at his own empty palm. Stupefied for a long time, she just reacted to come over and said to that leaf without lack: "no lack, what do you want to say?"

"I mean, he looks like a city-state, but in fact, it's no different from that of Pediatrics!" At the same time, ye Wuqian once again smiles and caresses Zhang Yiyun's smooth long hair with his hand, and whispers, "do you want to see it?"

Zhang Yiyun seems to have sensed what ye Wuqian wants to express. She nodded stupidly, but after a while, it seemed that she understood in an instant and immediately shook her head.

"I won't let you down!" Ye Wuque takes Zhang Yiyun's hand and starts to walk back in the direction of the contact.

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